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#9 Developer Team & Plans for Dino Storm

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Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Hiho fellow dino rangers

We are finally preparing an update for next week that brings important parts of the techstack migration to the live servers of Dino Storm. In the last few weeks we also updated the launcher and the game clients to resolve several issues that had made it difficult for us to understand and resolve client crashes as well as other issues players could encounter when playing the game. We recommend installing the new client and game launcher installer to benefit from all optimizations.

With the migration we are also able to optimize server performance so that some of the lags players had endured so far will not be as noticeable anymore and way shorter if and when they occur. We have been testing and optimizing this on a server of our other game “Pirate Galaxy” on a daily basis since last week to find the sweet spot for the best performance. When we see that the server logs show improvements we will roll this out for all Dino Storm servers. :geek:

Many of you might already know that we have more games than just Dino Storm that we are working on. But we never actually introduced our small team and how we manage working on multiple games at the same time. In 2016 we wrote a Dev Shack article (The Development Team #02) to our Pirate Galaxy game community to explain to them why we had not updated the game for quite some time, since we had been working on the big and important Dino Storm update that introduced lots of changes and the Coldclaw Valley region. (The Dev Shack #05 – A Long, Long List of Changes & The Dev Shack #06 - BIG Update Part II)

Back then we decided that we could not work simultaneously on more than one game at any given time for big feature or content updates, since that would reduce the focus and quality we could put into it. We are a team of 6 developers who have several tasks at hand that are not just game development. Everything that is needed to run a company and offer support to the community is done by us. So we are lucky to have fellow game masters and testers that help us out where they can in their free time.

Now, let me give you a development status update. Currently we are working on content and feature updates for Pirate Galaxy, but we already have plans for a Dino Storm update that will follow up next. It will focus on overall gameplay improvements based on feedback from you, our community. When we have more details on the adjustments that we are planning, we will share them here with you.

Let us know what you think! :)

Google's translation bad? Community translations of this changelog will get linked here (author's name included)!


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Jan 10, 2016
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Mesozoic Masters
will you fix the gatling bug and the stun bug in this update?

Edy V. Ice

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Nov 16, 2016
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Edy V. Ice
Infested Roses

With this new Dev Shack we may exchange items with other players?

Or can you give clan deposit accumulated DD to clan players? as the clan is at the maximum level, it would be useful to use the DD that is standing in the deposit.

Will dinosaurs have any improvement? so that they become more used.


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Oct 25, 2018
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Hi.vcs could fix the bug of the clothes, when the fame bonus comes and we wear the clothes, and if we leave the game and come back, some of our clothes are worn out, it's very annoying to spend clothes without us used at the time of the bonus, and the game could have an option to trade items with other players, such as skins, stones, clothes, or even buy from other players with dino dollares, so the game would be more fun.

Sin of Wrath

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Oct 12, 2019
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I would like to see more dinosaur models at higher levels. It's boring to have the evolution process stop at level 20 and it would nice to see bigger and more spikier dinos at higher levels. I know that this would take a very long time to implement in the game, but I think that it would be a nice addition to the game.


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Oct 12, 2019
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-Bounty Hunters-
I'm very happy to hear that this gameplay-focused update is coming, I've been playing for years and some of the issues currently in the game are as follows:

1- The stun bug that after the stun time is over the ranger takes 2 seconds to react, and the delay at the beginning of the attack is 2 seconds in a PvP.

2- techs and implants without utilities, the tech of "cold", "focus" and claw implantation, practically do not work

3- Gattling OP compared to other weapons, this making 98℅ of players use the same weapon. It would be a great nerf or an improvement in the skills of other weapons.

4- The main fun is the clan wars, but it's a bit tedious for the delay in draining a portal, and the PvP besieged with 70℅ luck and 30% skill.

5- Game animals and players who "dodge" without using implants or any other item that contains agility.

6- The shots do not let the player "brake" left the dino that should be the best for its difficulty in acquiring very vulnerable (Rex), this making the majority abandon and opt for a dino containing "stun".


Feb 18, 2019
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La verdad e visto a lo largo del tiempo como buenos juegos se estancan y no logran mantener a los jugadores en el luego de varias actualizaciones, el problema mas grande que e visto en este juego es la cantidad exesiva de tiempo que se necesita para mejorar un simple componente, si la cazeria fuera un poco mas dinamica con mini misiones: mata a X cantidad de smilodones y te dan una 10 toxinas por ejemplo o con mas loot sin tener que ir a cazar a zonas de niveles super altos para obtener apenas el doble de materiales, eso por un lado, por el otro lo que muchos creo que pediran que es el intercambio de objetos ya sea con un jugador especifico o mediante una nueva tienda en la que pongas a vender objetos por una cantidad de dino dolares. El cambio de mapas no me gusto para nada se volvieron literal un laberinto de un solo sentido, almenos pongan un solo camino que vaya directo a la entrada del siguiente para no tener que recorrer a pie todo el mapa para solo salir. Por ultimo podrian enfocarse en sacar mejores aspectos para los dinosaurios o inclusive tener pets que te ayuden en el pve.

In English

The truth and seen over time as good games stagnate and fail to keep players in the after several updates, the biggest problem seen in this game is the excessive amount of time needed to improve a game. Simple component, if the hunt was a little more dynamic with mini missions: kill X amount of smilodones and they give you a 10 toxins for example or with more loot without having to go hunting in areas of super high levels to get just double of materials, that on the one hand, on the other, what many people think they would ask for is the exchange of objects either with a specific player or through a new store where you sell objects for a dollar amount. I didn't like the change of maps at all, a one-way maze became literal, at least put a single path that goes directly to the entrance of the next one so you don't have to walk the entire map on foot to just leave. Finally they could focus on getting better aspects for dinosaurs or even have pets that help you in the pve


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Mar 22, 2013
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Will V-Sync be integerated into DS as well with this update ? That would help in making the game more smooth on Good GPU.

Coco Chanel

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Oct 13, 2019
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The quality of the game is terrific through the launcher compared trough the website.


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Dec 12, 2012
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Pontos a serem analisados!
1- Grito de guerra T-REX Não dura 8 segundos e "Faz com que vários alvos a distância média fujam em terror" Não faz sentido o dinossauro estar fugindo com terror e usar habilidade para voltar ao seu oponente atordoando o mesmo, na minha opinião ao estar fugindo em terror durante 8 segundos deveria ser bloqueado qualquer habilidades dos dinossauros.
2- Pinpoint stun VS aturdido da arma gattling, mesmo alcance do stun sendo maior que do aturdido de qualquer dinossauro, após ser stunado o jogador ainda consegue atordoar seu oponente.
3- Atributos de penetração absurdos “apenas uma roupa de penetração faz efeito absurdo”, Tecnologia de penetração, consegue penetrar o implante de armadura sendo usado no ankylossauros que contem armadura, "penetra em qualquer quantidade de armadura"
4- Alcance e foco, pacificador arma de longo alcance com pouquíssima diferença em alcance em relação as demais armas, armas com enorme frequências e alto "foco". Grande taxa de tiros e uma boa mira nunca estão juntos.
5-Jogadores com mesma quantidade de pontos de alcance, más na batalha um consegue atirar más longe que o outro.
6- Ao começar atacar um jogador, demora começar a atirar.
7- Arma martelo não está fazendo efeito na habilidade de penetração.
8- Arma pacificador não está fazendo efeito na habilidade “Raio de canhão > Porcentagem de acerto aumenta temporariamente”
9- “Limite de dano “A maioria das habilidades ao acertar danos críticos dobram o dano, más algumas não, observo na minha arma pacificador nível 55, ao dar um dano critico com habilidade raio de canhão o dano é aumentado, más não dobrado. Por quê limite no dano?
10- Proporção absurda das tecnologias, pacificador nível 55 contem 10,500 de dano, uma gattling tem aproximadamente 4,000, a diferença chega a dobrar no valor. Más quando equipada a tecnologia de dano a pacificador passa para 21,000 e a gattling para 14,500 assim a diferença já ficou totalmente diferente, não é? Então vamos falar da frequência, a gattling tem atualmente 3,500 de frequência, a pacificador contem aproximadamente 300 após ser equipada tecnologia de frequência de 1,000 em ambas, a gattling ficara com 4,500 e a pacificador com aproximadamente 1,400 chegando a ser o “triplo” e absurdamente exagerada frequência. “SEM FALAR NA DIFERENÇA ABSURDA DAS HABILIDADES EXTRAS DA GATTLING, ESPINGARDA YAGER E SHOWSTOPPER COMPARADAS COM AS DEMAIS ARMAS”
11- Diferença absurda das habilidades extras da gattling, espingarda yager, showstopper comparadas com as demais armas. Na minha opinião as habilidades das demais armas deveriam ser reformadas.
12- Uma arvore de habilidades onde pudéssemos distribuir pontos nos atributos desejados, pontos conseguimos de alguma forma interessante no jogo. https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=228&t=19380
13- Reforma na maneira de obter portais e minas, fossem atribuídos pontos de vitalidade na torre, ao invés de % porcentagem nos suprimentos, torres equipadas com armas para defesa própria, jogadores destruiriam as torres com ataques diretos das suas armas, as batalhas por fama ficariam mais emocionantes e chamativas. “podem ser atribuídas novas opções no clã para melhorar as torres do clã, onde aumentaria o dano, vitalidade da arma de defesa do seu portal ou mina” https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=228&t=20249
14- Surgimento de dinossauros monstruosos programados para nascer de alguma maneira interessante analisada pelos desenvolvedores, com recompensas novas e interessantes como por exemplo grande quantidade de Dino-dólar, roupas, ou até mesmo uma pequena quantidade de moedas de ouro. “levando em consideração que o dino storm tem pouca opção para obter moedas de ouro grátis pois cada missão oferece uma quantidade imperceptível.
15- Booster de clã 5% é uma quantidade imperceptível!
16- Leilão, alguns itens no leilão são oferecidos em baixa quantidade, não é proporcional a quantidade de tempo de rotação de cada leilão.
17- Cassino, desatualizado, não oferecem roupas com nível compatível aos níveis atuais.
18- Cassino premium, nova opção para lances com moedas de ouro, com itens novas sempre renovando a cada mês.
19- Nova forma de obter qualidade maior nas roupas, este upgrade poderia ser pago com Dino-dólar ou qualquer outra maneira viável que os mestres do jogo possam imaginar “isso não tiraria o triforje de cena, ainda sim continuaria funcionando para obter novos modelos de peças de roupas”
20- Novas modalidades de PVP com hanking e premiação.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
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Mesozoic Masters
Can you reconsidered put old maps again? like was explained here: https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=21256


Oct 14, 2019
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Hello, in Dino Storm the hunting mechanic and everything in the game of hunting we do the Dino Dolares, of hunting we make the items to level only that after the maximum level (55) the hunting mechanics is very difficult. Could you developers improve this mechanic or ... Create a "VIP at DINO STORM STORE" that was temporary that we players would buy and could hunt with DROP x4 items even though it was at lvl (55) that would be profitable for you who profit from DINO STORM and it would be good for us DINO STORM players.

Another thing, tyrannosaurus rex dino is in trouble and he is not as it should. Tyrannosaurus rex is very weak before the other dino, is dying very fast against pachycephalossaurus, against coelophiysis, he can't stand a deadlock and already dies I think tyrannosaurus rex is the dino that everyone who plays dino storm wants so I think he should be superior to the other dino in the game. I understand that your team is not big anymore I hope you notice this comment why a lot of people are failing to play with tyrannosaurus rex because it is weak before the other dinos

:cool: X-.JONATHA.-X :cool:


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Nov 3, 2016
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I- NoLimitsArg -I
-Supreme Resistance-
Hola. Seguramente cuando hablan de ''update'' se deben estar refiriendo a algun nuevo mapa y niveles. Yo creo que deberian prestar atencion lo antes posibles al ''BALANCE'' de los dinosaurios, se supone que el cargo ''SHERIFF'' es el logro principal del juego que todos quieren obtener para asi poder tener su T-Rex. Desde la ultima update Febrero-Marzo lamentablemente el T-Rex es el dinosaurio más debil dentro del juego, ya que los Pachycepalosauros-Coelophysis y Centrosauros lo derrotan muy facilmente ya que estos dinosaurios mencionados con anterioridad tienen un ''bug'' en el la skill ''STUN'' ya que te pueden paralizar desde cualquier cercania posible, ejemplo, el pachy incluso estando debajo del Rex puede paralizar, como eso?. Es por eso que hoy en dia la mayoria de rangers solo usa Pachycepalosaurus, incluso teniendo el T-Rex, todos obtan por elegir este ultimo.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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DalekRaptor said:
will you fix the gatling bug and the stun bug in this update?
if there is a bug, then the upcoming update would be a good way to fix it. Feel free to send a bug report in the support system.

Madara Uchiha said:
1. With this new Dev Shack we may exchange items with other players?
Or can you give clan deposit accumulated DD to clan players? as the clan is at the maximum level, it would be useful to use the DD that is standing in the deposit.
2. Will dinosaurs have any improvement? so that they become more used.

1. No that is not planned at the moment since trading is a tricky thing since for a level 1 player 1000 Dino dollar is a lot compared to a high level player.

2. This depends on the other changes we plan if they can changed or not.

Enix said:
Will V-Sync be integerated into DS as well with this update ? That would help in making the game more smooth on Good GPU.
The last update from 15.10 should have improved the peformance for dinostorm. V-sync is already enabled per default in the game.

DalekRaptor said:
Can you reconsidered put old maps again? like was explained here: https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=21256
We might open up the maps again, but that is not yet decided in the team. It must fit to the rest of the changes we have planned.

Great to see all your feedback regarding our plan to improve the overall gameplay of dinostorm. Keep it flowing as we see already a lot of stuff we might combine into our plans for the update. :)


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Mar 22, 2013
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Please correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that was the FPS Limit and not V-Sync which is enabled by default in game. The limit caps the fps to 60 (I.e., the game can run on any fps below or equal to 60) but vsync forces the gpu to run the game at constant 60 fps without even a single frame drop.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Yes the game is capped to max ~60fps but v-sync is enabled as well to avoid image tearing when the framerate goes below 60fps. If you have a weaker system you can disable vsync in your video card driver to avoid frame steps from 60 => 30 => 15 .. fps. But you will get tearing lines if you do so.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Mesozoic Masters
Highway said:
DalekRaptor said:
will you fix the gatling bug and the stun bug in this update?
if there is a bug, then the upcoming update would be a good way to fix it. Feel free to send a bug report in the support system.

Madara Uchiha said:
1. With this new Dev Shack we may exchange items with other players?
Or can you give clan deposit accumulated DD to clan players? as the clan is at the maximum level, it would be useful to use the DD that is standing in the deposit.
2. Will dinosaurs have any improvement? so that they become more used.

1. No that is not planned at the moment since trading is a tricky thing since for a level 1 player 1000 Dino dollar is a lot compared to a high level player.

2. This depends on the other changes we plan if they can changed or not.

Enix said:
Will V-Sync be integerated into DS as well with this update ? That would help in making the game more smooth on Good GPU.
The last update from 15.10 should have improved the peformance for dinostorm. V-sync is already enabled per default in the game.

DalekRaptor said:
Can you reconsidered put old maps again? like was explained here: https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=21256
We might open up the maps again, but that is not yet decided in the team. It must fit to the rest of the changes we have planned.

Great to see all your feedback regarding our plan to improve the overall gameplay of dinostorm. Keep it flowing as we see already a lot of stuff we might combine into our plans for the update. :)
I already reported those bugs in the support but there isn't an answer, and i think others player did that too, even here in the forum for example Forceline: https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=20780&p=50048#p50043 with this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKmDw0DDKmk and Persus: https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=20780&p=50048#p50043

Then, what we need to do? report again in the support or just wait you fix it?

I still think the stun bug was a consecuence when you fixed this https://forum.dinostorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=238&t=20550&start=40#p49507 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=803wH-k6ziM&feature=youtu.be

And well looks like the gatling was always with bug, because it can shot their extras in all his range, when they are supposed to work in low range as is said in the atack's description


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Dec 12, 2012
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Será possível acrescentar opções para trocar conjuntos inteiros de roupas, todos de uma vez. Três opções de decks, o jogador adiciona as roupas com os atributos que desejar nas três opções podendo troca-las a qualquer momento rapidamente.

Edy V. Ice

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Nov 16, 2016
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Edy V. Ice
Infested Roses

What is the probability of adding 2 new items, they being

1 Daily Missions
2 New event types


Jan 30, 2019
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I really hope you would remove ''Range'' tech from the game, it'd really fix the gameplay, people would actually have fun playing different techniques instead of just spamming gatling and vios.. dinos would vary alot and the gameplay would overall be better, close range fights were always the fun in this game, with introducing that range tech it became just typical fights, stunning dino and gatling with range and vios, spam damage cloth and nothing else, everyone does that, it's so boring.. you can make a vote about removing or keeping it, i think the majorty would want it removed


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Oct 16, 2015
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BeefBurger said:
I really hope you would remove ''Range'' tech from the game, it'd really fix the gameplay, people would actually have fun playing different techniques instead of just spamming gatling and vios.. dinos would vary alot and the gameplay would overall be better, close range fights were always the fun in this game, with introducing that range tech it became just typical fights, stunning dino and gatling with range and vios, spam damage cloth and nothing else, everyone does that, it's so boring.. you can make a vote about removing or keeping it, i think the majorty would want it removed
Range tech is basic tech in the game and it can't be removed. From my point of view it's better to change back range of range tech.


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Feb 28, 2018
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_The Revolution_
vai ter codigo promoçional? :mrgreen:


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Sep 12, 2019
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Trading system.

You don't necessarily have to trade currency as there is a huge gap as to what lv 10 needs versus a lv 30, items alone would be good.

Gear, materials, even the useless drops like ribcages and clawtips.

The gear attributes are adjusted to your ranger level, so even if a lv 25 received lv 55 gear, they wouldn't be OP. Fame does not matter all that much as you can't get to Governator and past on your own.

Materials would be extremely useful; upgrading can get very tedious especially if your items are more than 2 levels behind. Receiving simple commons at a higher level than yours can help you make money for the upgrades.

This would be useful for people quitting the game, too. They would be able to give out or raffle their items to users rather than have them rot in their account.

This is a weird one but disabling/enabling your DS+. The reason my items (dino, gun) are behind my ranger level is because doing quests to unlock an item, I went from lv 23 to lv 26 in 2 days.


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Oct 27, 2019
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I've been playing this game since Beta till now

I would like to see additional and changes in game so i'll put list down there
1.Bring back daily reward spins
2.Bring back like old times maps there many ways to go
3.Adding 5th slots implant and tech
4.Adding growth dino, it's been same since 20 level
5.VIP Membership to access 15% recuded gold cions for supplies, boosters etc
6.Skins on weapon
7.Players auction selling items or clothes by their decision the price
8.Leaderboard players rank for most killing animals, killing players etc DAY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY and getting reward the range from top 1 to top 10
9.Daily mission
10.Adding new map
11.Arena fighting against boss
12. Clothes rare from Common to exotic
13. Gems on clothes for additional attributes
14.Recuded the price for increase warehouse or inventory room
15.Adding more details in Settings e.g more options for graphics, sounds etc

Thank you for listening and I'll adding more things in later when i getting more ideas ^_^


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Oct 16, 2015
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TriniX18 said:
I've been playing this game since Beta till now

I would like to see additional and changes in game so i'll put list down there
1.Bring back daily reward spins
2.Bring back like old times maps there many ways to go
3.Adding 5th slots implant and tech
4.Adding growth dino, it's been same since 20 level
5.VIP Membership to access 15% recuded gold cions for supplies, boosters etc
6.Skins on weapon
7.Players auction selling items or clothes by their decision the price
8.Leaderboard players rank for most killing animals, killing players etc DAY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY and getting reward the range from top 1 to top 10
9.Daily mission
10.Adding new map
11.Arena fighting against boss
12. Clothes rare from Common to exotic
13. Gems on clothes for additional attributes
14.Recuded the price for increase warehouse or inventory room
15.Adding more details in Settings e.g more options for graphics, sounds etc

Thank you for listening and I'll adding more things in later when i getting more ideas ^_^
From my point of view these ideas are nice.
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