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Missions rework.


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Mar 30, 2020
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Hello, as many of you know, the current quests are monotonous, repetitive, boring and exhausting, moreover they have a limit and become useless after completing them. And many of you who read me know, it is not easy to do more than 50 missions to unlock something and receive very little. Well, my ideas would be the following:

Mission Center:

Now we can no longer start a quest with an npc directly, the quest will be in a mission center on the maps (2 for each map, that is one for every 15 levels).


(Forget the map quest, I couldn't find a map without them.)

How are they classified?

Missions are classified into 2 types: Local and Global

Local mssion:

These missions are specifically carried out on the same map that belongs to the mission center, these missions are the "normal" ones. The missions are adjusted according to the level of the player.

Global mission
These missions can be placed on any map, any player can participate in it and the level of the quest type is random and the missions is more focused on the multiplayer environment.

Reputation level and rewards

The reputation level, are points that give you access to global missions and some special local missions; Having a higher reputation will not only get you access to global mission, it will also give you more experience and some valuable rewards.


Each mission has a reputation for certain maps, for example: a quest could give you reputation in MM, Goldfields and Mokon Woods, but not Green volcano. Typically, low reputation quests are the ones that would give you more valuable rewards.

In addition to the experience; The rewards vary depending on the level and the type of quest.
For example, local mission can usually offer you Dino Dollars, common items, some supplies, basic power-ups, among other "normal" items.


The global missions would offer you similar rewards to the local ones but at the same time more valuable and strange rewards, some examples could be: gold, skins, clothing, tokens, gems, rare items, cakes, violent, mystery boxes, etc.


Achievement Progression:

This type of progression would be similar to events, basically it would give us access to other rewards through the number of missions that we will carry out or the objective that it asks of us. The quest progression would update each time to vary the rewards.
Each map has 2 quest hubs, so quests are unified and create quest progress. A mini battle pass.

There will also be the challenges of the month, these challenges are completed through achievements or specific objectives. Challenges would give much more valuable rewards.



Weapons, technologies, implants and dinosaurs:

As you know, this kind of ideas would completely remove the progression when unlocking weapons and dinosaurs from the npc quest, which would bring a new way to get them, which would be by buying them with gems in their respective store. Although they could also be obtained in the achievement progression, but.... …. First of all, I am a fan of variety and I find it too unfair that at the beginning of the game you are limited to 1 weapon, no different implants or modules and other dinosaurs, I know that they can also be obtained with gold; but this is a role playing game and the variety/choice for the players should be diverse and without so many limitations.

So when we get to Dinoville, the dinos, implants, techs and weapons will be unlocked via cost per gem + x additional item (to balance buying dinos, weapons etc.).

I would also like that in global missions you can get weapons, dinosaurs, etc. However, these types of rewards would be rare, so they would rarely appear in quests.
This type of method varies depending on the level of the quest, for example: if the global quest is level 17, the weapon will be level 17.

Mission Types:

these will be the same npc that we all know.


Global: These would be through some known npc and the multiplayer environment.
For example:

Transport Mission:
Instead of bandit raiders, they would be raiding players:
In this mission we will transport a dinosaur from one point to another, but with the threat of looters, players will be able to attack the transport and steal its resources. Also, this could be a low reputation mission I mean, a quest in a goldfields asks you to transport a dinosaur, however, in Mokon Woods, an npc asks you to attack this transport.

Basically, it depends on which quest you choose, if you choose the goldfields (defend) your reputation will increase there but it will decrease in mokon woods, but if you choose to attack, your reputation will increase in mokon woods and decrease in goldfields.

Individual missions, as a couple or as a team. Some global missions would have a maximum player limit to be fun or dynamic, one type of mission would be::

Bandit survival.

A lvl 55 npc asks you to endure 20 waves of bandits in the goldfields graveyard, said npc recommends you go with 2 or 3 players. This quest would increase your reputation on all maps.

Tower survival.
A lvl 44 npc in Cold Claw Valley asks you to attack a building on the same map, but leaving the area red and surviving for 10 minutes.
This type of mission would decrease your reputation in CCV but increase it in MM.


And so and many other ideas could be examples of missions based on the multiplayer environment.

What do you think about all this?
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Active member
Jan 4, 2022
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Muito criativo, me parece que o jogo ficaria bem mais imersivo com esse sistema daria muita liberdade para o jogador e tornaria o jogo muito mais cooperativo e competitivo ao mesmo tempo e tornaria eventualmente seria legal se os clas fossem afetados por isso tbm: num sistema onde os clas fariam uma soma da reputação dos membros e a cada um número determinado de reputação total receberia buffs de vários tipos ou algo que ajude o clã no geral e ao invés de reputação poderia ser a fama já que os devs já estou pensando em mexer no end game mesmo


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Transport Mission:
Instead of bandit raiders, they would be raiding players:
In this mission we will transport a dinosaur from one point to another, but with the threat of looters, players will be able to attack the transport and steal its resources. Also, this could be a low reputation mission I mean, a quest in a goldfields asks you to transport a dinosaur, however, in Mokon Woods, an npc asks you to attack this transport.

Basically, it depends on which quest you choose, if you choose the goldfields (defend) your reputation will increase there but it will decrease in mokon woods, but if you choose to attack, your reputation will increase in mokon woods and decrease in goldfields.

Individual missions, as a couple or as a team. Some global missions would have a maximum player limit to be fun or dynamic, one type of mission would be::

Bandit survival.

A lvl 55 npc asks you to endure 20 waves of bandits in the goldfields graveyard, said npc recommends you go with 2 or 3 players. This quest would increase your reputation on all maps.

Tower survival.
A lvl 44 npc in Cold Claw Valley asks you to attack a building on the same map, but leaving the area red and surviving for 10 minutes.
This type of mission would decrease your reputation in CCV but increase it in MM.
i had suggested similar ideas before: https://forum.dinostorm.com/threads/clan-quests.19540/


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
que mal que no lo harán y muy bonito que esta :c


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Nov 13, 2020
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-I- ProxoS -I-
Demolition Provision

- Cause -

Well-known member
Dec 15, 2021
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I want to see this after the endgame update. I am at lvl 31 and i dont upgrade just because there are theese quests that are suboptimal. GREAT idea