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Idea to make war more fun

Jan 4, 2022
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Main Char
Shadow Entity
Right now it is very predictable. The attackers try to attack, manage to take nothing because everyone defending knows to be on and thus it seems imbalanced. Here is what I propose:

Make it so each day has 4 attack phases, each lasts an hour. Make 2 of these phases at fixed times, and the other 2 can happen at any time. Example:

Day 1: 17:00 CEST and 21:00 CEST are the fixed phases. We then have an attack phase at 9:00 CEST, and one at 12:00 CEST

Day 2: 17:00 CEST and 21:00 CEST are the fixed phases. We then have an attack phase at 7:00 CEST, and one at 10:00 CEST

Day 3: 17:00 CEST and 21:00 CEST are the fixed phases. We then have an attack phase at 11:00 CEST, and one at 14:00 CEST

This will make things more interesting for both attackers and defenders. Attackers will get an element of surprise, which means they can actually take buildings and gain fame. Defenders will still manage to hold gates most of the time, due to the fact that they are outnumbering the attackers/better strategists/whatever else. However, it will make it less "log on, kill the same 5 attackers at the same time for 20 minutes, wait till they log off"

In addition, such a schedule will promote people to be on more often. Attackers will hope for the opportunity to make sneak attacks, while defenders will want to be on for defending their gates.