Good news, clan is sustaining and has all the previous members. I bielieve I haven't explained to you the system in our clan other than expulion. The reason I founded this clan because many times I saw people who wanted to help other peacefull people being taken down because people want to randomly attack innocent people, bielieve if we help these kind of people then we can defend lower level players. I will give you 1 such example,
1 player in our clan was being bullied by this level 22, near camp riley it was a brave lvl 17 against a lvl 22 and 16 too, so this member was terrorized and came to goldfields, when we asked him if he needed help,becaus he was a clan mate, he said he did but he did ot want to return there, then me,lvl 18,a lvl 15,19 and the lvl 19 went to riley and took the lvl 22 down, then his 2 friends came to help we had a hard time but we fought them off, since that day our clan has held the belief that " If the opponent is stronger than us (as in 1 of us) then we will call other clan members and as one hunt them down. Another belief in our clan is that we will try our complete best to help clan mates and bond together, whether it be quests, outlaws clims,triforge items or just advice or things like triforge combinations. That is what bounty hunters is all about. Hope you join