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New end game PVE content the world bosses

Nebulon Galaxus

Active member
Sep 9, 2022
Reaction score
Main Char
Nebulon Galaxus
So, hello everyone I had another devious idea and decided to share it with you all I’m first gona talk about why I thought of it and potential rewards before going into stats but before that I need to make a disclaimer this will be very long like extremely no wait like insanely im not joking here so maybe grab a cup of coffee or tea for this one or 10 idk xd

So my idea is based on monstrous dinosaurs which are already a part of the game normally however I personally find them very easy especially with a group of players and so I decided they could use some love too and would be great addition for endgame content with some modifications of course :3 that being said I only would propose slight changes to their abilities since at least as someone that doesn’t understand game making find it simpler to just change some numbers on abilities then making completely new ones with new animations and everything in most simple of ways they would be stronger monster dinosaurs

And so based on the title my idea is to add world bosses into the game which would be those stronger monstrous dinos which would spawn on one of the maps at specific times for people to fight for rewards probably 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and night) they would have two different variants and would always be lvl 55 ill explain the variants a bit later and rewards for a standard world boss would be up to 10k fame and 25k dd at most (for one player just like normal monsters work not in total for everyone) I added some screens with potential locations where they could be and they would despawn after 1 hour so the servers don’t lag or they are not problems somewhere for lower lvl players who frankly should have no chance beating the things I came up with and there would only be one world boss at the time so their not just camped for the rewards

Now for the variants there would be magma and frozen variants they sound cool but main difference would be in what they do and visuals both would have the lava skin variant frozen would have white as the main colour with dark blue or cyan cracks and magma would have orange as main colour with glaring red cracks also all of these monsters would have 4 implants on max lvl for additional difficulty I choose the stability implant, heat implant, Armor implant and claws implant so they cant just be stunned forever and their stats would be the same as they are now for normal monsters but with doubled hp for standard world boss so if normal monster has 20 million hp the world boss version would have 40 million and none of them would have minions and why I went with that is 1. They are doing everything instead of the monster and 2. They’re very annoying and would make what I came up with later on unbeatable also all bosses would only be one single entity so no double bosses and their skill damage modifiers and standard skill effects would be identical to normal dinos so if by the time you read this their numbers or effects are different in game then they would have the new ones instead now that all of this is out of the way let’s get into the stats

World boss Coelophysis

Rapid strikes

attack up to 50 targets in close range for 475% dino damage

Extra power +16 seconds

All targets are also slowed down by 50% for 6 seconds your dino is accelerated by 50% for 6 seconds

Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds (basically it applies lvl 55 colt burn effect)

Frozen variant: all targets are also paralyzed for 20 seconds (since it already has slow it does paralysis instead)

Jump attack

Jump to target hitting up to 50 targets in close to medium range and inflict 475% dino damage upon impact

Extra power +21 seconds

Your dino deals 33% more damage for 13 seconds no extra effects for standard world boss

World boss Centrosaurus

Dash attack

Dash towards a target hitting up to 50 targets in close to medium range to deal 590% dino damage

Extra power +15 seconds

Targets are also 33% more vulnerable for 8 seconds no extra effects for standard world boss

Shield attack

attack up to 50 targets in close range for 590% dino damage

Extra power +20 seconds

33% of incoming dino damage is reflected for 8 seconds

Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

World boss Carnotaurus

Flesh attack

attack up to 50 targets in close range for 380% dino damage

Extra power +23 seconds

You score 50% more critical hits for 13 seconds no extra effects for standard world boss

Carnage attack

bite up to 50 targets in close range for 380% dino damage

Extra power +16 seconds your dino is healed for 50% of outgoing damage for 10 seconds

Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

World boss Pachycephalosaurus

Flying head butt

Jump to target hitting up to 50 targets in close to medium range for 533% dino damage upon impact

Extra power +7 seconds

All targets are also made easy targets for 14 seconds

Dodge attack

Ram up to 50 targets in close range for 533% dino damage

Extra power +10 seconds

All targets are also paralyzed for 16 seconds

Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

World boss brachiosaurus

Chest attack

Ram up to 50 targets in close range for 700% dino damage

Extra power +19 seconds

Your dino is taking 20% less damage for 8 seconds no extra effects for standard world boss

Ground stomp

Flatten up to 50 targets in close range for 700% dino damage

Extra power +21 seconds

All targets are confused for 9 seconds

Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

World boss Parasaurolophus

Tail whip attack

Lash out at up to 50 targets in close range for 366% dino damage

Extra power +17 seconds

Also, all targets extra power shrinks at a 200% rate for 15 seconds no extra effects for standard world boss

Kick attack

Kick up to 50 targets in close range for 366% dino damage

Extra power +15 seconds

Your dino is 50% better at dodging attacks for 13 seconds

Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

World boss Ankylosaurus

Tail smash attack

Lash out at up to 50 targets in close range for 675% dino damage

Extra power +21 seconds

Your extra power grows at a 250% rate for 10 seconds no extra effects for standard world boss

Ground punch attack

Stagger up to 50 targets in close range for 675% dino damage

Extra power +22 seconds

All targets are also stunned for 9 seconds

Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

World boss Tyrannosaurus Rex

Brutal bite

Ravage up to 50 targets in close range for 400% dino damage

Extra power +11 seconds

All targets also bleed for 1000% dino damage over 10 seconds no extra effects for standard world boss

Battle cry

Up to 50 targets in close range take 400% dino damage and flee in terror for 3 seconds

Extra power +16 seconds

Up to 100 targets in close range take 400% dino damage and flee in terror for 7 seconds all targets also fail to hit 50% more often for 15 seconds

Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

And that’s all of them oof took a while, right? Huh what was that? Did someone say its still too easy? No? well screw you I’m doing it anyway get ready to meet the EXTREME world bosses whose difficulty was cranked up to 11 along with the rewards of course these rare versions with about 10% spawn chance would have their normal counterparts skin colours reversed and their implants and health would get massive buffs they would have twice as much Armor stat as normal giving them 50% damage reduction across the board and complete immunity to stun, confusion, fear, paralysis, and slow as well and twice as high claws stat which increases activation chance so their multi hit all the time basically and to make things even harder their hp is doubled so if normal monster has 20 million hp and world boss version has 40 million then this one has 80 million this would be the ultimate challenge the hardest it gets you will need an army to win this fight and you will all die a lot but the rewards have been juiced up so much that you will want to go take that fight I’m proposing up to 125k dd and 50k fame for each player at max it will be long and very hard but the rewards are appropriate that amount of fame is more then double of what you get when dv claims a 400% claim however their abilities would become even stronger and so I don’t have to write it all down I’m gona make just one to show off in what way will they change and say that this change would apply to all the existing propositions I made above in short both skills have the extra variant effects showcase of one of them down below this

Extreme world boss Tyrannosaurus Rex

Brutal bite

Ravage up to 50 targets in close range for 400% dino damage

Extra power +11 seconds

All targets also bleed for 1000% dino damage over 10 seconds

Extreme Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Extreme frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

Battle cry

Up to 100 targets in close range take 400% dino damage and flee in terror for 3 seconds

Extra power +16 seconds

Up to 50 targets in close range take 400% dino damage and flee in terror for 7 seconds all targets also fail to hit 50% more often for 15 seconds

Extreme Magma variant: all targets also burn for 1200% gun damage over 10 seconds

Extreme Frozen variant: all targets are also slowed by 50% for 30 seconds

coldclaw valley.pnggoldfields.pnggreen volcano.pngmaujak mountains.pngmokon woods.png

Nebulon Galaxus

Active member
Sep 9, 2022
Reaction score
Main Char
Nebulon Galaxus
rebalance changes 1

After some extra thought i decided to change something since i feel like the frozen variants are a lot weaker then magma variants so i made some changes now all standart world boss frozen variants would apply 20 seconds of paralysis instead of slow except for pachy which would remain the same since it already has it (the paralysis) extreme frozen variants also would get some buffs increasing paralysis duration to 30 seconds and applying slow for 40 seconds aswell extreme world boss pachy would do 60 seconds of slow instead as for why i choose to do this? im evil and would like to see people suffer and die fighting both variants i came up with instead of just one and im trying to make both difficult in their own way :3
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