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More cons than pros to the endgame update 3. Even though its heading in the right direction..


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Feb 11, 2024
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Its pretty evident that for the betterment of the game the devs went down the right path to make things less p2w and somewhat breaking the "predictable war" concept by implementing new draining dynamics and help of protected and conflict phase...However it is quite obvious that....the gameplay still feel stagnant...lesser reasons to log even after EG3.

Mainly, the idea of "daily event concept war“ where you limit players war time to just night time. In other mmo yes they could create “daily event war concept" because out of those hours they are some gameplay for them to play like.... Dungeon raid, fun-intruging story gamemode to play, some fun team deathmatch battles ....hence they are occupied with things to do. Where else on the other hand.. ds dont have this kind of gameplay to keep people occupied...and so this "daily event war concept" is just overall drawback for the community as they only have that gameplay to log online and leave right after....making servers dead...and overall decreasing the server's activity....


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Jul 9, 2021
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this update would be good as a side event gameplay type of thing and not replacing the whole main game.
I have never seen such a player decline ever since this update, its maddening sometimes not seeing a single soul during protection time although even at conflict time barely anything happens because attackers need so long to drain a building even without the assumption of someone going to defend it to the point it feels pointless to attack.

Imagine spending 35 mins of your time just to claim 1 building and that doesnt include the possibility of getting attacked. even with 3 players it takes about 20 mins which is CRAZY amount of time for 1 singular building, such timers would make sense on servers swarming with players but not in our case.

I already mentioned on another thread a possibilty for more endgame content to keep players busy any time of the day

plus points for removing p2w and fighting against monopoly and trying to bring something new to the table
minus points for pretty much everything else regarding the update

it needs to be tweaked on a serious lvl

It would be better for faster drain rates and a bit slower repair rates since we have 3 cycles of war anyway with many possibilities to reclaim lost buildings from attackers.

The update itself was meant to keep a constant back and forth instead of holding maps hostage basically but the numbers prove otherwise

Nebulon Galaxus

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Sep 9, 2022
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Nebulon Galaxus
this update would be good as a side event gameplay type of thing and not replacing the whole main game.
I have never seen such a player decline ever since this update, its maddening sometimes not seeing a single soul during protection time although even at conflict time barely anything happens because attackers need so long to drain a building even without the assumption of someone going to defend it to the point it feels pointless to attack.

Imagine spending 35 mins of your time just to claim 1 building and that doesnt include the possibility of getting attacked. even with 3 players it takes about 20 mins which is CRAZY amount of time for 1 singular building, such timers would make sense on servers swarming with players but not in our case.

I already mentioned on another thread a possibilty for more endgame content to keep players busy any time of the day

plus points for removing p2w and fighting against monopoly and trying to bring something new to the table
minus points for pretty much everything else regarding the update

it needs to be tweaked on a serious lvl

It would be better for faster drain rates and a bit slower repair rates since we have 3 cycles of war anyway with many possibilities to reclaim lost buildings from attackers.

The update itself was meant to keep a constant back and forth instead of holding maps hostage basically but the numbers prove otherwise
i disagree with higher drain as for why? just look at how it was before when max tier gates died in 5 minutes thats hilarious why even try to hold them then its why site swaping came to be not to mention who ever is not a fan of the slower drain but is also advocating for the old gate system is a fool since those days it took 30 minutes to drain the gate you had to use gold to drain it and then also take it with gold and what did you get from it? big fat nothing because all fame inside got trashed now if you take a gate you can either try and defend it to get fame or pay dd to collect the fame right after taking over the building


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Jul 9, 2021
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i already mentioned that it takes way too long to try and steal a gate especially claiming a neutral one.
Why do you think you can pay dd to get the fame earlier? it rewards the attacker for stealing the building and punishes you for losing the building as it should and thats the whole point of this update and to not hold the maps hostage. If you manage to hold the building during the phases then you get more rewards but if you lose it the attacker gets rewarded for it instead. i dont understand how thats a problem exactly? Imagine the new phase begins and you have to spend 35 mins as a solo player for a chance to capture 1 building out of the 20 available at the time.
Thats nuts. The new attacker and defender buff is literally perfect for a fast capture or defending phase because 3rd parties cant interrupt the fighting anyways so its simply a skill issue if you cant hold buildings or claim them and even if you did lose them you can just simply constantly fight to recapture buildings since the drain/repair rates are faster and enjoyable instead of having to watch a movie to capture a building which is the point of the update instead of holding the maps hostage but as it is aint nobody gonna spend 35 mins trying to capture a claim.

Its crazy how much people from alliances are scared because they wouldnt be able to hold maps hostage even with the new update because their ego cant let the game evolve to the point devs had to revert some changes.
It doesnt have to be 5 mins but it also doesnt have to be 35 mins as a solo player.

If you want the game to be the same as the school system was 400 years ago today you can just say it so devs can work on something else and people can keep their map hostage ego and not offer any diverse in gameplay.

Keep in mind im not attacking anybody and its a general talk without any aggressive intentions towards any of the players here. I dont want to be misunderstood.


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Jun 28, 2024
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Dark Max Retribution
to be fair, whatever the devs are adding people end up asking for something else or disliking what was added, which basically was the people's idea to begin with
people (all of us) asked for longer conflicts and to stop map swapping abuse, they gave slower draining so conflicts last longer, and made it so swapping gives absolutly 0 fame, let alone limiting the buff even more
then now, again, people are asking for faster conflicts, faster draining, basically what they was complaining about now they want it back after realizing the outcome of actual conflicts. it's simple math to be honest if 5 players are fighting a bigger clan or even an entire group of clans helping each other they will struggle by alot of factors, thats why other features were offered within this update (ores farming and elections without the need of holding gates) yes it requires time and dedication, but it gets u to ur goals..


Feb 11, 2014
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This game went from a 24 hour game to a 3 hour a day game, and truly it wasn't much of a game anymore after the decision to not come up with new content like levels dino's weapons maps enz. More and more players are leaving the game, well there are so many gamedevelopers that do listen to what the real gamer want, and they came up with some amazingly beautifull maps with that. DS not so much xD
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Sep 20, 2018
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fekete lovag
What ds should be



Feb 11, 2014
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This game went from a 24 hour game to a 3 hour a day game, and truly it wasn't much of a game anymore after the decision to not come up with new content like levels dino's weapons maps enz. More and more players are leaving the game, well there are so many gamedevelopers that do listen to what the real gamer want, and they came up with some amazingly beautifull maps with that. DS not so much xD
They removed some of my comment so they come out better, they do not respond on post like make more levels and open the maps and ad some comment but they do cry about if someone says "rats ass" omg how sad can you be.

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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They removed some of my comment so they come out better, they do not respond on post like make more levels and open the maps and ad some comment but they do cry about if someone says "rats ass" omg how sad can you be.
Most people don't want more lvls(and mostly because of amount of exp needed for last lvls is now not to mention how boring quests are and highest you get per quest depends on lvl of it vs yours and some other factors) and they mentioned once and see no point in repeating that they cat easily rework maps to be more similar to old maps pre-big update when they made this linear which is in opinion a big mistake because ok them being one after another isn't something i mind as much but more open space like prior to that in maps themselves would be nice but alas wont happen we cant do anything about it.


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Sep 5, 2013
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GM Orrire
GM Team
@Dark_Wolf it's best you explain using such kind of words? We always encourage healthy feedback from the players. We have explained several times about levels and also, the majority of the players themselves do not want more levels, level 55 is quite ok. About your statement that developers do not listen to players, I think it's an unfair statement. You have been in the game, and many things have changed under the player's feedback. There is always room for improvement and our team works dedicatedly for the game.


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Jul 9, 2021
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@Dark_Wolf it's best you explain using such kind of words? We always encourage healthy feedback from the players. We have explained several times about levels and also, the majority of the players themselves do not want more levels, level 55 is quite ok. About your statement that developers do not listen to players, I think it's an unfair statement. You have been in the game, and many things have changed under the player's feedback. There is always room for improvement and our team works dedicatedly for the game.
and thats why the phases are staying and true gameplay for high lvl people is locked behind a few hours like a chore.
because nobody has complained and countless suggestions are flooding the forum regarding the buildings update and general gameplay. Good thing pretty much everyone has voiced their concerns so all of them can sink together with the titanic at the very bottom.


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Dec 5, 2015
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@Dark_Wolf it's best you explain using such kind of words? We always encourage healthy feedback from the players. We have explained several times about levels and also, the majority of the players themselves do not want more levels, level 55 is quite ok. About your statement that developers do not listen to players, I think it's an unfair statement. You have been in the game, and many things have changed under the player's feedback. There is always room for improvement and our team works dedicatedly for the game.
Well yes, EU1 alliance are players too, their cries and wishes are always heard. Even if it turns the game unenjoyable pile of cr@p for anyone who is not holding a whole server. Basically rendering the whole gameplay mechanic of attacking towers useless.


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Oct 29, 2020
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Well yes, EU1 alliance are players too, their cries and wishes are always heard. Even if it turns the game unenjoyable pile of cr@p for anyone who is not holding a whole server. Basically rendering the whole gameplay mechanic of attacking towers useless.
Yes , before it was a bit more easier for everyone


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Jan 28, 2021
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@Dark_Wolf it's best you explain using such kind of words? We always encourage healthy feedback from the players. We have explained several times about levels and also, the majority of the players themselves do not want more levels, level 55 is quite ok. About your statement that developers do not listen to players, I think it's an unfair statement. You have been in the game, and many things have changed under the player's feedback. There is always room for improvement and our team works dedicatedly for the game.
you always say "the most people not want new levels" The most people who wants new levels, already left the game (so you did not ask them) because there is nothing left to do. And everytime those people asked for new levels, the respond is "it brings nothing to the game"

Well, it brings back players to the game^^ now they only leave...


Feb 11, 2014
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@Dark_Wolf it's best you explain using such kind of words? We always encourage healthy feedback from the players. We have explained several times about levels and also, the majority of the players themselves do not want more levels, level 55 is quite ok. About your statement that developers do not listen to players, I think it's an unfair statement. You have been in the game, and many things have changed under the player's feedback. There is always room for improvement and our team works dedicatedly for the game.
What you say is not true at all, a lot of players asked for new levels new maps new dino's to bring the game to a higher level your respons was it brings nothing to the game.

all these updates you have done have only made sure that there are less and less players, because absolutely nothing new has been added to the game, it is the old game from 10 years ago with a few small adjustments in how you earn fame and how you attack. absolutely nothing new (because it adds nothing to the game pppff) These updates have added nothing to the game it has only made sure that even more players have left.

And you say why do you use those words, I don't know what you mean by that (burying your head in the sand) is normal language to indicate that you are blind to what else is happening around you. and that is you. (rats ass) is normal use of language to indicate that you do not "give a fuck". But is did not say that did i know?

This game is now a 3 hour a day PVP game nothing more, healing is laughable and pathetic, you shoot 3 dino's and you need to heal for one hour and that is not the only problem with the game but you do not listen to that because you do not give a rats ass.


Feb 11, 2014
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Most people don't want more lvls(and mostly because of amount of exp needed for last lvls is now not to mention how boring quests are and highest you get per quest depends on lvl of it vs yours and some other factors) and they mentioned once and see no point in repeating that they cat easily rework maps to be more similar to old maps pre-big update when they made this linear which is in opinion a big mistake because ok them being one after another isn't something i mind as much but more open space like prior to that in maps themselves would be nice but alas wont happen we cant do anything about it.
So because it's to hard to level you do not want new levels, did you ever think about that they can change that instead of making the most boring pvp game on the internet, and you say the quests are boring and i totaly agree with you but whos's fault is that don't you think it is the fault of the devs because they do never listen to comments about that at all no matter what @orrire says that they do listen?? It is not true i play this game from 2013 already and a lot of pleople asked for better quests more quests, quests in maps for all levels. they did nothing with that totaly ingnored it. Do you know why nobody ask anymore? they all left the game because of the lack of content to the game.


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Jul 9, 2021
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a game that is out of touch with its playerbase might as well be a dead game and this applies to all games not only ds.
when you see constant forum posts regarding ideas, suggestions and whatever comes to mind really because the content people have offered in the forum is INSANE (in a good way) including myself.

Acting oblivious and making a big deal out of everything especially when people asked including myself for new dinos
and you go out and give the most laughable answers acting as if this is the only game that is an MMO is beyond crazy.

how long did it took to create anky? im really dying to know at this point.


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May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
The funny part is that we all are smacked with 'good job' or 'nice idea' sticker and then get compeletely ignored.


Feb 11, 2014
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Well yes, EU1 alliance are players too, their cries and wishes are always heard. Even if it turns the game unenjoyable pile of cr@p for anyone who is not holding a whole server. Basically rendering the whole gameplay mechanic of attacking towers useless.
Agree, this was always a game for all players now it's only a small boring pvp game every other game i got is making new content with amazingly beautifull maps in this game i can not even see my own hand it is that bad, these dev's (from spltscreen) only take content away with every update they bring out. And they keep saying noooo we listen to all players but they do not, 10 000 000 registrations only a 1000 people are still playing. these last updates changed nothing it was fun for the big clans for a few months because they could kill people again now it the same as it was no change in getting builds for small players and nobody plays anymore. but hey they think they are amazing dev's and do not even see that they killed the game. We got a full clan 80 people 2 people are still playing because all the others died of bordem.

Luka Patajac

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Mar 18, 2016
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So because it's to hard to level you do not want new levels, did you ever think about that they can change that instead of making the most boring pvp game on the internet, and you say the quests are boring and i totaly agree with you but whos's fault is that don't you think it is the fault of the devs because they do never listen to comments about that at all no matter what @orrire says that they do listen?? It is not true i play this game from 2013 already and a lot of pleople asked for better quests more quests, quests in maps for all levels. they did nothing with that totaly ingnored it. Do you know why nobody ask anymore? they all left the game because of the lack of content to the game.
We need complete rework of transport mission is one of example of quests not being done right all other missions can give you max exp as long as you do them(doesnt matter if you use vio) but transporters need to die if you use vio because certain someone made bandits in need of actually attacking them before you make them attack you in order to get max exp possible out of them.


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Jul 9, 2021
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Agree, this was always a game for all players now it's only a small boring pvp game every other game i got is making new content with amazingly beautifull maps in this game i can not even see my own hand it is that bad, these dev's (from spltscreen) only take content away with every update they bring out. And they keep saying noooo we listen to all players but they do not, 10 000 000 registrations only a 1000 people are still playing. these last updates changed nothing it was fun for the big clans for a few months because they could kill people again now it the same as it was no change in getting builds for small players and nobody plays anymore. but hey they think they are amazing dev's and do not even see that they killed the game. We got a full clan 80 people 2 people are still playing because all the others died of bordem.
Now that you mentioned about removed content it's crazy to think about how much stuff where removed throughout the years. In some way you could say we are devolving at this point.
For example paying some fame to send some guardians after an outlaw that killed you and in general roaming guardians that you could attack.
Or the actual good daily login rewards we had back then.
Promotional codes with some of the nicest and unique looking skins, I remember being so excited to redeem a code to get it.
Maps have become a giant snake with no versatile movement. Old maps where way better. Just braindeadly follow the path to reach your destination.
Healing and combat in general has become so slow. PvP ofc has to be slower than hunting but hunting speed is very slow


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Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
@Alewx And what is the reason for so much silence? Did you guys give up on the update? Will there be no more changes/adjustments?
Did the update achieve its intended objective?
Were the topics about the update closed and should players pretend to be satisfied?


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Jul 9, 2021
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@Alewx And what is the reason for so much silence? Did you guys give up on the update? Will there be no more changes/adjustments?
Did the update achieve its intended objective?
Were the topics about the update closed and should players pretend to be satisfied?
Did you see anybody complaining? It's perfect


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Sep 20, 2018
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fekete lovag
New maps-one aquatic and one aerial. new dinos- aquatic semi aquatic and aerials. Will the devs listen to this? This will IMPROVE the game quality and with the new maps and dinos people will be more attracted to play this game.


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May 8, 2022
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Fire Glob
Or if they're lazy they can just let us ride/unlock brontos, smilos and entleos. Their models are already in the game with animations.
Man Im so desperate for something new to come fr.


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Jul 9, 2021
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New maps-one aquatic and one aerial. new dinos- aquatic semi aquatic and aerials. Will the devs listen to this? This will IMPROVE the game quality and with the new maps and dinos people will be more attracted to play this game.
flying and swimming animations will take them 3 lives to complete. Even if we got them these types would need some sort of competition. what if you got an aquatic dino? who is it gonna fight alone in the water? there wont be any water to swim to anyway. semi aquatic would definitely work like a spino which is popular or a suchomimus which is also very strong and could bring some competion to the game because everyone is using rex and its getting boring out here.