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Sheriff rank not special anymore


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Mar 7, 2024
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you have destroyed the meaning of the position "sheriff", there is simply no reason to have that position anymore, a monument is not attractive, it does not bring rewards and it is not worth having a sheriff simply because of the monument, exclusive clothes and skins for sheriffs are a shit, they're not attractive and they don't justify the effort it takes to get the sheriff job. You have to create something that makes the position attractive, an exclusive weapon for the sheriff, an exclusive dino for the sheriff, and both need to be the best dino and best weapons in the game, only then would you make the race for the position of sheriff attractive again, and This would make many players feel excited again and become interested in the game once again, because the way the game is, it's just becoming less and less attractive and interesting, it's always about logging in during attack times and then going offline. do something that makes the role of sheriff good again and cheers up the community, stop making these shitty changes that don't please the community, on the contrary, it just makes the game boring and even more repetitive.


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Jun 30, 2020
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You have to create something that makes the position attractive, an exclusive weapon for the sheriff
only then would you make the race for the position of sheriff attractive again, and This would make many players feel excited again and become interested in the game once again, because the way the game is, it's just becoming less and less attractive and interesting,
there is simply no reason to have that position anymore, a monument is not attractive, it does not bring rewards and it is not worth having a sheriff simply because of the monument, exclusive clothes and skins for sheriffs are a shit, they're not attractive and they don't justify the effort it takes to get the sheriff job.
(/) (/) (/)

Sheriff's item are very bland and boring.

Anything in the Emporium doesn't attract me. The wow factor is just not there.

A solution would be to let the player suggest what they want to buy from the Emporium store and then introduce that items.

Regarding skins and wearables, you should make it easy on your side to introduce any items that the community is asking. Many times, the community is giving some very good suggestions about wearables and skin, but it does not make it into the game.

I remember @OrionZG thread where he suggested many amazing skin pattern, but someone said that bringing these skins into the game is a real difficult.

Maybe it's not easy to bring suggested items because there need to be testing and whatnot. I believe you should streamline the process of bringing any items the community is asking. Because quite honestly, Sheriff clothes are very bland and boring. And the Emporium shop kinda counts as End Game. Since players are obtaining Silver Crown to spend.


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Feb 1, 2021
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-I- Mercy -I-
Peace Walkers
the adjusted drain/repair rates seem interesting from what i can decipher (i'm bad with numbers). i do hope this will encourage people to defend their sites instead of swap but we'll have to see. i think the dynamic drain rate based on # of different dinos will be helpful too.

hard agree about the emporium store. the only thing i've bought from there with the silver crowns is the jumpgates. i think unique skins would be a big draw for me personally. not just recolors, but new special patterns would be really good. we get so few new patterns.


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Feb 20, 2023
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We need black dragon scales and sheriff rank is still worthy, just cuz u have sheriff for long time, u think it's useless but its still hard to get and considered valuable by many, its HARD to win sheriff still.

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
you have destroyed the meaning of the position "sheriff", there is simply no reason to have that position anymore, a monument is not attractive, it does not bring rewards and it is not worth having a sheriff simply because of the monument, exclusive clothes and skins for sheriffs are a shit, they're not attractive and they don't justify the effort it takes to get the sheriff job. You have to create something that makes the position attractive, an exclusive weapon for the sheriff, an exclusive dino for the sheriff, and both need to be the best dino and best weapons in the game, only then would you make the race for the position of sheriff attractive again, and This would make many players feel excited again and become interested in the game once again, because the way the game is, it's just becoming less and less attractive and interesting, it's always about logging in during attack times and then going offline. do something that makes the role of sheriff good again and cheers up the community, stop making these shitty changes that don't please the community, on the contrary, it just makes the game boring and even more repetitive.
ok i did not wish to make any more feedbacks in general but might as well speak my mind about this and ill be honest here i dont like what your saying here lets get to why

1. exclusive cloths and skins: while these are subjective and i can understand that even you need to admit that they are trully different from all the other kind of skins around and look like there was more effort put into them meanwhile i have seen like a thousand lava skin variations and the same goes for all the other normal skin types that just feel uninteresting at this point

2. the exclusive stuff for sherif to make it "worth it" again: now this one is just pure disastrous idea i get it you all sherif boys miss gate keeping rexes to yourself i saw someone else complain about it being "too easy" so on that did any of you ever tried getting that rex alone? because let me tell you on an active server thats already several years long task before you get the milions of fame needed and farm all the dds from getting freekilled for wining good possition

2.5 the exclusive op weapon and dino: now im not sure what happened here but this just screams terrible idea not only is rex already there for that and i will stand behinde my point on that statement but thats also a terrible way to balance a game making items or gear exclusive to only a select few that stomps everything else in the game is terrible for balancing i wouldnt mind adding more dinos or weapons into the game had a few ideas about those infact and it can be through the emporium but none of them should be locked behinde a possition especialy not one like sheriff since no one will ever be able to get it alone without like 10 years worth of gold mining and also you all need to realise theres tones of sherifs already out there so you would just hand those good for nothings better toys to kill their enemies with for free basicaly while the few not alowed to get a sheriff can just give up

and now at the end my prime example of why i think rex is strong lets compare it to a carno shall we? and see how this goes both dinos have the same role btw

so rex has higher base damage, better damage output potential (bleed damage), is faster, has shorter cooldowns, cc capabilities (fear), higher skill damage scaling (400% for rex and 380% for carno) and also better survivability in its arsenal meanwhile the one single thing carno is better in is that it has 40k more base hp like what the hell is this when you look at this you should realise theres no reason to ever chose carno over rex in pvp atleast before you say something i know carno is the weakest pvp option now by far thx to everything else getting buffed to oblivion atleast in one way and no i dont consider that 5% more ability dmg scaling a buff for carno that is a joke but their both damage dealers suposed to do the same thing but you can clearly see one is completely crushing the other in what it can do and i still believe a good rex is the strongest thing in the game the games balance doesnt need something even more broken then that especialy not something locked behinde a imposible to get election (for solo players and small groups maybe)


Oct 6, 2020
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Reich Angel
To make the sheriff's clothes attractive, it should be possible to choose the attribute of the clothes. Tell me, why would I make an effort to win elections only to end up with a sheriff's shirt with the CLAWS attribute???

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Sheriff was special because you could buy rex (with stones) . Now even rex is not special anymore^^
i supose i might as well say why i disagree with you on that and its because mainly you didnt specify how you mean it sheriff as a role can be considered as special because its the highest role you can get but that is indeed not too much in the role itself but it does give you acces to a few exclusive items as for rex that one is still undaubtably special just not in the same way its still the only dino you need to grind a long time for but now its not gate kept by the big greedy players that wont let anyone besides their people get it but its not like you can just buy it the second you start the game as some people around here make it sound like the rex change was a good thing


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Jan 28, 2021
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Because of the changes you need more fame then before^^ In the past you became sheriff and you not needed fame for rex, you bought it with stones.
Now i see you all go in elections for the rex and then again for the title sheriff^^ so 2x more fame needed.

In the past rex was special because not everybody had it^^ and you could only buy it (with stones) when you became sheriff. that made the title sheriff 'special"

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
Because of the changes you need more fame then before^^ In the past you became sheriff and you not needed fame for rex, you bought it with stones.
Now i see you all go in elections for the rex and then again for the title sheriff^^ so 2x more fame needed.

In the past rex was special because not everybody had it^^ and you could only buy it (with stones) when you became sheriff. that made the title sheriff 'special"
You know i wouldnt say its cost more since in the past there was daily fame loss which madeit completely impossible for a small noneholding clan or solo player to get past governor now it is at the very least possible and dont even get me started on how hard gate kept was the old Rex/sheriff if the biggest player group on the server said you aint getting a Rex them you would not get it dont you think its a terrible concept that you had to join a clan and beg for it since players had full control over elections that system was just removing content from other parts of the player base that is no good and even if for some reason the devs decided to go back to the old system and ruin this perfectly Ok one all those that already have a Rex which is a lot will not just sudenly lose it so its Numbers are still gona stay the same


Oct 6, 2020
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Reich Angel
To make the sheriff's clothes attractive, it should be possible to choose the attribute of the clothes. Tell me, why would I make an effort to win elections only to end up with a sheriff's shirt with the CLAWS attribute???
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