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More Farming Grounds

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2013
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It`s great that they made multiple instance for all the 3 maps, but "common farming ground" are still facing over population of players sometimes but it`s less common after they added more instances. I think the problem is not with the instance but there is not enough farming ground. Note, that I am from server Europe_2, so I don`t know if this phenomena occurs in other servers.

I know a specific farming ground, where there is a high density of level 11 Smilidons. This makes a very attracting farming place for many intermediate players and sometimes high leveled players join in. The problem is, because there are so many of us, all the smilidons die out quickly and we have to wait for sometime before a few more respawn again. This makes farming more time consuming :( . Sometimes, three players attack a smilidon right at the same time just after it respawn.

Plus the I hate the fact that an item value decreases over time if you keep selling it. :cry:

The image here should show the the part of the map, and look at all the dead smilidons if you can see them.
Smilidons are hunted more often here because of their valuable loot.

I hope they Dev`s can work on this. If they could increase the density of the NPCs (smilidons and enteledons) in specific areas, thus making more suitable spots to farm, it may help solve the problem.

I wonder if this happens in other servers. Does it?



Well-known member
Dec 20, 2012
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yeah more hunting grounds needed especially lvl 20 smilos or coels and more richer loot ;)
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