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New ideas

Jul 12, 2017
Reaction score
The previous idea I did was not as much important the MAIN thing that needs fixing in this game is hunting. Look now the system is 1x for young animals(once in a while u get something u need)2x for medium age animals(most of the time u get nothing u need)alphas(3x and 4x sometimes u get something) This is current hunting what I just listed AND you still have to attack animals 4 levels ahead of you to get these bonuses and I don't get these bonuses I die most of the time from medium age animals and alphas 4 levels ahead of me I struggle to get these bonuses since people just leave veteran animals 4 levels above u even if I get help from somebody to kill it.
I won't get these bonuses but comman items are not that hard to get even though hunting is ruined but rare items are just a pain they are too hard to get then before which was 4x when u attack an animal 4 levels above you and ALMOST ALWAYS you got a drop which was awesome hunting was perfect before for most people like me who play 2 or 3 hours maximum but for people who play 6 hours dinostorm maybe the current hunting system is for them that's why everybody's gone from this game :(. PLEASE if you can bring it back please do it that 4x and almost always a drop u need for hunting or gems. You don't have to bring back where u have to help a high level and he gets 4x you don't have to all I'm asking and many others that please bring back 4x and always a drop u need for upgrade and an additional gem(which also 4x also make max amount for gem in 1 inventory space 50 so I can fit 50 of them I barely have any inventory space since I need a lot of gems to get new stuff and I barely have enough space for my upgrading stuff that's another big problem) for getting new dinos guns etc. If you can't do 4x and almost everytime a drop u need and a gem 4x.

p.s THEN please make some kind of 4x HUNTING GEL which lasts for 2 hours class A.THANKS! ;) :D

New ideas

Jul 12, 2017
Reaction score
Where does all these bidding fee's go? There should be a system where all the bidding fees from everyone in the server goes to clans and they can use the money because it will be theirs for 1 day and then next day next clan will get the money to use and so on so we can make use and it will help especially low clans with low levels.

And teleporting costs should not be based on level it should be based on how much money you have and how much u need at your level. For example level 30 has a mere 5,000 bucks and he dies and dies from the terrible hunting system which I throughly explained in the post above he barely has any money to upgrade and goes and respawns wasting hundreds even thousands of dollars and at level 30 he needs 40,000 bucks for his upgrades but just keeps on losing it.

p.s Thank-You for reading please tell me suggestions and ideas :mrgreen: :D


New member
Apr 9, 2016
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New ideas said:
The previous idea I did was not as much important the MAIN thing that needs fixing in this game is hunting. Look now the system is 1x for young animals(once in a while u get something u need)2x for medium age animals(most of the time u get nothing u need)alphas(3x and 4x sometimes u get something) This is current hunting what I just listed AND you still have to attack animals 4 levels ahead of you to get these bonuses and I don't get these bonuses I die most of the time from medium age animals and alphas 4 levels ahead of me I struggle to get these bonuses since people just leave veteran animals 4 levels above u even if I get help from somebody to kill it.
I won't get these bonuses but comman items are not that hard to get even though hunting is ruined but rare items are just a pain they are too hard to get then before which was 4x when u attack an animal 4 levels above you and ALMOST ALWAYS you got a drop which was awesome hunting was perfect before for most people like me who play 2 or 3 hours maximum but for people who play 6 hours dinostorm maybe the current hunting system is for them that's why everybody's gone from this game :(. PLEASE if you can bring it back please do it that 4x and almost always a drop u need for hunting or gems. You don't have to bring back where u have to help a high level and he gets 4x you don't have to all I'm asking and many others that please bring back 4x and always a drop u need for upgrade and an additional gem(which also 4x also make max amount for gem in 1 inventory space 50 so I can fit 50 of them I barely have any inventory space since I need a lot of gems to get new stuff and I barely have enough space for my upgrading stuff that's another big problem) for getting new dinos guns etc. If you can't do 4x and almost everytime a drop u need and a gem 4x.

p.s THEN please make some kind of 4x HUNTING GEL which lasts for 2 hours class A.THANKS! ;) :D
I too agree with your idea


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Main Char
I like idea of "Hunting gel" it would help for players to collect items faster which they need.


New member
Aug 14, 2017
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I agree. Situation in the game right now is very annoying and frustrating.

Long time ago we had like 35 items MAX to collect and they dropped everytime x1.
NOW we have even 100-200 items to collect and... really. I have the days when even from alphas (+3 higher lvl than me) I get 1 item or... or I don't get any item :D

For me it's disappointing to watch where this game is going. Really.
Warehouse and inventory? (for this more than 1000 items to upgrade dino)
Cost of one place (for me now): almost 300 GOLD? That's sick and all I can see is that, that admins just going for money and want to take more of it from players. Pfff.
I reported many times bugs (like not-working clock tech with pecaemaker) and they said that it's normal because peacemaker isn't gatling for example. It's something like: "vitality implant isn't working on brachi because it's not a pachy". Eh. Nevermind. I made an Digression.
Anyway I don't believe in any good (for players) changes.