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Game Update August 25, 2020


Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
Reaction score

Game Update August 25, 2020

Between 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM UTC+2, the game servers will restart for an update to be deployed.

Update Changelog

  • The game news window will no longer mark all news articles as "new" (in a sense of being unread) for new players. Only news articles that are posted after a new player has signed up will be marked as "new" (in a sense of actually being newly created).
  • Each news article's posting time is now shown in your local time. If your forum account settings match your local time zone, posting times in the news window and in the forum should be identical.
  • News articles that have been posted in the same day or the day before have their posting date given as "today" or "yesterday", respectively.
  • Improved server-side threading to further increase overall game performance.
  • The window that pops up after logging in for users who chose not to verify their email address has been redesigned to stronger convey the benefit of verifying one's email address in order to increase security for the linked game account.

  • Fixed a bug that could lead to players being added to other players' friends lists without their explicit consent under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a brief rendering pause for players witnessing another player change their weapon. This brief pause would get increasingly longer with any dinosaur change of the acting player, so that eventually the rendering pause ("freeze") could take considerably longer.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the cooldown timing of any skill in the skillbar to display a faulty, unsteady progression. Cooldown would first appear to be progressing steadily and gradually, and then "jump" when reaching the remaining 10%. Now, the exact moment of the cooldown ending is clearly visible, requiring no more "button mashing" in order to trigger the skill as quickly as possible.


Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Update 18:00 UTC+2

A client-only update has been issued that fixes a few bugs related to the display of the skillbar. A server restart is not required; the next time you open the game, you will automatically receive the update.

  • Fixed a bug that led to global cooldown visuals not being displayed for skills that were in individual cooldown.
  • Fixed a bug with the above skill progression fix that would cause the exact moment a skill's cooldown was ending to be shortly after the skill icon was completely visible already. The timing has been adjusted to now match more precisely.