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quest system rework idea

Nebulon Galaxus

Active member
Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
- Ascxnded -
Ok so here is the idea I mentioned about change/slight rework for quests and lvling up system since high lvl players got quite a few quality of life changes now might give some to low lvls as well while I personally didn’t have much of a problem with it I had my reasons to continue and I can see that other players might not and they could end up spending way more time like this and that can scare them of since it wouldn’t be the first time players complain about it I decided to propose some changes but in reality it’s more like quality of life improvements but let’s just get to it

So, my idea revolves around allowing players to choose what kind of quest they want instead of a loop it is now basically when you would click on a quest giver a window would pop up where you can choose one of new quest tiers which I’ll explain in detail later also no group quest would be active until started after which it would end itself in as long as it takes now for a quest to change if no one is doing it as for the tiers the quests would be split into them based on how long it takes to do them how difficult they are and how long it takes to finish them and so people don’t just ignore the harder ones they would be more rewarding ill be using the max exp you can get without boosters at most with ds + (19k exp per quest) and round it up to 20k for simpler math to understand just to show of the concept the numbers don’t actually have to change unless desired so but I don’t think it would need to that’s the basics of it there’s some other less know tiers which your find below this with a short explanation

Tier 0 (also known as singleplayer quests): these are quests you now only get when the group quest is over 50% completed and if I remember correctly, they give 50% rewards and progress compared to group quests but are suited for solo players so they would stay the same and as such give 10k exp max

Tier 1: these will be the basic go somewhere and kill something quests or pick up object in area A and bring it to area B several times the easiest quests which will keep the base reward of 20k exp max per completion

Tier 2: these are the harder kind of quests not present on all quest givers but not as rare a different tier ill mention later these quests while harder than tier 1 are not much longer and easily doable in a group so their give only double the normal rewards so 40k exp max per completion and also double progress and gold (your end up getting as much gold as before from a quest givers just a bit faster in this system if you choose to do so)

Tier 3: this is the transport quests almost no one likes them and almost all quest givers have them now in this system I’m proposing players might actually consider wanting to do them since based on their length I decided they would give 4 times the normal quest rewards going up to 80k exp per completion (the reason I choose this number is so people just don’t avoid them by doing boss quests on npc that has them since their a lot faster) and 4 times the progress of a normal quest and of course 4 times as much gold so if you just want to complete a quest giver and do the finished missions achievements with solo missions later then now you can

Tier 4: this is the very rare story quests basically which is like a group of quests connecting to one another their very rare and only few quest givers have them but one of those quest givers is the lvl 37 one in coldclaw valley this tier would play all the quests in it in a succession and you would get rewards based on what kind of quest they are if the first one is a tier 1 and then there’s 2 tier 3s then you would get one tier 1 reward and two tier 3 rewards

I think this covers about all types of quests in the game of course I know this would be very repetitive at first as there is not very high variety in quests on most quest givers they mainly only have one of each type maybe two of one type but lack one type entirely usually tier 2 and tier 4 however I believe it would be a good foundation to build on maybe later add more quests or something else like limit on how many of each quest type you can do before you need to do another but still I think it would be much easier to progress in the game and not just scare away people with the grinds length

And now for the very end since its not my idea or the main focus of my feedback I was told a decent suggestion to increase the amount of exp you get for upgrading things I think making a universal one like now of 10 exp is a bit meh so I would suggest an increasing one the higher lvl upgrade it is the more it would give but I’m not sure about the numbers although I don’t think it should be the main thing but more like a little extra on the side