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New clan boosters


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2018
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Main Char
New types of boosters that could be purchased for clan funds to make the game feel a bit more like rpg, while also helping all the players out while not being overpowered.

- Quest Unlock Booster: Increases your unlock progress per quest but decreases your rewards such as XP and GC.

Boosters exclusive to one another (Meaning you can't have another booster of this type if you're using one already):
- Common Item Clan Booster: Increases chances of getting a common item while decreasing chances of getting an uncommon and rare item
- Uncommon Item Clan Booster: Increases chances of getting an uncommon item while decreasing chances of getting a rare and common item
- Rare Item Clan Booster: Increases chances of getting a rare item while decreasing chances of getting an uncommon and common item
- Sellable Item Clan Booster: Increases chances of getting a sellable item while decreasing chances of getting an upgrade item by a lot
- Gem Item Clan Booster: Increases chances of getting a gem while decreasing chances of getting a sellable item
- Cloth Item Clan Booster: Increases chances of getting a Q3 quality clothing while decreasing chances of getting anything else substantially

Premium Boosters: (Maybe for GC or high amount of clan funds)
- Damage Booster Clan Booster: Increases chance of getting a basic booster, with a very small chance of getting a potent
- Greater Cloth Item Clan Booster: Increases chances of getting a Q3 item even higher, with a very small chance of a Q4, decreases chances of getting anything else even further
- Daily Essentials Clan Booster: Gives a very very small chance to get a daily reward box from a mob

(Do note these are for gold coins or high amounts of DDs and have chances to them, it does not guarantee you'll get a lot of items from these but there is a chance you do, so buying it straight from the shop might turn out better)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2021
Reaction score
Main Char
dont mind me just waiting here for the shared with the team comment just so all of our ideas get thrown together with piles of shit.

Good idea regardless. I always found the boosters bad and this might even be usefull if anything since its grind storm at this point.