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Major Gold Coins Conflict and Scam..

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Nov 25, 2012
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Apparently no one read my post so i'll say it again.

You cannot compare country vs. country in an economic means as it relates to a video game. Instead you should look at the disparities between gold usage between people that are playing the game. It is that simple. Everyone has rich and poor, but you have 14 year old kids dropping far more money on this game than i make in a week, and they are Brazilian.

If you want to make things fair, then the top tier should offer 15k gold likes the American's does at the reduced price. To get 3 times the gold at a 3/4 of the cost is grossly one sided and obviously unbalanced. With this kind of set-up there is a "rich vs. poor" system being set-up in the game. The rich being those that can cheaply afford gold, because lets face it, no matter what country you are in, if you are on a computer and have some free time your not broke/poor. If you want fair then buy 15k gold coin for 70+ dollars, because we have to spend $100 on it, or allow us to purchase 45k gold for $100 dollars. That my friends would be fair and balanced, at least in this college students opinion.

If this game is truly worried about fair and balanced, then look at the auction houses and potions. i cannot spend 10k + on potions because it takes me 3 hours to farm 20k. I cannot spend a bunch of money on Gold Coin's because I am just out of college and have many bills to pay. So where is my college student discount in the price for gold coins.

If you simply say that this game is fair the way it is, you need to come at this with more of an open mind and from a different perspective. Play this game with out Gold Coins for 2 weeks and then you will come to understand many of our frustrations. Its that simple, don't spend the money, don't buy the Gold Coin's and put yourself on 90% of the servers level. I'm fairly sure opinions will change.

To recap, please instead of looking outside the game to balance things, look inside the game. Balance things on the way current players are playing and spending gold coins, i believe this would be far more accurate. Also, truly balance the gold coin purchase price. Buying 3 times the gold coins for 3/4 of the price is grossly skewed in one direction.

Thank you if you actually took the time to read this


Active member
Nov 8, 2012
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Isn't easy for brazilians spend this kind of money.

With the monthly paycheck you need to pay bills, market, gas, food and a lot of things.

You need to think twice before giving money to something superfluous like a game.

But like someone said already, in every country there will be rich people, that can pay more and so on. There is people from another country that have infinite potions, you can notice that on a everyday war.


Sep 27, 2012
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to be honest i dont think the makers of this game (splitscreen) care much about the equality between gamers, as long as people still find it appropraite to spend money on the game..
they made the game for money anyway


Active member
Sep 27, 2012
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going by the "Big Mac Index" i play in india i should be able to buy it for the cheaper price then even the mexicans xD but nop i got to pay the same as anyone from the usa so ya lol messed i guess :D
Btw i started playing again in the europe 3 server :D


Oct 30, 2012
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stephsunn said:
to be honest i dont think the makers of this game (splitscreen) care much about the equality between gamers,

end of thread


New member
Jan 17, 2013
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It's obvious when you play the game that certain groups of people have distinct advantages. In the server that I'm playing in, there's a clan (hispanic, and I believe brazilian) where almost every member - even the lower leveled ones - have maxed out guns, dinos and tech. There's one level 20-21 player from that clan with everything maxed out, and yet 3-4 or more players from my clan cant take him on when he's alone because he uses prob 5 or more potions within a minute or less and that keeps happening nonstop and he ends up killing all of us even though with our combined power of 3-4 players we should be able to take him out without question. With the way that clan is going, one of two options has to be true: 1. the aforementioned price difference, where players from select countries such as brazil get a hugely unfair adcantage over other players, or 2. those players that I mentioned and other players like them are hacking like no tomorrow with no penalty from gm's or devs.

Either way you put it, you DS staff aren't doing your job here, if you were I don't think we'd see a clan or group of clans dictating everyone else in that server with nothing anybody can do to stop it. :confused:
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