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#9 Developer Team & Plans for Dino Storm

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MX Power

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Nov 18, 2015
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Here is a list of things I would like to see in game:

[1] Removal of Random Critical Hits and Dodge, that occur without an attribute to trigger it, the only Random thing should be the ''MISS''.

[2] A slight improvement of all weapons that count on chance (Agility, Weapon Reflector, Shock, Freezer etc), so it can be more reliable and preferred options for use.

[3] The generation of the "SHOCK" by the Weapon called "Showstopper" should not be entitled to the usage of the "Extra Power", as it is relatively useless since it depletes usually (half-full) power bar of the shocked target, while depleting (full) power bar of the effect generator.

[4] Removal of the "SHOCK" effect done by the Ankylosaurus Bandits.

[5] Improvement of the Clan fame distribution method, considering that it should not take long, and not require players to jump from window to another a million times!

[6] Addition of new chats entitled to languages such as "Romanian" and "Russian" and most importantly Arabic since it is an official language in '25' different countries. You don't have to create an Arabic based language system for the game, only add the chat and let players speak there the way they already use.

[7] Fireworks on Auction House

[8] Rework of the Skills and its power effect for all old Weapons and Dinos, so that it matches the new ones in power, and remain relevant.

[9] A reduction of Supply Charge costs, so that everybody can afford it. (Capitalism : Less taxes percentage = more revenue as more people are more willing to pay) *wink wink*

[10] A reduction of the amount of Dino Dollars required for teleportation, so that players don't spend as much time trying to redeem their loses by hunting for Dino dollars.

[11] Junk items such as bones and meat should cost in market significantly better, so that players don't have to avoid picking it up for save their space for more worth items.

[12] Clan Relations options that disallow clans from attacking their Allies (unless they are friends with allow duel) and allow clans to attack their enemies and gain a duelist sign immediately without a confirmation window.

[13] The advanced Triforge that I have already suggested. >>> https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=21190

[14] Destruction of the claws implant and its attribute. Seriously, the attribute is still bugged that players with protection still see people attacking them through it, hunting with it make more mobs attack you and beat you, so what's the point? perhaps replacing the attribute with a brand new one would be a better option.

[15] Jump attacks should not stop the battlecry effect "Flee in Terror".

[16] Further improvement of the drop rate chance of upgrade items that max level players seek, since they can not gain multiple drop like players in lower level does.

[17] More achievements based on all the new additions that oddly have not been considered yet.

Maybe I'll write more later, that's all for now

Best Regards,



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Aug 2, 2016
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-Olympos of Death-
i'm sure none of this will be taken into consideration, but oh well! i wanted to just get my thoughts out here where maybe someone will read them.

- PLEASE do something about missions and leveling your ranger. this is one of my biggest problems with the game. it takes so long to grind out the missions to get to the next level, especially when you hit 45+. i don't have the time to spend 8+ hours doing the same 3 or 4 quests for little exp to try to get to the next level, especially when you have to dedicate hours to hunting and waiting for your upgrades to finish on top of it. it is INCREDIBLY tedious, especially when your server is at war and you want to be helping your clan, but you're not max level and don't have the time to get to full 55. at the very least, let us buy levels or something. questing now is just way too much.

- that being said, i feel like this game tries too hard to offer both pve and pvp. the style of dinostorm skews it to pvp way more, and pve is severely lacking. your pve options are basically limited to hunting mobs or doing quests. other mmos are like this, but the big difference is that you're not doing the same quests over and over and over. their pve styles also include group events like big bosses randomly spawning (which usually give very good loot) as well as dungeons or raids. if ds wants to have better pve aspects, maybe something similar to dungeons could be looked into. for example, perhaps there could be certain missions that offer more exp and better loot (maybe high quality clothes and skins? gold coins? large amounts of dd?) like hunting a boss bandit in a unique map or something. that would give more options to players who prefer pve over pvp.

- as other people have said, TRADING! this would make upgrading a lot easier. you could put certain parts in a marketplace for people to buy with their dd. people selling items make a profit, and it takes less time to gather all the items you need, especially when you need gems for dinos/guns/etc.

- something that i think about a lot is how fun the old maps were. they had places to hide and it was a lot more fun in war, because you were a lot less limited in movement. it was also easier to get back to where you died, whereas now you have to walk a long way if you have no dd to get to a close spawn. and as some others mentioned, it would be really nice to have the cost for teleportation reduced further. it costs 3k dd to get from dd to mulligan for me at level 47. yikes.

- bring back the x4 drops for gems! i know this was removed because it was a "bug" but it was a really awful fix and it takes so long to get the gems you need. i can spend a couple hours hunting and get 2 or 3 gems at most. it is, once again, very very tedious and a bit of a detriment.

overall, this game needs a lot of quality of life fixes. while i don't expect things to be made to be super easy, there's a lot that could be done that would make certain aspects of the game feel more like a game rather than a chore. i don't expect anyone to read this and really agree with my criticisms but i do hope someone takes them into consideration. dinostorm is a very unique game and if the devs listened more to the playerbase it could improve a lot.


Nov 8, 2019
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Ok so the game is dying and u guys are not anything, this game could be one the best games out there but u guys just get blinded by the money that's all like stop listening to rich people only they know nothing, ain't here to criticize anybody but ...
ok so my ideas is 1 idea that would make this game alive is pvp ranks like some people already said i think we need a leadboard for everything with some good rawards u know free to play ppl would be excited for this add skins gold etc for rawards.
so I keep looking that u guys just keep adding fredx and all of that stuff just useless makes this game look like it's pay2win which shouldn't be like that i mean eh..
there should be also a world boss that gives cool rawards for players it like spawns in 1 map every once a day maybe and like it has 1B hp lol but it's worth it every like player in the server would go to kill it so everybody gets rawards or u can make it is as a new event i guess.
u should also investigate with ur GMs like u can't be serious that gms just there to ban people like A Gm should make jokes with players and have fun not just to come online say hey in chat and not get a single replay, like for real guys GM's ok should be liked from all players in the server but instead ..change GM''s
going back to the pvp ranks add arena where everybody who wants to participate in the pvp ranks system has to go there and like u can't team up with ur clan against others just all vs all pure skills and u can like add health packs or all of that on the ground so like u get double points for killing a player 2times without dying or whatever this is all creative ideas but u guys just ugh..
anyway ..

Edy V. Ice

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Nov 16, 2016
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Infested Roses


Jan 3, 2020
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The amount of grind in this game is EXCESSIVE. By the time one reaches lvl 25 it requires players to spend several hours just to upgrade your dino/weapon. I am pretty sure that is the main reason most people abandon the game. As if that was not enough, at higher levels one is required to farm 100+ items that are stored in the inventory in stacks of 25, seriously increase the size of the stacks. Also, when players are completing missions for an specific npc they should be able to choose which missions they want to complete since some missions are just extremely tedious (scort missions) I really hope you guys take into consideration all the feedback, because I'm not the only one complaining about the grind.


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Dec 17, 2018
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This game is stagnant, the updates are just Maps, levels and items. There are a huge number of players who have achieved rex, who are selling their accounts. The cycle between leveling and conquering rex needs to be changed. In my opinion what ds need.
1- Flying dinosaur (Pterodactyl)
2- Aquatic map
3- More competitiveness. (Alliances made the game peaceful)
4- Arena for battle
5- More positions with achievements to stimulate players' interest


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Dec 5, 2015
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Pvp combat is in utmost need of fixing, as it is one of the core features of the game. Now pvp is only effective with only one gun(gattling) out of the six, and only 2 or 3 dinos which have the stun ability. So i think that other guns and dinos need some love(some type of buff or tweaks in their skills), some of them are pretty much useless unless you are hunting. For example t. rex and carno became ridiculously weak compared to how they were. Parasaurolophus, burning colt, hammer are pretty much only used for fun, nothing else. The fact that only some dinos/gun are powerful and the predominance of gun damage over dino damage means, that only one playstyle is viable, which is ranged combat. In my opinion players should have the choice to decide between close and ranged fights depending on their preference. After all the game is called Dino storm, not Gun storm.

Some implants and techs also need a buff or rework, because they are literally never used. Cold, shock, claws or agility(which can be useful sometimes, but weak) are good examples.

Furthermore there are some issues with delay after pressing the attack button or spacebar. It sometimes takes 3-4 seconds until the ranger starts shooting(or the dino attacking), which can be pretty frustrating and a significant disadvantage in combat. And it's not even consistent, so one time it's 1 second, the other time it's 3. This hasn't been an problem before, just came with the last updates.

Also an idea for a new power gel, Loot amplifier: using 1 means 10% chance to get double loot from animals, using 2 means 20%, using 3 of them means 30%. It doesn't have to be these exact numbers though.

Some type of clan ally system would be nice too, so effects like the gattling's bleed only affect players from the enemy side.


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Jun 6, 2014
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Hello, here are suggestions for the future update:

1- Update data from the dinosaur dictionary, weapons manual, implants and technologies;

2- Update the game's splash screen to include Anky and improve the look of dinos;

3- Remove "Clan vs Clan" warnings when opponents are members of the same clan;

4- Improve the translation of the game, for example in Portuguese the pumpkins of the halloween event are named “pepper”, and this has been happening for years!;

5- Adding discord and steam compatibility can be a good idea for the gamer community;

6- Add the option to choose between a larger or smaller size of the menu interface (such as missions in progress, dino dollars, profile ...) - The mini map gets small in bigger qualities of the game;

7- Option to confirm purchase in flash deals and event stores to avoid accidental loss of coins;

8- Reopen the maps and enlarge them, as hunting gameplay is demanding a larger space and the single path map is tedious for most players;

9- Add choice of musical theme option, being able to choose the classic and one or two new musical themes for the maps, battles and opening of the game:

Another possibility is to create a specific musical theme for each map

10- Visual effects suitable for freezing and shock;

11- Clan booster for new attributes that have been released and new design for them;

12- Removing mission enemies that are close to travel gates and removing gangs that are entirely rabid, this makes gameplay and item search difficult;

13- Update casino items, increase the level and modify the options, prioritizing skins;

14- Reduce the damage of veteran bandits from areas like 35, where the damage is adapted for players with 4 implants, but players start looking for items in that area at level 31 or 32, but will only have 4 implants at level 35, when they will be hunting in area 38;

15- Remove or reduce the drop of female items for male characters, as well as the possible impediment to purchase in lightning offers or express warnings that this item cannot be used, preventing loss of coins as occurred with players who purchased the item "earrings";

16- option to retrieve items sold in the market within 3 minutes after the sale, avoiding the sale of necessary or collectible items such as skins:

The time can be increased to half an hour and charged a recovery fee in dino dollars.

- MagicK -

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Oct 29, 2019
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.Bruce Wayne.
Knights Of Darkness
Olá! Sou um jogador de Dino Storm desde sua época em BETA e tenho idéias com na qual acredito que tragam ótimos resultados para a empresa, jogadores e para o jogo em si!

1- Bom, como muitos com quem já conversei dentre o jogo, sempre, mas sempre falaram que seria uma ótima ideia o jogo trazer climas como dia, noite, chuvoso, tempestades e etc... Fazendo assim com que o jogo ganhe mais vida, iluminações, coisas simples que fariam o jogo gostoso de jogar!

2- Trazer sempre que possível, dinossauros novos, itens novos, armas, tecnologias, implantes, peles, roupas, sempre algo novo, não só nível e mapa!

3- Criar um sistema de Trade(Troca) entre jogadores dentro do jogo, onde os mesmos possam dar Dino Dólares caso queiram, itens e etc... (Menos itens Exclusivos)

4- Acredito que não é necessário fazer com que o jogo passe de um certo lvl como 75 ou 80 assim com o World Of Warcraft - Um MMO RPG muito bem reconhecido e de grande importância no cenário dos jogos de Mundo Aberto! Oque deve ser feito é coisas para serem feitas nesse nível e não estar sempre aumentando níveis e níveis pois uma hora cansa de ficar sempre upando, fora o preço e quantidade de itens e Dino Dólares que terá que aumentar para melhorar os Dinossauros, armas e etc..

5- Criar Dungeons e lugares para guerra e Dominação durante tanto tempo, como sistema de Pontos de Honra onde esses mesmos poderão ser trocados por outros itens como roupas, peles e etc...

6- Criar Facções dentro do jogo, com na qual o player poderá se juntar para representar, pois os clãs são algo que existe dentro das facções para ajudar e defender as mesmas! Com mapas para fazer a guerra entre as facções e a facção vencedora tenha chance de dropar algum item raro!(Dinossauro, Arma, Tecnologia, Implantes, peles, roupas etc...)

7- Criar missões diferentes, pois ficar sempre repetindo e repetindo as mesmas missões é algo tedioso e indicio de que o jogo não possui muito investimento! Pois oque prende os jogadores também são as missões! E ficar sempre na mesmice faz na verdade com que os jogadores desistam de jogar por estar sempre na mesma coisa!

8- Adicionar mais interações com personagens de dentro do jogo, como compra de itens e etc...

9- Criar um sistema de aliança entre clãs, onde somente os líderes poderão executar de líder para líder! Fazendo com que os clãs aliados, os jogadores que façam parte dessa aliança fiquem com os nomes da cor Azul Turquesa! Pois é algo que não foi visto(Acredito) dentre os jogos de MMO RPG, então seria algo inovador também para os MMO!

10- Criar mais cargos dentro da prefeitura, porém sempre manter o Xerife como o último cargo e o REX também como o Dinossauro principal do jogo!(Pois seria injusto com quem joga a tempos e demorou para o conquistar)!

11- Criar dinossauros raros, como dinossauros ou armas, tecnologias implantes, peles, roupas com atributos exclusivos e etc... que terão % de chance de dropar em Dungeons para um dos jogadores que esteve ali!

12- Criar mais cidades, adicionar mais lugares de mercado no jogo! Adicionar um local com venda de roupas, peles e etc... Que sejam por Dino Dólares(O Preço vocês decidem aí)!

13- Dinossauros, Armas, Tecnologias, Implantes e etc... que só podem ser comprados, como algo VIP(Porém sempre balanceado, para que o jogo não se torne Pay To Win)!

14- Fazer com que as roupas do jogo só possam ser equipadas de acordo com o nível, ou seja, roupa lvl 45, só vai poder usar no lvl 45!

15- Tirar esse balanceamento de lvl! Acredito que aquele que está no lvl máximo do jogo ou qualquer lvl que seja avançado, tenha que dar sim seu dano BRUTO em outros jogadores ou Bichos! Como um cara do lvl 55, matar um bixo do lvl 20 com 1 a 3 tiros, pois ele é 25 níveis superior ao mesmo! Valorizando assim o nível do jogador e todo seu esforço para chegar naquele nível, motivando os mesmos a sempre querer ficar forte!

16- Fazer com que os membros de um clã dominante de um certo mapa, possa dar Teleporte de graça nos portais daquele mapa, pois se os Portais são desse tal clã, não faz sentido com que os membros tenham que pagar para dar Teleporte!

17- Criar mais skills para Dinossauros, armas, colocar alguma skill como chamamos de Especial que só possa ser ativado a cada 2 minutos por exemplo e etc...

18- Mapas maiores, com mais bichos, adicionar animais, como vacas, galinhas, peixes e etc... para deixar o jogo mais VIVO!

19- Colocar Rangers andando pelas estradas, para deixar o jogo mais interessante de se jogar! Criar os fortes, fortalezas, cidades e etc... Desses rangers com suas populações!

20- Criar mais prefeituras, dessas tais novas cidades, fazendo assim com que o player possa decidir em qual cidade se tornará Xerife! Reduzindo também a quantidades de pedras para comprar Dinossauros, Armas, Tecnologias e etc... De acordo com o cargo que o jogador está! Por exemplo, jogador sem cargo vai comprar um dino lvl 10, custe 35 Rubi! o de cargo Ranger, custe 33 e assim por diante!

21- Liberar a compra de Dinossauros/Armas/Implantes/Tecnologias e etc... de qualquer lvl abaixo do nível respectivo ao do Jogador! Por exemplo, jogador lvl 55 possa comprar um dino lvl 10 ou lvl 5 de qualquer outro lvl abaixo do dele e etc...

Essas são algumas de minhas ideias e de alguns jogadores com na qual já conversei sobre e acredito que tornariam o jogo 1000 vezes melhor do que já é!

- MagicK -

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Oct 29, 2019
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.Bruce Wayne.
Knights Of Darkness
Hello! I've been a Dino Storm player since his time in BETA and I have ideas that I believe will bring great results for the company, players and the game itself!

1- Well, like many with whom I have talked within the game, always, but always said that it would be a great idea for the game to bring climates such as day, night, rainy, storms and etc ... Making the game more alive , lighting, simple things that would make the game enjoyable to play!

2- Bring, whenever possible, new dinosaurs, new items, weapons, technologies, implants, skins, clothes, always something new, not just level and map!

3- Create a Trade system between players within the game, where they can give Dino Dollars if they want, items and etc ... (Less exclusive items)

4- I believe that it is not necessary to make the game pass a certain level like 75 or 80 like World Of Warcraft - A very well recognized and very important RPG MMO in the scenario of Open World games! What should be done is things to be done at that level and not always increasing levels and levels because one hour gets tired of always upping, apart from the price and quantity of items and Dino Dollars that will have to increase to improve the Dinosaurs, weapons and etc. ..

5- Create Dungeons and places for war and Domination for so long, as a system of Honor Points where they can be exchanged for other items such as clothes, furs and etc ...

6- Create Factions within the game, with which the player can join to represent, as clans are something that exists within factions to help and defend them! With maps to make war between the factions and the winning faction have a chance to drop some rare item! (Dinosaur, Weapon, Technology, Implants, skins, clothes etc ...)

7- Create different missions, because to keep repeating and repeating the same missions is a tedious thing and an indication that the game does not have much investment! Because what holds the players are also the missions! And always being on the same page actually causes players to give up playing because they are always on the same page!

8- Add more interactions with characters from within the game, such as purchasing items and etc ...

9- Create an alliance system between clans, where only leaders can run from leader to leader! Making the allied clans, the players that are part of this alliance keep the names of the color Turquoise Blue! Because it is something that has not been seen (I believe) among MMO RPG games, so it would be something innovative for MMO too!

10- Create more positions within the prefecture, but always keep the Sheriff as the last position and REX also as the main Dinosaur of the game!

11- Create rare dinosaurs, such as dinosaurs or weapons, implant technologies, skins, clothes with exclusive attributes and etc ... that will have a% chance of dropping in Dungeons for one of the players who was there!

12- Create more cities, add more market places in the game! Add a place selling clothes, furs and etc ... That are for Dino Dollars (The price you decide there)!

13- Dinosaurs, Weapons, Technologies, Implants and etc ... that can only be purchased, as something VIP (but always balanced, so that the game does not become Pay To Win)!

14- Make sure that the clothes in the game can only be equipped according to the level, that is, lvl 45 clothing, you will only be able to use it on lvl 45!

15- Take this lvl balance off! I believe that whoever is at the maximum level of the game or any level that is advanced, will have to give his GROSS damage to other players or Critters! As a guy from Lvl 55, kill a junk from Lvl 20 with 1 to 3 shots, as he is 25 levels higher than the same! Thus valuing the level of the player and all his effort to reach that level, motivating them to always want to stay strong!

16- Make sure that the members of a dominant clan of a certain map can Teleport for free on the portals of that map, because if the Portals belong to that clan, it does not make sense that members have to pay to give Teleport!

17- Create more skills for Dinosaurs, weapons, put some skill as we call Special that can only be activated every 2 minutes for example and etc ...

18- Larger maps, with more animals, add animals, like cows, chickens, fish and etc ... to make the game more LIVE!

19- Put Rangers walking on the roads, to make the game more interesting to play! Create forts, fortresses, cities and etc ... Of these rangers with their populations!

20- Create more city halls, from these new cities, so that the player can decide which city to become Sheriff! Also reducing the amount of stones to buy Dinosaurs, Weapons, Technologies and etc ... According to the position the player is in! For example, player without charge will buy a lvl 10 dino, cost 35 Ruby! the one for cargo Ranger, costs 33 and so on!

21- Release the purchase of Dinosaurs / Weapons / Implants / Technologies and etc ... of any level below the respective level of the Player! For example, player lvl 55 can buy a dino lvl 10 or lvl 5 from any other lvl below his and etc ...

These are some of my ideas and some of the players I've talked to and I believe they would make the game 1000 times better than it already is!


Jan 22, 2020
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Hi, I'm a Dino Storm player and I bring some ideas that can bring the hype back to the dino storm, we are tired of the big update, accompanied by a new map and new level, this is not innovative or the game, it's just complementing something already used, players who need innovation, something that can make the game more competitive, some ideas that developed over time were: New upload followed by an exclusive reward (The Giganotossaurus), like this with the current upload (Sheriff). We are tired of terrestrial dinosaurs, bring us a different dinosaur, a flying dinosaur wouldn't be bad! Here is a list of dinosaur vendors: Pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus, Dimorfodonte, among others. Add in-game exchange mechanics, seriously innovative! Trade my skin with a friend's item would be something that is still driven by the in-game market and as entertainment for players, players who use exclusive items, items that no other player can easily obtain, so add clothes, skins, even DINOSAURS RARE! Imagine how the game would be more challenging and with more goals than Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Sheriff, another cool idea like ARMATURES FOR DINOSAURS, so considered at the beginning of the game, but it was never so sensational! These weapons selected with different levels of classification as COMMON ARMATURE LEGENDARY ARMATURE have better and smaller characteristics that interfere with the performance of the dinosaurs. These are my suggestions.


Nov 6, 2019
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Main Char
- A.r.i.z.o.n.a -
Well, I have some ideas that may be the same as those of several people who have already responded to the topic, like:
1- (For me the most important thing, because has happened sooo many times) Apply an confirmation with things that involve our gold, because it's so expensive, and sometimes we just want to change our clothes and we ended up renovating something we didn't want to!!
2- The same confirmation principle, but for things we sell like skins. How many times one of us sell an rare or newly made skin for accident?
3- The old maps. As an 55lvl I have a great idea of what it is like to have difficulty hunting for DDs, when with teleportation Dinoville-Maujak we spent almost 5k.
4- T-REX. I don't know what you guys did, but rex is so weak!!! And, come on, it's the hardest dino to get and with an stun and like 3 shots it's at the ground, forcing us to use the same dinosaurs COELO and PACHY.
5- New events, new things at our old events. A few years ago, you guys did things that captivated players to do the few events that DS have, like new clothes, skins with codes, new events (hello ankylosaur, the 5 years birthday event, etc).
6- We are tired of updating being only for new maps and new levels, many people stop playing because leveling up takes a long time, dino storm has a lot of capacity, but you should use this ability to keep players interested, and not send them away with updates that we didn't wanted to.
7 and last - Do you guys remember the TRAVELING TRADER EVENT? oh yeah, at the first year, we had so many options to buy with stones!!! CLOTHES QUALITY 10 now it's just for those people who have MUCH gold, please remember that DS it's not just for the rich ones.
Thank you :)


New member
Jan 23, 2020
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NAM said:
Well, I have some ideas that may be the same as those of several people who have already responded to the topic, like:
1- (For me the most important thing, because has happened sooo many times) Apply an confirmation with things that involve our gold, because it's so expensive, and sometimes we just want to change our clothes and we ended up renovating something we didn't want to!!
2- The same confirmation principle, but for things we sell like skins. How many times one of us sell an rare or newly made skin for accident?
3- The old maps. As an 55lvl I have a great idea of what it is like to have difficulty hunting for DDs, when with teleportation Dinoville-Maujak we spent almost 5k.
4- T-REX. I don't know what you guys did, but rex is so weak!!! And, come on, it's the hardest dino to get and with an stun and like 3 shots it's at the ground, forcing us to use the same dinosaurs COELO and PACHY.
5- New events, new things at our old events. A few years ago, you guys did things that captivated players to do the few events that DS have, like new clothes, skins with codes, new events (hello ankylosaur, the 5 years birthday event, etc).
6- We are tired of updating being only for new maps and new levels, many people stop playing because leveling up takes a long time, dino storm has a lot of capacity, but you should use this ability to keep players interested, and not send them away with updates that we didn't wanted to.
7 and last - Do you guys remember the TRAVELING TRADER EVENT? oh yeah, at the first year, we had so many options to buy with stones!!! CLOTHES QUALITY 10 now it's just for those people who have MUCH gold, please remember that DS it's not just for the rich ones.
Thank you :)
:D :mrgreen:


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Dec 6, 2012
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Rework Para's abilities, the dino would be used with its all around stats if the abilities did anything useful.


Dec 29, 2019
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Strike Force
We need this pvp rework fast!!


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Oct 12, 2019
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-Bounty Hunters-
Hello? News? We need this update !!!, the pvp is horrible, full of bugs and imbalance between the equipment, some implants and techs practically don't even work, rex is very weak, delay in firing when starting to attack and after stun, 6 different weapons in the game and everyone uses the same, "gatling" because it is so OP, pls give us some News!!!!!!. :( :oops:


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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Hello, I hope you are aware of the suggestions from the community, if you do not listen to them, the game will drop more than it already is, it is better that your next update is worth at least and prevent more people from leaving.
Without further delay, I leave you my suggestions:

1- Correct the errors that my colleagues have mentioned, there are some that I do not know, but apparently they do not sound good

2- Create some type of market or product exchange with the same players (be it items, power-ups, minerals, etc.), previously they had said that the market is a difficult problem due to the levels, but this would not be a problem if at level 25 or 30 it is unlocked, since for those levels 1k and 10k dds is small (to avoid problems, limit spending or purchase to have a good balance and other players do not take advantage of this).
If a market between players is not possible, another option would be a market with npc that sells the items mentioned above.

3 - Do some kind of daily missions or challenges, where a mission asks you to: Hunt 5 bandits, Obtain 3 minerals, Spend 3k dds on objects among others, and that the prizes for completing them are varied: 50k DDs, Powerups, Skins, coins etc.

4 - There is one thing that can have potential in Ds (I don't know if they wanted to implement it at first or not XD), and that is the energy of our dinosaurs, that is, it is a type of feature like Pirate Galaxy (collecting energy), our dinosaur could have an energy bar that allows it to attack with more force, among a small percentage the dinosaur will be lazy and will have problems when fighting, and to avoid this we would have to fill the bar, such as drinking water from wells, eating plants (with herbivores ) Eating meat from the brontops, among other XD without or with animations would be interesting for me, the idea would change PvP a lot.

5 - Reopen the maps of Goldfields, Mokon Forest and Green Volcano, all this because they had a better movement system and directions to other places to hide.

6 - The events that are currently carried out, are repetitive, lack variety, they also include even the missions, especially the charges, they decrease their time, sometimes it takes 20 minutes to complete them.

7 - When hunting and obtaining minerals, it is also necessary that they give x2, x3 and x4, seriously, in an hour you can obtain 7-11 minerals, the truth is exhausting and boring at times, regarding plants, fossils, meat that animals give, I don't like at all that they give little DD, you can't get any of that.

8 - Another idea that could serve in the protection of portals, we could have some types of turrets or clones, with a capacity of 10 or 15, but with a level or rank of 25, the reason would be mainly the low level of having a opportunity and be valuable to clans.

9 - I know that perhaps creating dinosaurs or improving them according to you is complicated, but everything is little by little, at least it brings new creatures to hunt, be they birds, Andrewsarchus, prehistoric crocodiles, mammoths, etc. the important thing is that the game has variety and that it really feels alive, also another idea would be to have your own pet, yes, it sounds strange XD but it would be great to have a smilodon by your side XD

10 - DO NOT IMPLEMENT ANY NEW MAP FOR THIS YEAR, first focus on the core, on the players, then they will launch the offer and you know XD, first the essentials and then they will bring out a new map, but it will also DECREASE the items to improve dinosaurs and weapons , this is very boring and tedious the truth, this would be a reason why people leave, but anyway, I wait and read this and can "merge something I said" xD
I wish you the best of luck :)


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2013
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Main Char
It would be cool if talent points system gets introduced in DS. In the talent points window, players can invest their talent points in several attributes like :-
1> Increased dino damage (Requires x number of talent points for each upgrade, and the increase will be y % per level)
2> Increased weapon damage (Requires x number of talent points for each upgrade, and the increase will be y % per level)
3? Sell loot anywhere/Peddler Attribute (Requires15x number of talent points)
and so on..
The talent points could be rewarded after levelling up ranger.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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OrionZG said:
Hello, I hope you are aware of the suggestions from the community, if you do not listen to them, the game will drop more than it already is, it is better that your next update is worth at least and prevent more people from leaving.
Without further delay, I leave you my suggestions:

1- Correct the errors that my colleagues have mentioned, there are some that I do not know, but apparently they do not sound good

2- Create some type of market or product exchange with the same players (be it items, power-ups, minerals, etc.), previously they had said that the market is a difficult problem due to the levels, but this would not be a problem if at level 25 or 30 it is unlocked, since for those levels 1k and 10k dds is small (to avoid problems, limit spending or purchase to have a good balance and other players do not take advantage of this).
If a market between players is not possible, another option would be a market with npc that sells the items mentioned above.

3 - Do some kind of daily missions or challenges, where a mission asks you to: Hunt 5 bandits, Obtain 3 minerals, Spend 3k dds on objects among others, and that the prizes for completing them are varied: 50k DDs, Powerups, Skins, coins etc.

4 - There is one thing that can have potential in Ds (I don't know if they wanted to implement it at first or not XD), and that is the energy of our dinosaurs, that is, it is a type of feature like Pirate Galaxy (collecting energy), our dinosaur could have an energy bar that allows it to attack with more force, among a small percentage the dinosaur will be lazy and will have problems when fighting, and to avoid this we would have to fill the bar, such as drinking water from wells, eating plants (with herbivores ) Eating meat from the brontops, among other XD without or with animations would be interesting for me, the idea would change PvP a lot.

5 - Reopen the maps of Goldfields, Mokon Forest and Green Volcano, all this because they had a better movement system and directions to other places to hide.

6 - The events that are currently carried out, are repetitive, lack variety, they also include even the missions, especially the charges, they decrease their time, sometimes it takes 20 minutes to complete them.

7 - When hunting and obtaining minerals, it is also necessary that they give x2, x3 and x4, seriously, in an hour you can obtain 7-11 minerals, the truth is exhausting and boring at times, regarding plants, fossils, meat that animals give, I don't like at all that they give little DD, you can't get any of that.

8 - Another idea that could serve in the protection of portals, we could have some types of turrets or clones, with a capacity of 10 or 15, but with a level or rank of 25, the reason would be mainly the low level of having a opportunity and be valuable to clans.

9 - I know that perhaps creating dinosaurs or improving them according to you is complicated, but everything is little by little, at least it brings new creatures to hunt, be they birds, Andrewsarchus, indricotheriums, deinotheriums, glyptodons, chalicotheriums :) prehistoric crocodiles, mammoths, etc. the important thing is that the game has variety and that it really feels alive, also another idea would be to have your own pet, yes, it sounds strange XD but it would be great to have a smilodon by your side XD

10 - DO NOT IMPLEMENT ANY NEW MAP FOR THIS YEAR, first focus on the core, on the players, then they will launch the offer and you know XD, first the essentials and then they will bring out a new map, but it will also DECREASE the items to improve dinosaurs and weapons , this is very boring and tedious the truth, this would be a reason why people leave, but anyway, I wait and read this and can "merge something I said" xD
I wish you the best of luck :)


Apr 1, 2020
Reaction score
TriniX18 said:
I've been playing this game since Beta till now

I would like to see additional and changes in game so i'll put list down there
1.Bring back daily reward spins
2.Bring back like old times maps there many ways to go
3.Adding 5th slots implant and tech
4.Adding growth dino, it's been same since 20 level
5.VIP Membership to access 15% recuded gold cions for supplies, boosters etc
6.Skins on weapon
7.Players auction selling items or clothes by their decision the price
8.Leaderboard players rank for most killing animals, killing players etc DAY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY and getting reward the range from top 1 to top 10
9.Daily mission
10.Adding new map
11.Arena fighting against boss
12. Clothes rare from Common to exotic
13. Gems on clothes for additional attributes
14.Recuded the price for increase warehouse or inventory room
15.Adding more details in Settings e.g more options for graphics, sounds etc

Thank you for listening and I'll adding more things in later when i getting more ideas ^_^
Para mi punto de vitsa estas ideas son las que aran renacer el juego


Active member
Oct 12, 2019
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-Bounty Hunters-
just balancing dino and weapons to have more options in battles and fixing the bugs you have in pvp, the game will be perfect :D :mrgreen:
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