The previous idea I did was not as much important the MAIN thing that needs fixing in this game is hunting. Look now the system is 1x for young animals(once in a while u get something u need)2x for medium age animals(most of the time u get nothing u need)alphas(3x and 4x sometimes u get something) This is current hunting what I just listed AND you still have to attack animals 4 levels ahead of you to get these bonuses and I don't get these bonuses I die most of the time from medium age animals and alphas 4 levels ahead of me I struggle to get these bonuses since people just leave veteran animals 4 levels above u even if I get help from somebody to kill it.
I won't get these bonuses but comman items are not that hard to get even though hunting is ruined but rare items are just a pain they are too hard to get then before which was 4x when u attack an animal 4 levels above you and ALMOST ALWAYS you got a drop which was awesome hunting was perfect before for most people like me who play 2 or 3 hours maximum but for people who play 6 hours dinostorm maybe the current hunting system is for them that's why everybody's gone from this game
. PLEASE if you can bring it back please do it that 4x and almost always a drop u need for hunting or gems. You don't have to bring back where u have to help a high level and he gets 4x you don't have to all I'm asking and many others that please bring back 4x and always a drop u need for upgrade and an additional gem(which also 4x also make max amount for gem in 1 inventory space 50 so I can fit 50 of them I barely have any inventory space since I need a lot of gems to get new stuff and I barely have enough space for my upgrading stuff that's another big problem) for getting new dinos guns etc. If you can't do 4x and almost everytime a drop u need and a gem 4x.
p.s THEN please make some kind of 4x HUNTING GEL which lasts for 2 hours class A.THANKS!

I won't get these bonuses but comman items are not that hard to get even though hunting is ruined but rare items are just a pain they are too hard to get then before which was 4x when u attack an animal 4 levels above you and ALMOST ALWAYS you got a drop which was awesome hunting was perfect before for most people like me who play 2 or 3 hours maximum but for people who play 6 hours dinostorm maybe the current hunting system is for them that's why everybody's gone from this game
p.s THEN please make some kind of 4x HUNTING GEL which lasts for 2 hours class A.THANKS!