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Oct 22, 2021
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DS devs, are you trying to run your supporters or attract new players? What is the current update about the travel portals? I am a returning player and I already feel like leaving the game probably permanently....Please take my stupid advice and fix this. I genuinely like this game because of wars, now I am limited to what I attack and when to attack. Apart from the things I hate with the wars, I do commend you guys for altering the other things like acquiring more dino dollars from the unnecessary loot, etc. Please bring back the old portal system where we are allowed to drain what we desire. Don't destroy a perfect game from the constant updates.


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Feb 20, 2023
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DS devs, are you trying to run your supporters or attract new players? What is the current update about the travel portals? I am a returning player and I already feel like leaving the game probably permanently....Please take my stupid advice and fix this. I genuinely like this game because of wars, now I am limited to what I attack and when to attack. Apart from the things I hate with the wars, I do commend you guys for altering the other things like acquiring more dino dollars from the unnecessary loot, etc. Please bring back the old portal system where we are allowed to drain what we desire. Don't destroy a perfect game from the constant updates.
So that alliances can dominate servers again favoring their friends over others and they end up killing game in a different way by stopping others and new players to play. Sounds a good plan 💀 not.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
DS devs, are you trying to run your supporters or attract new players? What is the current update about the travel portals? I am a returning player and I already feel like leaving the game probably permanently....Please take my stupid advice and fix this. I genuinely like this game because of wars, now I am limited to what I attack and when to attack. Apart from the things I hate with the wars, I do commend you guys for altering the other things like acquiring more dino dollars from the unnecessary loot, etc. Please bring back the old portal system where we are allowed to drain what we desire. Don't destroy a perfect game from the constant updates.
i can understand your frustration with the new travel gate system and can agree on one of the things which should be focused on is atracting new players into the game however despite a few flaws in the new system which need a bit of polishing of which a large portion should get fixed up tomorow its still a lot better then the old one but ofcourse ill try to explain why as someone who played around during both of them on both sides now

the old system in a nutshell: while it allowed for long and possibly entertaining battles thats also where it ended it was extremely costly both in dd and especialy gold thx to supply charges and profit was literaly zero in a scenarion where two equaly powerful clans fought battles would be multiple hours long and gates would either never die or give no rewards at all so while some might find them fun it was like an endless chore for everyone sooner or later and neither side would get anything out of it besides a headache and very costly entertainement and that is an an equal force scenarion in a scenario where one side is clearly stronger then the other it was hopeless to fight since you had zero chance to cause real damage you would never take a gate outside of very early morning when there werent as many people and even then it was not worth what you got out of it i dont know about other people but i always only faught and still do for my own benefit and profit and i can tell right away spending 11 hours a day fighting losing houndreds of thousands of dds so that the clan and not me gets a few medals is not a profitable thing so compared to now the old system was unrewarding very demanding and resource intense and after some time very unfun for me atleast it was too much effort for small or no rewards at all so i believe the new system is better and with the new update should get as close to fun as it can while also keeping the rewards for both sides if sucesful worthwhile while not getting into the too demanding zone and so i end my reply i am also yet to partake in large scale battle in the new system but for small scale skirmish its pretty good


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Jan 28, 2021
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So that alliances can dominate servers again favoring their friends over others and they end up killing game in a different way by stopping others and new players to play. Sounds a good plan 💀 not.
The clans who have the buildings now, also dominate the maps^^ So the new system did not solve that problem.


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May 20, 2016
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i can understand your frustration with the new travel gate system and can agree on one of the things which should be focused on is atracting new players into the game however despite a few flaws in the new system which need a bit of polishing of which a large portion should get fixed up tomorow its still a lot better then the old one but ofcourse ill try to explain why as someone who played around during both of them on both sides now

the old system in a nutshell: while it allowed for long and possibly entertaining battles thats also where it ended it was extremely costly both in dd and especialy gold thx to supply charges and profit was literaly zero in a scenarion where two equaly powerful clans fought battles would be multiple hours long and gates would either never die or give no rewards at all so while some might find them fun it was like an endless chore for everyone sooner or later and neither side would get anything out of it besides a headache and very costly entertainement and that is an an equal force scenarion in a scenario where one side is clearly stronger then the other it was hopeless to fight since you had zero chance to cause real damage you would never take a gate outside of very early morning when there werent as many people and even then it was not worth what you got out of it i dont know about other people but i always only faught and still do for my own benefit and profit and i can tell right away spending 11 hours a day fighting losing houndreds of thousands of dds so that the clan and not me gets a few medals is not a profitable thing so compared to now the old system was unrewarding very demanding and resource intense and after some time very unfun for me atleast it was too much effort for small or no rewards at all so i believe the new system is better and with the new update should get as close to fun as it can while also keeping the rewards for both sides if sucesful worthwhile while not getting into the too demanding zone and so i end my reply i am also yet to partake in large scale battle in the new system but for small scale skirmish its pretty good
What if we could have like a combination of both type of wars?... Like, based on a parameter such as current scenario of a server or time, the gate mechanism shifts between gates that can be attacked anytime by anyone and to the current mechanism? For example, for some no of weeks, the old mechanism will be implemented where clans will have to gather all of their strength and resources and engage in wars and the strongest side will win and defend the gates from attackers 24 hours and in the other hand, when the mechanism switches based on a particular parameter, it will be like how it is now, any clan or alliance will have a chance of gaining fame from gates. lol

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
What if we could have like a combination of both type of wars?... Like, based on a parameter such as current scenario of a server or time, the gate mechanism shifts between gates that can be attacked anytime by anyone and to the current mechanism? For example, for some no of weeks, the old mechanism will be implemented where clans will have to gather all of their strength and resources and engage in wars and the strongest side will win and defend the gates from attackers 24 hours and in the other hand, when the mechanism switches based on a particular parameter, it will be like how it is now, any clan or alliance will have a chance of gaining fame from gates. lol
i get where your trying to go with that ofcourse on technical mater it might be hard to achieve but ill ignore that for simplicitys sake here and go straight to what you said if it did went to gates being possible to be attacked all the time a few things need to be answear like

1. how would fame generation work
2. how would capturing work would they be invulnerable for a while or could they just straight up be attacked again and on that note when can fame be colected from it right now its either when its recently claimed or after the phase
3. if it was very similar to the old system in like how long it takes to capture the gates or more of like curently in which case im like asuming they could be attacked right away after reclaiming them how would someone get fame from it and well make it worth the hastle in the first place

like for the third point im imagining like a situation when theres a big war and gates are dying left and right whos gona get fame out of it since they wont instantly pop up fame like they do now at the start of the phase so it would need to be made over time and lets ignore how yealds would work for simplicitys sake im worried it would be the same unrewarding system like before where clans spend many hours and tons of resources fighting for what? 5K fame? thats just no worth the effort atleast that is what i would say if someone called me for such a kind of war the old system while fun to some was just an endless sinkhole of resources for garbage rewards to be completely honest here so im like worried people might not see an incentive to engage in wars you desire with such rewards or more of how would you as a clan leader get your players to log and fight you can no longer force them into it with elections since they dont lose fame over time which was an amazing change no one dare to sugest to change that
so like its an interesting idea but a lot of details and things would need to be figured out first to make it worthwhile and exciting if it was to happen in the first place

also through all of this i was asuming your a fan of the large scale long wars and not one of the cry baby night attackers that complain they no longer can avoid fighting enemies by attacking when their sleeping which they still kind of can then to those i want to ask if your trying to avoid fighting your enemies directly so much why do you fight at all? since i atleast saw a few attackers complain they can no longer "tacticaly attack" or something but when i read those feedbacks its just people complaining they actualy have to fight someone now instead of avoiding it completely which is kinda radicilous to me and atleast i dont understand it


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May 20, 2016
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It could be like just how the old mechanism worked or a few improvements can be made too,
Answers :
1. Just like how it used to work before, yields are set on a random basis and fame is produced over time
( Subjected to improvements )
2. Capturing would be like before, taking over the site will mean that it is now the attacker's site and it can be attacked again by other clans instantly, but ur concern was for the prolonged wars that benefit none, for this, and to replace Supply Charges, we could have a fixed cost of DD required to attack a site and sites that have upgradeable hp that requires DD for upgrading or a system where the DD cost of attacking a site is variable, for example, more recently taken over sites could have a higher DD cost for attacking and in due time, the cost reduces till preferrably zero over time. So, we could have sites producing fame items over the time held by the site owners. ( Subjected to improvements )
3. The answer to this question is included in the 2nd point.

The reason I bring this to discussion is because, every server seems to have a different scenario, like in EU2, there is almost no fighting ig, and in Asia, its pretty stable but players arent in big numbers and it changes ( I'm in Asia ), people here only swap gates. So, by introducing this mechanism, we could provide players varied gameplay according to their situation or by time. And to reply to ur last paragraph, I dont stay awake till early morning to steal gates but it is not wrong for them to think that way too. Because, a fun part of the old site mechanism was that, there could be ambushes, sudden drains, sudden bullying, etc. you could attack or get attacked anytime, that could be a pro as well as a con, it had more freedom. So, looking at all this, we can arrive at better solutions. The fixed phases have their own pros and cons. And yes, an individual or a small group of players could find it hard to find benefit from fighting big alliances but even before these updates and gold ores, an individual player from my server was able to win governor from just daily fame. The ores are also helpful, so people can also farm that in both mechanisms.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
It could be like just how the old mechanism worked or a few improvements can be made too,
Answers :
1. Just like how it used to work before, yields are set on a random basis and fame is produced over time
( Subjected to improvements )
2. Capturing would be like before, taking over the site will mean that it is now the attacker's site and it can be attacked again by other clans instantly, but ur concern was for the prolonged wars that benefit none, for this, and to replace Supply Charges, we could have a fixed cost of DD required to attack a site and sites that have upgradeable hp that requires DD for upgrading or a system where the DD cost of attacking a site is variable, for example, more recently taken over sites could have a higher DD cost for attacking and in due time, the cost reduces till preferrably zero over time. So, we could have sites producing fame items over the time held by the site owners. ( Subjected to improvements )
3. The answer to this question is included in the 2nd point.

The reason I bring this to discussion is because, every server seems to have a different scenario, like in EU2, there is almost no fighting ig, and in Asia, its pretty stable but players arent in big numbers and it changes ( I'm in Asia ), people here only swap gates. So, by introducing this mechanism, we could provide players varied gameplay according to their situation or by time. And to reply to ur last paragraph, I dont stay awake till early morning to steal gates but it is not wrong for them to think that way too. Because, a fun part of the old site mechanism was that, there could be ambushes, sudden drains, sudden bullying, etc. you could attack or get attacked anytime, that could be a pro as well as a con, it had more freedom. So, looking at all this, we can arrive at better solutions. The fixed phases have their own pros and cons. And yes, an individual or a small group of players could find it hard to find benefit from fighting big alliances but even before these updates and gold ores, an individual player from my server was able to win governor from just daily fame. The ores are also helpful, so people can also farm that in both mechanisms.
Your answears are quiet good i supose still i fear for lack of rewards in an active battle scenarion but outside of it i supose it could work i personaly prefer the phases but thats just because as i mentioned before i fight for profit and not entertainment

As for your second point someone did already suggest dd requirements to attack a site in the past for the curent system i wouldnt mind that becoming a reality but im not sure if that wouldnt take the hole in peoples walets that the old wars made and increase it exponentialy it was already dd intense so that would be my one concern with it there

Im from eu1 myself and here while some fighting is present the difference in power is too great for a large war but theres few smaller skirmishes and raids and Yes you can win things Like governor with daily fame its gona take ages i got to know since i also did it but atleast on active servers elections are expensive and if you want that t Rex you got to win more then a governor either several asistents and deputys or even a marshal and thats milions of fame here for either option

And for the last part Like i can somewhat get the suden drains or something but its not really an ambush the second you attack your GPS location is already in the discord of the clan you attacked still i can get while some people are mad that they no longer have a full on choice when to attack but there are phases Like the 1am one which is when many night attacks would normaly happen anyway so your get some action during attack at that time too but personaly on eu1 the last phase something sometimes happens is 11 am after that nothing really does attackers are not capable of fighting their enemy when its on-line on my server so they just dont and i mean i dont blame them for it why go into a battle you know is lost however i dont want them to have insane advantages since 10 people should not beat 30 thats kinda imposible and radicilous

And now finaly one last thing i think we should wait and see how the new system coming in few hours does in prolonging fights now that defense is possible we both might end up satisfied with the system since if site defense is possible it means theres stuff that can be fought over for longer and thus making longer wars while not as long as before it might still somewhat satisfy the old long wars fans not to mention potentialy make pvp dino roaster more diverse then Rex pachy anky/brachy so i would wait and see how the changes perform on live servers it might even fix the site swaping on your server when its possible to defend those gates


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May 20, 2016
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Your answears are quiet good i supose still i fear for lack of rewards in an active battle scenarion but outside of it i supose it could work i personaly prefer the phases but thats just because as i mentioned before i fight for profit and not entertainment

As for your second point someone did already suggest dd requirements to attack a site in the past for the curent system i wouldnt mind that becoming a reality but im not sure if that wouldnt take the hole in peoples walets that the old wars made and increase it exponentialy it was already dd intense so that would be my one concern with it there

Im from eu1 myself and here while some fighting is present the difference in power is too great for a large war but theres few smaller skirmishes and raids and Yes you can win things Like governor with daily fame its gona take ages i got to know since i also did it but atleast on active servers elections are expensive and if you want that t Rex you got to win more then a governor either several asistents and deputys or even a marshal and thats milions of fame here for either option

And for the last part Like i can somewhat get the suden drains or something but its not really an ambush the second you attack your GPS location is already in the discord of the clan you attacked still i can get while some people are mad that they no longer have a full on choice when to attack but there are phases Like the 1am one which is when many night attacks would normaly happen anyway so your get some action during attack at that time too but personaly on eu1 the last phase something sometimes happens is 11 am after that nothing really does attackers are not capable of fighting their enemy when its on-line on my server so they just dont and i mean i dont blame them for it why go into a battle you know is lost however i dont want them to have insane advantages since 10 people should not beat 30 thats kinda imposible and radicilous

And now finaly one last thing i think we should wait and see how the new system coming in few hours does in prolonging fights now that defense is possible we both might end up satisfied with the system since if site defense is possible it means theres stuff that can be fought over for longer and thus making longer wars while not as long as before it might still somewhat satisfy the old long wars fans not to mention potentialy make pvp dino roaster more diverse then Rex pachy anky/brachy so i would wait and see how the changes perform on live servers it might even fix the site swaping on your server when its possible to defend those gates
I'm yet to test out the new update but I guess it would still be less interesting with the buffs and stuffs but we'll see, and the guy who won gov also participated in pvp, took gates on his own, etc and he had a million plus for that gov, so I believe, even if we have the old mechanism with some features that are here now like Gold Ores, it would be easier than before for an individual to win elecs. I'm in my own clan fighting in my server.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
I'm yet to test out the new update but I guess it would still be less interesting with the buffs and stuffs but we'll see, and the guy who won gov also participated in pvp, took gates on his own, etc and he had a million plus for that gov, so I believe, even if we have the old mechanism with some features that are here now like Gold Ores, it would be easier than before for an individual to win elecs. I'm in my own clan fighting in my server.
well i am basicaly yet to see it in action myself too as attackers on my server did not make any attacks while i was on yet as for the buffs they shouldnt change much if its one clan vs the other clan since they should counter each other out anyway also for the gov guy well ok i guess but there is one more thing which needs be asked which is how long did it take him to get that fame if he spend 2 months getting it then hes gona spend a very long time doing it mining gold is good way even for solo players but chances are your get freekilled for it which makes it very hard since at any point you can be interupted and since the ai is cracked unless you have very pve oriented stuff on your gona die im curently a defender myself but i was attacker some time ago be it not by choice i was freekilled for mining gold so lets say i had a bit of a grudge and may or may not still have it towards those who freekilled me i aint gona elaborate more on that


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May 20, 2016
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well i am basicaly yet to see it in action myself too as attackers on my server did not make any attacks while i was on yet as for the buffs they shouldnt change much if its one clan vs the other clan since they should counter each other out anyway also for the gov guy well ok i guess but there is one more thing which needs be asked which is how long did it take him to get that fame if he spend 2 months getting it then hes gona spend a very long time doing it mining gold is good way even for solo players but chances are your get freekilled for it which makes it very hard since at any point you can be interupted and since the ai is cracked unless you have very pve oriented stuff on your gona die im curently a defender myself but i was attacker some time ago be it not by choice i was freekilled for mining gold so lets say i had a bit of a grudge and may or may not still have it towards those who freekilled me i aint gona elaborate more on that
Have u tried this update? this one feels more dragging and boring for me, the buffs make a simple fight that should end within mins feel like a war... I get that its supposed to be helpful for drainers and it could be at sometimes but when defenders are more, they can easily swap a gate at any time, even as an individual attacker, I feel the phases boring.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Have u tried this update? this one feels more dragging and boring for me, the buffs make a simple fight that should end within mins feel like a war... I get that its supposed to be helpful for drainers and it could be at sometimes but when defenders are more, they can easily swap a gate at any time, even as an individual attacker, I feel the phases boring.
well it should feel more draged out before the fight was over within 15 minutes i did try it myself and some fights can indeed last very long mainly when there are not enough defenders but i dont think its the updates fault its because attackers changed tactics atleast on my server now they all come togethere for one or two gates instead of like six so their all in one spot and as such if were not all there either and in higher number they wont die fast but thats how it should be really ofcourse i cant really kill attackers on a gate thats not mine but that was around even before this most recent update so i think the reason for why a single fight feels so long atleast on my server is because all the attackers are there so it basicaly is war

and as for the other half i mean yeah they could swap gates i dont see these on my server though but it would just reduce gate fame gain for both attackers and defenders thats about it and yeah as an individual attacker your now weakened you need a atleast 5 players group for max drain and as i mentioned like 5 times now on my server all attackers joined one clan and attack all togethere and boy do they fight back hard and defenders and those that dont take buff die like flies ever since the update droped atleast on my server fighting increased a lot before phases were empty with no attackers now even the 8pm one is full out war scenario and the other smaller changes it brough like dodge counter and better stability are rather nice


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May 20, 2016
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well it should feel more draged out before the fight was over within 15 minutes i did try it myself and some fights can indeed last very long mainly when there are not enough defenders but i dont think its the updates fault its because attackers changed tactics atleast on my server now they all come togethere for one or two gates instead of like six so their all in one spot and as such if were not all there either and in higher number they wont die fast but thats how it should be really ofcourse i cant really kill attackers on a gate thats not mine but that was around even before this most recent update so i think the reason for why a single fight feels so long atleast on my server is because all the attackers are there so it basicaly is war

and as for the other half i mean yeah they could swap gates i dont see these on my server though but it would just reduce gate fame gain for both attackers and defenders thats about it and yeah as an individual attacker your now weakened you need a atleast 5 players group for max drain and as i mentioned like 5 times now on my server all attackers joined one clan and attack all togethere and boy do they fight back hard and defenders and those that dont take buff die like flies ever since the update droped atleast on my server fighting increased a lot before phases were empty with no attackers now even the 8pm one is full out war scenario and the other smaller changes it brough like dodge counter and better stability are rather nice
This case isn't applicable for Asia, and even then, a war from the old mechanism felt more interesting than this one, and if attackers stay in one place defending 2 or 3 sites, thats prone to happen because of the update's mechanism, I genuinely feel change is necessary... If you felt the old mechanism too dragging, thats because it happened in all five maps, with all gates, with many people, with different strategies and tactics and so it took long wars and it was not bad at all. In all honesty, I like wars and the ones that are wide-spread and are uncertain. In a server like Asia that is active one day and inactive the other, the new mechanism brings boredom to players that participate in the phases. If you say Eu1 is more active in these wars, don't you feel even a bit bored when u're attacking players with buffs or when u spend a lot more time in taking over a gate?