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The problem of supplies


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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Main Char
hello rangers, I would like to know your opinion about the current state of the supplies (items that help you to attack the claims in the game and increase the percentage), this time I have asked you a series of questions to know if you would like a change or not.


1) Are the supplies balanced?

2) Do you think supplies limit your enjoyment of the game?

3) Are supplies a pay to win item?

4) Do you think it would be a good idea to attack portals without the need for supplies?

5) What changes would you make to the supplies?


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2020
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Main Char
1) Are the supplies balanced?
are not, the reason is that very few people get them in large quantities, giving them a huge advantage in combat and they cannot be obtained freely within the game.

2) Do you think supplies limit your enjoyment of the game?
Yes, and this is demonstrated in the current monopoly of clans on the game servers, limiting you from enjoying pvp and ending up getting bored over time.

3) Are supplies a pay to win item?
although some say they are not, supplies are pay-to-win items... why? if you don't have money, you can't get gold, if you can't get gold, you can't get supplies, if you don't have supplies, you can't attack or defend, if you can't attack or defend, you can't get the tyrannosaurus. While it is true that you can get supplies in the auction or gold that the game gives away, the reality is that such a pittance of supplies does not get you any closer to the rex.

4) Do you think it would be a good idea to attack portals without the need for supplies?
I like this idea and it is possible, but I would need a balance so that there is not that constant attack on the maps (bounty hunters).
another idea would be that those players who attack several towers receive a new outlaw seal, I don't know, level 3 outlaw? *ranger wanted*, we could have an option to hunt him down and receive a reward, also the outlaw player could receive some bonus or reward if he stays alive for a long time.

5) What changes would you make to the supplies

Mainly that supplies are accessible to all, or that they have a different use, for example, supplies could serve only to supply and not to attack portals, giving them a more interesting value but at the same time accessible and balanced.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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1) Are the supplies balanced?
in terms of balance, i think more about how much 1 supply charge supplies per cents and how long they last, what for me is more or the less fine, i wouldnt mind if it would get better

2) Do you think supplies limit your enjoyment of the game?
rn, the only use of supplies is to get sheriff in the end or if not having chance to do it bcs of enemies, then at least use them in fight via draining towers, so rn i would say not much, but in the future with new endgame i think it may a lot

3) Are supplies a pay to win item?
in current state i would say yes, since the only free way to get them (auctions) is not providing enough of them compared via gc

4) Do you think it would be a good idea to attack portals without the need for supplies?
horrible idea, it would make total chaos since attackers wouldnt have any losses

5) What changes would you make to the supplies?
to the mechanics of supplies, i would say none, although it would be better if there would be more non-gc ways of earning them


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Main Char
we could have an option to hunt him down and receive a reward, also the outlaw player could receive some bonus or reward if he stays alive for a long time.
would be abused


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
hello rangers, I would like to know your opinion about the current state of the supplies (items that help you to attack the claims in the game and increase the percentage), this time I have asked you a series of questions to know if you would like a change or not.

View attachment 43219
1) ¿Están equilibrados los suministros?
no están equilibrados por algo existe la mega alianza no entre clanes si no entre servidores la gente sin abb sigue a los que tienen abb y oro
2) ¿Crees que los suministros limitan tu disfrute del juego?
si en muchas cosas nos limita como el simple hecho de que nadie puede atacar un portal sin tener abb, digamos que si no existiera eso abb como tal en pago con moneda real, y todos tuvieran abb eso fuera una locura drenar cualquier hora y seria mas volátil los ataques, serian ataques mas seguidos, solo seria hacer dds, las guerras serian las de siempre con la diferencia que ahora no se dirá ¨quien tena mas abb gana¨ si no, ¨una guerra de resistencia y aguante¨, un clan con 10 personas pero tenga muchos dds vs 40 personas que estaran solo por 3h y las 10 personas estarán por 10h ganaran las 10 personas por aguante y no por abb

3) ¿Son los suministros un artículo de pago para ganar?
obviamentes si, como dije
¨por algo existe las mega alianza no entre clanes si no entre servidores¨
¨que si no tienes abb tendras que seguir gente con abb para tan siquiera ayudar en el ataque¨
4) Do you think it would be a good idea to attack portals without the need for supplies?
el juego ya porque si se necesita oro para dar guerra, seria buena idea pero recordar que ellos viven es gracias a que la gente compra abb si fuera gratis los abb ellos tuvieran que buscar otra forma de ganar dinero mediante este juego

lo que significaría otros cambios
así como hoy en día existen ¨pases de elites¨ por así decirlo, les tocara ingeniársela para que el jugador compre oro, y lo mas rentable ahora son *los suministros*

el juego puede explotar distintas forma de explotarlo pero no quieren es otra cosa la forma sencilla son los suministros
5) What changes would you make to the supplies?
hay muchas cosas que pueden cambiar, como por ejemplo,
la forma de suministrar seria comprando con dino dolares que cada suministro cueste 1000 mil dino dolares, pero tendrían que elevar un poco mas la taza de caídas porque ya hay muchas cosas con dds

tambien seria buena idea porque si cambian los mapas con la actualización de los mapas, podrian recuperar lo que antes se llamaban ¨PORTALES¨ y ¨SONAS DE RECUPERACION¨ seria fantastico que en ciertas zonas uno pueda revivir y en otras zonas dar teletrasportar, porque hoy en dia los kits de teletrasportadores son tan olvidados como sus ex a ustedes.

yo propusiera traer de vuelta los portales y sonas de recuperacion asi puedan ir a otro portal y revivir en zonas de recuperacion, y las dos cosas den fama por cada persona que lo usa

porque antes cuando revivas hacias fama ahora solo esperas y eso da fama solo ósea que un clan puede llenarse los bolsillos como si nada sin hacer nada solo llenando el portal en ves de matar matar y matar a los enemigos.

lo que digo tiene sentido en cierto modo porque si nadie revive nadie podrá hacer fama y si nadie hace fama la gente tendría que ir a matar y se harán conflictos lo que harán mas guerra y si hay mas guerra habrán mas gasto de kits de violentos de ropa de todo.

y para seguir ganando plata se recomendaría, hacer mas eventos de cosas nuevas y cosas como por ejemplo como dije ¨pase de elite¨
te darán beneficio si eres un jugador con pase de elite
digamos que existirian asi básico intermedio y experto, entre mas caro sea el pase mas cosas te daran y el pase de elite como todos los pases de elites tienes que completar ciertas misiones como matar cazar drenar tomar mantener cosas asi.

así por lo menos controlarían lo que fuera los suministros para que sean en Dino dólares pero a cambio tendrían que crear otra forma de hacer dinero para ellos

y para ellos hay muchas opciones que no han explorado