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Apr 10, 2013
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with all the new DS updates, i've had time to dwell on things that i personally would greatly benefit the players!

  • - a player must reach a certain level to drain certain buildings. i think it'd be a good idea that the player would have to be at least the level of the surrounding mobs of a building to drain it. for example, level 10 to drain irwin/mason/parker, level 15 to drain aubrey/callan/drywood, level 20 to drain lancaster/riley/sully, and so on and so forth for goldfields and other spawns. the idea would be to stop the lower levels from hitting a building on accident, and to stop the sudden influx of alternate accounts!

    - the bank would have a different function. you could put in dino dollars, say 5k of them, and gain interest as it's kept in your savings. it would be a nice little way of saving money rather than always having to go out and hunt things when you need dino dollars.

    - rerelease of old skins. newer players miss a lot of cool skin releases, like for halloween and christmas and easter. i would love it if the skins released at these holidays were re-released to the skin store or available to make in the triforge for a while!

    - more GMs! in america 1 at least, it has become very rare for a GM to appear. if they do get on, i've noticed, it's late at night. what does this mean? there's been a lot more rule-breaking. and of course, it's reportable, but it shouldn't be there in the first place! the lack of GMs has given people the gall to constantly break the CoC without much punishment. when i've reported things, it's often taken days for support to answer, and in the meantime, the rulebreakers do even more!

    - a slightly higher drop rate! it's gotten harder for some things to drop, and i've heard players complaining about it. the rare items, such as level 20 sterilizer tinctures, can take hours to get. sometimes it takes days to get what you need to level because it gets so frustrating. it would be nice if the mobs dropped a little more often. skins and clothing items could apply to this too, especially with the triforge.

    -trading system! i've heard a lot of people wishing that there would be a way to trade skins and i wholeheartedly agree! lots of times, i'll be hunting and i'll get something a friend or clanmate needs. it would be amazing if you could just trade it to them! same for skins or fame or clothing. i just think a trading system would satisfy what i want in this game.

    - ability to block clan requests. it gets really annoying when you're officer of a clan and someone is just spamming requests to join the clan. friend requests can be blocked, and players can be ignored, so it just makes sense we should have the ability to block clan requests.

anyway, these ideas are just my opinion. it'd be nice to hear what you all think!
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