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dodge effect rework + explanation why

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
So, as I mentioned in the ptr thread already I had another concept in mind that needed some more work and now it is done and the thing in question is dodge rework because I feel it’s way too strong and completely illogical but that’s probably a problem only for someone as insane as me anyway the reason I decided to do this is because I feel like people are looking at things in the wrong way I see there are problems with tanks but I think maybe we should look on the defence oriented implants/techs as well and not just the dinos themselves

So first let’s explain why I think that and compare it to other defence-oriented stuff I feel its way too strong of an effect that is unfun to play against and is a no brainer pick right now on the live servers potentially even replacing stability unless it stops being useless as it is at this moment on the ptr which I feel is a problem when everyone just picks agility implant over other defensive stuff or now the newly buffed para since it wasn’t cancer enough to fight already so it totally deserved lower cooldowns (it didn’t) of course I will show some details and data explaining why before introducing my changes so now without further hold ups lets analyse all the defence options in the game


Dino defence tech (ddf):
this tech is fairly simple at max lvl it reduces around 20% dino damage received

Advantages: this tech does not have a direct counter to it like Armor so its effect can’t be nullified it’s a passive tech meaning its always taking effect

Disadvantages: this tech is weaker than Armor and only reduces dino damage instead of both gun and dino damage like Armor so if you want to reduced damage from both sources you need to use a tech slot and an implant slot for it

Dino reflector tech: this tech reflects a portion of dino damage you take back at your attacker (around 30%) which includes bleed damage and its effect can be activated when taking dino damage

Advantages: reflects back damage at your opponents which means you do not receive said damage during its duration so while its active you basically have 30% dino damage resistance as well this tech does not have a direct counter

Disadvantages: this tech doesn’t do anything when its effect is not active and its activation chance is rather low and it can’t activate when you’re not taking dino damage it’s an rng based tech instead of a passive one


Vitality implant:
this implant increases your vitality stat making you survive longer

Advantages: this implants effect does not have a direct counter besides doing more damage this implant also increases strength of your heal because heal is based on your total health % this is a passive implant meaning its always active

Disadvantages: the simplicity of this implant doesn’t have many things wrong with it besides not offering any damage reduction but nothing can be perfect

Recovery implant: honestly, I forgot this garbage is in the game I don’t even know what it properly does but the description says you heal back your hp faster so I think it reduces the time needed to heal back your health outside of combat maybe even strengthens heal I genuinely don’t even know what this garbage actually does

Advantages: I don’t think this thing even does something worth mentioning its just a waste of a slot

Disadvantages: almost literally everything

Armor implant: this implant on max lvl reduces all damage you take by 25%

Advantages: its strongest none rng based damage reduction in the game and reduces both kinds of damage at the cost of just one implant slot

Disadvantages: this implant has a direct counter in the perforation tech nullifying most of its effect

Shield implant: this is an implant equivalent of ddf tech it reduces your gun damage taken by 20% on max lvl

Advantages: it’s a passive implant with no direct counter meaning its effects can’t by nullified

Disadvantages: this implant only reduces gun damage and is weaker than Armor implant making it necessary to also use ddf tech to reduce both damage types using up both an implant slot and a tech slot

Weapon reflector implant: this implant reflects a portion of your gun damage taken back at your enemy (50% damage reflected) while active its effect can be activated when taking gun damage

Advantages: it provides massive 50% reduced gun damage when active not to mention also reflecting it back at your enemies it also has a better chance to activate then dino reflector

Disadvantages: it’s still an rng implant that does nothing when inactive it can only be activated when taking gun damage

Agility implant: this implant gives you chance to dodge any incoming attack completely nullifying its damage and effect

Advantages: while rng based it’s still a passive implant meaning its effect can happen at any time in any circumstances including when stunned or paralyzed (meaning you literally can’t move), when its effect happens you take no damage and avoid all status effects if what you dodge is a skill shot, for an rng based implant its effect is very common especially on para where it becomes effective invulnerability, this implant has effectively 0 counters

Disadvantages: it’s still rng based despite being passive implant, this implant actually does have one single counter available to one single dino applied by one single skill the dino is pachy the skill is called flying head butt and the effect is called easy target which makes you literally unable to not land a hit on the target

Those with keen observation already noticed why I think dodge is too strong effect and the reason why it’s the most popular defensive pick especially in builds with just one implant slot oriented to defence yeah you could take guaranteed 20% reduced gun damage from shield or you could completely avoid damage at random times with agility implant and before you say something that “counter” doesn’t really count since only one single dino has it while anyone can use agility to get the dodges so how to fix this abomination since I feel everyone experienced at least once that moment when you fight an enemy its almost dead while your on half hp and then they dodge 3 skills in a row while you go down to the floor contemplating your life choices or that might just be me idk anyway I feel its exactly because of dodge effect being this strong why literally nothing dies in pvp tanks, damage dealers, runners, literally anything or pve if you’re fighting paras

So how do we fix this focus doesn’t affect dodge and neither does hit chance up only the easy target status effect does I have seen someone suggest making focus affect dodge while not a terrible idea I’m certain all the para enjoyers would storm the forums with malicious intent saying now para is useless and pachy lovers that know what even the easy target effect does would join them saying now it’s a useless effect so overall not good xd

And so I had a different idea a rework of the dodge effect it can still only be “countered” by the easy target but it would be less cancerous to fight instead of avoiding all damage you receive 80% reduced damage and any status effect associated with the skill shot you might dodge this way it would feel less annoying to fight not to mention not nearly as op as before but before you go complaining into the comments about how now its too weak and why you receive damage and status affects when you “dodge” then first find me an argument on how you dodge literal instant hitting laser rifles and laser machineguns covering multiple meters wide area with its shots on the back of a multi tone dinosaur unless you can do that then I want you to realise how generous it still is when I basically propose your character still being able to partially dart out of the way at least greatly reducing the damage taken since right now its not only stupid but also very strong and that needs to change agility implant should not be a no brainer pick but feel free to leave your opinions or ideas in the comments below


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Feb 1, 2021
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-I- Mercy -I-
Peace Walkers
your proposal kinda just sounds like you want to turn agility into live servers stability or live servers extra power rex roar...

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
your proposal kinda just sounds like you want to turn agility into live servers stability or live servers extra power rex roar...
Live servers stability is good ptrs is garbage im proposing to make dodge weaker not stronger so im not sure how you mean it


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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It could be considered that focus could help to lower/counter the effects of agility ( dodge). That can also make focus/hitchance effects more interessting again.

But first we want look at the results from the update tomorrow.


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
doessn't the rocket launcher, 2nd skill of hammer, counter agility?
Not that good, it's been tested already and you can test it yourself, even with Focus tech it still dodges many

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
doessn't the rocket launcher, 2nd skill of hammer, counter agility?
no it does not atleast not in a way that is properly noticable like the easy target status where its full counter hammers hit chance up either does nothing or it actualy does help extremely slightly however since it still dodges a lot its hard to say if its just luck or a feature


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 28, 2012
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Yes the hammer hitchance up buff from the skill is based on focus and therefore also do not counter the dodge at the moment. This is also an element that will be more usefull when the focus counters dodge.