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Idea for Adding a New Dinosaur to the Game: "Nigersaurus"


New member
Jul 16, 2024
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Overview: Introducing the Nigersaurus as a new playable or encounterable dinosaur in the game. This dinosaur combines a peaceful nature with the ability to defend itself effectively, offering a unique blend of offense and defense.

Description: Nigersaurus was a medium-sized herbivorous dinosaur, around 9 meters (30 feet) long, known for its wide, flat snout and over 500 teeth arranged in rows. Though primarily a grazer, the Nigersaurus is capable of defending itself when necessary, making it a versatile addition.


  1. "Tail Swipe" (Active):
    • Description: The Nigersaurus uses its long, muscular tail to deliver a powerful, sweeping attack. This move can knock back multiple enemies at once, dealing moderate damage and giving the Nigersaurus some space to retreat or reposition.
    • Impact: "Tail Swipe" is an excellent crowd-control ability, allowing the Nigersaurus to defend itself against groups of smaller predators or to create distance from larger threats. This offensive skill is essential for survival in more dangerous environments, offering a surprising level of self-defense for an otherwise peaceful dinosaur.
  2. "Nature's Shield" (Passive):
    • Description: The Nigersaurus’s calm and gentle presence has a soothing effect on the environment, reducing the aggression of nearby predators. This passive ability makes it less likely for enemies to initiate attacks, allowing the Nigersaurus to navigate dangerous areas with reduced risk.
    • Impact: This ability is ideal for exploration and resource collection without constant combat. It also adds a strategic layer, as the Nigersaurus can safely scout ahead or gather resources in hostile areas.
Why Nigersaurus? The Nigersaurus, with its combination of the "Tail Swipe" offensive ability and the "Nature's Shield" passive, offers a balanced playstyle. It provides a mix of defense and offense, making it an excellent choice for exploring and surviving in challenging environments without relying solely on aggression.