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Violence Unseen


Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Clan Name: Violence Unseen
Leader: ByteBandit
Server: America_1
Language: English

About: Violence Unseen is a war clan, plain and simple. We stay and fight when all the other clans
run like cowards for the nearest stand of trees from which to chat snipe and other unmetionables.
If you don't like the lead flying past your head, and the respawning and the dying, get out of the
war, and out of the clan!


I: If you see a member of a enemy clan, you must attack that person right away, even if you
KNOW you are going to die. That being said, if you have two enemies beside each other, and
you can kill one and not the other, attack the killable one first. Also, if enemies are
beside a spawn camp, and you die, you do not have to respawn at that spawn camp and keep
dying, just so long as you attack when you see a enemy.

II. If you see a memeber of a ally clan being attacked, you must help that person even if you
know you will die. If you get tired of dying, go on YouTube and listen to
Heart of Courage by Two Steps from Hell. That will get you going! ;)

III. You must be level 10 and higher to join.

IV. No Swearing!!

V. While I encourage hunting down enemy clan memebers and attacking them, please make sure you
don't harass. You may kill a enemy player two times, then you must leave them alone for a day
UNLESS they attack you, then you can attack them another two times. And when I say don't
harass, I also mean in chat.

VI. Don't attack anyone (random people) unless they atack you first, or they are not in a clan.

VII. If you leave the clan cold, not telling anybody or not giving a reason, you will become a
enemy of our clan. If you want to leave, please talk to me or retrodoubledj, and give us
your reasons, and we will let you leave.

VIII. You must have your Celo and Centro upgraded fully (according to your level) and we prefer
you use those two dinos, but you don't have too.

IX. All clan memebers, print this page out, and place it next to your computer when you play
Dino Storm, so you can see all the information.

X. Have fun!! If you don't like the clan, please leave (see VII) the clan! We only want tough,
badass, and brave soldiers!

Enemies of the Clan:

Clans: Clan steel romero MEX
The Velociraptors
Family Crazzy

People: Dino Whisper
Sultan Prime

Allies of the Clan:

Clans: Asylum
Destroy steel romero

People: Captian white eyes

Last Will and Testament: We stand and fight and die, so that other people may have a fun experience in
Dino Storm. We stand and fight and die so that others will not have to face the tyranny of (some) the
huge clans. We stand and fight and die, because REAL PEOPLE do that for us every day, and yet we can't
do this!?! We can!! And we will!! WE WILL FIGHT!!x700!!

Thank you for reading,
Sincerely, ByteBandit