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New member
Aug 26, 2022
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Main Char
Dear members of the staff/CEO, a cordial greeting....

It brings me here the echo that I can't stand it anymore. The users, who by the way are quite a few, have managed to violate their multi-account protection system from a single computer to do their thing with forgotten or perhaps stolen accounts from old players, the saddest thing about To think is that there is a mafia falsehood between both sides of what they call WAR CLAN / clans at war when several of them are the same leaders of one faction being in another.

Maybe they ignore my complaint but I put my account at the disposal of oblivion. I recently managed to acquire my dino plus more after so long. It is the only thing I regret the most if they do not seek to reform and take truly feasible measures to control the entry into non-accounts. You legitimize this game will continue to be forgotten, the toxic community has made this wonderful game never shine as it should have and it is not the first time that a game the community keeps out new possibilities, administrators who do not remain active, a supposed IP tracking that has never been Everything is carried out because they donate to them to be able to maintain themselves with 40 or 60 players, be aware just 3 days ago a player who saw how they made fun of me told me what the method was to be able to use multi acc on a PC so I could enter and add 3 more accounts to my clan that I created to separate myself from the rest, although I don't play them, they are lvl 1 and lvl 6, I was able to corroborate that they can be guided by multiple accounts on a single PC, so open your eyes and do your job well against the toxic community that damages the game but since I am leaving the game you can do whatever you like with my account but don't pretend that I will tell you I could but I am resentful both with your work as an admin and with several of the ame_1 community do your job really yes They are game programmers, talk to your active friends on each server and see if anyone really considers them an authority and report the method for logging in multiple accounts because this one is not going to do you that benefit since I will leave the game, they have turned me into a hater of so much evil between players and disloyalty just to look after his own interests.

harassing new players underestimating each other's intelligence monopolizing the opportunities of those of us who really spend 15 hours in the game that if you don't adapt to accepting that system of corrupt and lying sociopaths with methods to violate their anti cheat and anti multi acc defenses nothing will ever come of it now If they are satisfied with just turning blind, because if 10 or 15 players are active donors and fill their pockets, they can forget this claim and continue as if nothing is happening. The admins are never active. When an admin comes in, an admin comes out huge. Upstairs, an admin is connected by the love to god, remove that web if you really want to enter and monitor the players that I reported 2 weeks ago during my god level harassment after it was reported and I told it to my clan leader he made a scandal out of context expelling me from it and making That the accused stopped logging for 2 weeks to avoid possible suspicions when he was the most active during the last month he earned? nothing just an expulsion from the clan and a shower of hate comments


Not everyone may have the courage to come and make a report like this because they fear putting themselves in the eyes of the other administrators, causing them to be banned for evil even in the forum's question and answer events, not making them win, losing that opportunity, it is not the first time that You see that type of thing and that they are frowned upon by other members of the community within the game, losing benefits, fame, spot, help, etc. since many think that everything will stay the same, they will be the ones harmed as they told me (SHUT UP THAT AUQNUE YOU'RE RIGHT, I'M SURE THEY WILL END UP BANNING YOU BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIENDS OF THE ADMINISTRATORS AND YOU ARE JUST A FREE TO PLAY PLAYER) I was like WTF, I felt helpless but as I left the game, here he reported me, I have nothing to lose. As I said above, I make my account available, recycle it, change its name, give it as a gift or delete it, etc., etc. If it doesn't come to anything and everything stays the same, I won't be around to see it, good luck, successes and blessings.

post data:

This translation is made with a copy and paste of my original complaint in the Spanish section, if there are inconsistencies in some dialogues it is because Goolge's translator reflected it to me this way.
Last edited:


Community Manager
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Main Char
GM Orrire
GM Team
Hello @Overall-Balance

You can report any player for any violation if you have a valid proof. The support team processes your ticket on merit and without any discrimination. The expression that players have contact with the support/ GM team and get favors is a false accusation.

You can report anyone who violates the game's COC with valid proof. The support team will investigate your report on merit and penalize the reported player as per policy if that player is found guilty.


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2024
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Greek Aces
Hello @Overall-Balance

You can report any player for any violation if you have a valid proof. The support team processes your ticket on merit and without any discrimination. The expression that players have contact with the support/ GM team and get favors is a false accusation.

You can report anyone who violates the game's COC with valid proof. The support team will investigate your report on merit and penalize the reported player as per policy if that player is found guilty.
"Valid proof" doesn't exist against someone multi-accounting because nobody is stupid enough to expose themselves for multi-accounting in-game


Active member
Jun 3, 2024
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Main Char
Hello @Overall-Balance

You can report any player for any violation if you have a valid proof. The support team processes your ticket on merit and without any discrimination. The expression that players have contact with the support/ GM team and get favors is a false accusation.

You can report anyone who violates the game's COC with valid proof. The support team will investigate your report on merit and penalize the reported player as per policy if that player is found guilty.
I've seen multiple people reporting rangers but nothing ever happens. Even with some proof the support tickets are closed after some days without any changes made. And meanwhile the multi-accounts continue.


Community Manager
Sep 5, 2013
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GM Orrire
GM Team
@DarkMyth. & @Domino I have witnessed a lot of accounts getting penalized for account sharing and maintaining multiple accounts. Maybe the tickets you have mentioned failed to provide valid/ legitimate proof for the rules violations otherwise, the support team has zero tolerance for such kind of rule violations.


Active member
Jun 3, 2024
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Main Char
It must be hard to 'proof' that someone is using multiple accounts. As @DarkMyth. said they don't just provide the proof themself. Only way to verify is checking the IP-addresses. If you keep track of those.

EDIT: And most of the time there is no reply an the support tickets so someone is just hanging there waiting.


Community Manager
Sep 5, 2013
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Main Char
GM Orrire
GM Team
@Domino I am available, anyone waiting for the ticket reply, can PM me the ticket number. I can make a follow-up for the tickets.


New member
Aug 26, 2022
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Main Char
"Valid proof" doesn't exist against someone multi-accounting because nobody is stupid enough to expose themselves for multi-accounting in-game
Regarding your opinion, you have no objectivity with what you question and affirm, because you must be one of them.

the truth is that I share Domino's opinion, I made reports with substantial evidence and there I have only one more complaint left, you try to ridicule and discredit the fact of multi-account harassment that currently exists in the game, including the one I reported for following me from one clan and killing me from another clan, I told the wrong person that I made said report and turned out to be a close friend of the attacker in less than 3 hours They kicked me out of the clan and the boy went from being an active player in the last month to spending 2 weeks without connecting to both accounts


New member
Aug 26, 2022
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Main Char
For me, they can have 10,000 accounts, that's not my problem, but they abuse that way, taking other players for idiots and wanting to indiscriminately hunt and harass low Lvls.

It is a war of sociopaths with a lack of attention, you cannot imagine the toxicity of the matter,

The bad guys will be in real life as well as in the games, and just as they get you into trouble outside of these four sides of pixels, they also try to get you into trouble inside, if you don't adapt to their sociopathic game, you try to shut down. doors because They have multiple accounts leaders in both alliances at the same time with one they talk to you with the other they deceive you with the other they try to get information from you for themselves to be the judges the jury and the executioner but as I say do what you want no matter what happens Still I don't plan to return to the game, 1 more player, 1 less player, believe me, I'm one of the group and I don't have any weight


New member
Aug 26, 2022
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Main Char
Hello @Overall-Balance

You can report any player for any violation if you have a valid proof. The support team processes your ticket on merit and without any discrimination. The expression that players have contact with the support/ GM team and get favors is a false accusation.

You can report anyone who violates the game's COC with valid proof. The support team will investigate your report on merit and penalize the reported player as per policy if that player is found guilty.

Regarding the complaint, I have made 3 with evidence and I did not continue doing so because I deleted the game and therefore the many screenshots in that folder, logically, are no longer there, even so

It is the word of a player against that of an administrative group.

successes in your game and I really hope that this community grows more because the game is fascinating for any age, even for any set up of any resource. What I really hope is that they OPEN their eyes and are more active, do their work and Get rid of those toxic players with multi acc that damage the gameplay and the fun of others


greetings and many blessings


New member
Jun 2, 2024
Reaction score
Main Char
Dear members of the staff/CEO, a cordial greeting....

It brings me here the echo that I can't stand it anymore. The users, who by the way are quite a few, have managed to violate their multi-account protection system from a single computer to do their thing with forgotten or perhaps stolen accounts from old players, the saddest thing about To think is that there is a mafia falsehood between both sides of what they call WAR CLAN / clans at war when several of them are the same leaders of one faction being in another.

Maybe they ignore my complaint but I put my account at the disposal of oblivion. I recently managed to acquire my dino plus more after so long. It is the only thing I regret the most if they do not seek to reform and take truly feasible measures to control the entry into non-accounts. You legitimize this game will continue to be forgotten, the toxic community has made this wonderful game never shine as it should have and it is not the first time that a game the community keeps out new possibilities, administrators who do not remain active, a supposed IP tracking that has never been Everything is carried out because they donate to them to be able to maintain themselves with 40 or 60 players, be aware just 3 days ago a player who saw how they made fun of me told me what the method was to be able to use multi acc on a PC so I could enter and add 3 more accounts to my clan that I created to separate myself from the rest, although I don't play them, they are lvl 1 and lvl 6, I was able to corroborate that they can be guided by multiple accounts on a single PC, so open your eyes and do your job well against the toxic community that damages the game but since I am leaving the game you can do whatever you like with my account but don't pretend that I will tell you I could but I am resentful both with your work as an admin and with several of the ame_1 community do your job really yes They are game programmers, talk to your active friends on each server and see if anyone really considers them an authority and report the method for logging in multiple accounts because this one is not going to do you that benefit since I will leave the game, they have turned me into a hater of so much evil between players and disloyalty just to look after his own interests.

harassing new players underestimating each other's intelligence monopolizing the opportunities of those of us who really spend 15 hours in the game that if you don't adapt to accepting that system of corrupt and lying sociopaths with methods to violate their anti cheat and anti multi acc defenses nothing will ever come of it now If they are satisfied with just turning blind, because if 10 or 15 players are active donors and fill their pockets, they can forget this claim and continue as if nothing is happening. The admins are never active. When an admin comes in, an admin comes out huge. Upstairs, an admin is connected by the love to god, remove that web if you really want to enter and monitor the players that I reported 2 weeks ago during my god level harassment after it was reported and I told it to my clan leader he made a scandal out of context expelling me from it and making That the accused stopped logging for 2 weeks to avoid possible suspicions when he was the most active during the last month he earned? nothing just an expulsion from the clan and a shower of hate comments


Not everyone may have the courage to come and make a report like this because they fear putting themselves in the eyes of the other administrators, causing them to be banned for evil even in the forum's question and answer events, not making them win, losing that opportunity, it is not the first time that You see that type of thing and that they are frowned upon by other members of the community within the game, losing benefits, fame, spot, help, etc. since many think that everything will stay the same, they will be the ones harmed as they told me (SHUT UP THAT AUQNUE YOU'RE RIGHT, I'M SURE THEY WILL END UP BANNING YOU BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIENDS OF THE ADMINISTRATORS AND YOU ARE JUST A FREE TO PLAY PLAYER) I was like WTF, I felt helpless but as I left the game, here he reported me, I have nothing to lose. As I said above, I make my account available, recycle it, change its name, give it as a gift or delete it, etc., etc. If it doesn't come to anything and everything stays the same, I won't be around to see it, good luck, successes and blessings.

post data:

This translation is made with a copy and paste of my original complaint in the Spanish section, if there are inconsistencies in some dialogues it is because Goolge's translator reflected it to me this way.
dude, do you believe in what you're writing yourself?