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Protection - penalizing the victims


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2012
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Bullying in this game continues and appears to be escalating. A low-level player cannot enter Mokon Woods without a high chance of meeting several mid-level players spawn killing anyone coming through the gate on many of the servers. Players must enter Mokon to get upgrade items. Support does nothing except tell you to use protection. Support has dodged the problem by removing anything about griefing from the COC. Protection costs fame and what do you do when you have none left? Why eo the victims have to give up their fame or lose all their dino dollars? This only rewards and encourages bullying and is making the problem worse. It is something Dino Storm should be very ashamed of.

At the very least, l propose that DS enable players using protection to attack outlaw players (not duelists) without losing their protected status. Let players using protection take the place of the old outlaw hunters and finally get some payback off the bullies. This would very much discourage bullying because anyone attacking a non-duelist would become outlaw and the other players can dish out some justice. Players who truly want to engage in pvp can do what they've always done....politely ask a duelist if they can take a shot at them to become duelist. Players who don't buy protection will still be at risk of being a target for an outlaw. Outlaws will have to be a bit more careful when they choose someone to bully.


New member
Jul 21, 2014
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Honestly, I wish they'd just give people the option of turning off PvP permanently as a free action during character creation. If you turn off PvP, you can never attack anyone else and nobody else can ever attack you. This would be a non-reversible option, it's either on forever or off forever. That way, people who want to play the game PvE could do so without being constantly molested by the douchebags and people who wanted to PvP could do so with willing participants.

At the very least, they need to cap who can attack who. It is ridiculous to see level 35 players ganking level 10 players who have no chance in hell. Whatever idiot thought that was a good idea ought to be fired.


New member
Oct 1, 2014
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I've only been playing for a short while and I can't enter any PvP zone without getting killed almost as soon as I spawn. It's incredibly frustrating.

Here's another idea to throw in the lot: Rather than having the option to outright attack anyone without protection from Guardians, have it so that players have to send a kind of "duel request". So, you can't attack another player without first asking if they want to fight in the first place. If someone asks you for a duel, you get a popup on your screen immediately which shows you perhaps a message like "UserName200 (level 20) challenges you to a showdown! Accept / Decline"

This would minimize bullying altogether as the lower-level player can decide whether or not they want to take on the higher level player. And considering that any smart low-level player would decline the request, this would also encourage high-level players to take on players of their own level.


Active member
Aug 31, 2015
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turning off pvp does'nt fix the problem ! it just make the game super boring. DS has already found a solution to keep pvps intense without increasing bullying in 2010-2013. we used to have outlaw hunter ! they are very helpfull