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Game Update September 20, 2022 (Balancing Tweaks)


Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Game Update September 20, 2022 (Balancing Tweaks)

Between 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM UTC+2, the game servers will restart for a game update to be deployed.

Balancing Tweaks · Weapons
  • Hammer
    • Increased base range: +27%
    • Increased base focus: +3%
    • "Rocket Launcher" has increased damage: 500% (up from 400%)
    • "Weak Spot Fire" has increased damage: 500% (up from 400%)
  • Burning Colt
    • Increased base range: +30%
    • Increased base focus: +2%
    • "Fire Burst" has increased damage: 600% (up from 380%)
    • "Fire Detonator" has increased damage: 600% (up from 380%); shorter cooldown: 27s (down from 30s)
  • Peacemaker
    • Decreased base range: -2%
    • Decreased base focus: -4%
    • "Canyon Ray" has longer cooldown: 27s (up from 15s)
  • Gatling
    • Increased base range: +13%
    • Increased base focus: +1%
    • "Curtain Fire" has increased damage: 433% (up from 390%); shorter cooldown: 22s (down from 28s)
    • "Pinpoint" has increased damage: 433% (up from 390%); shorter cooldown: 27s (down from 29s); longer effect duration: 11s (up from 9s)
  • Yager Rifle
    • Increased base range: +6%
    • Decreased base focus: -3%
    • "Burst Fire" has increased damage: 375% (up from 370%)
    • "Sneak Shot" has increased damage: 375% (up from 370%)
  • Showstopper
    • Increased base range: +42%
    • "Bean Bags" has increased damage: 400% (up from 350%); shorter cooldown: 28s (down from 31s)
    • "Power Shot" has increased damage: 400% (up from 350%); shorter cooldown: 17s (down from 22s); increased extra power damage: 700% (up from 500%)
Balancing Tweaks · Dinosaurs
  • Ankylosaurus
    • Increased base endurance: +25%
    • Increased base strength: +18%
    • "Ground Punch" has increased damage: 600% (up from 366%)
    • "Tail Smash Attack" has increased damage: 600% (up from 366%)
  • Brachiosaurus
    • Increased base endurance: +24%
    • Increased base strength: +21%
    • "Chest Attack" has increased damage: 700% (up from 325%); shorter cooldown: 29s (down from 48s)
    • "Ground Stomp" has increased damage: 700% (up from 325%); shorter cooldown: 31s (down from 42s); longer effect duration: 9s (up from 8s)
  • Carnotaurus
    • Increased base endurance: +3%
    • Increased base strength: +1%
  • Centrosaurus
    • Increased base endurance: +13%
    • Increased base strength: +13%
    • "Dash Attack" has increased damage: 525% (up from 300%); shorter cooldown: 27s (down from 33s)
    • "Shield Attack" has increased damage: 525% (up from 300%); shorter cooldown: 33s (down from 49s)
  • Coelophysis
    • Increased base strength: +4%
    • "Rapid Strikes" has shorter effect duration: 6s (down from 11s)
  • Pachycephalosaurus
    • Increased base strength: +7%
  • Parasaurolophus
    • Increased base endurance: +12%
    • Increased base strength: +10%
    • "Kick Attack" has shorter effect duration: 10s (down from 12s)
    • "Tail Whip Attack" has shorter effect duration: 10s (down from 14s)
  • Tyrannosaurus
    • Increased base endurance: +2%
Related Fixes
  • Fixed overpowered damage, vitality and strength attributes in customization items; a full set (hat, headgear, shirt, legwear, dino skin art, saddle) now provides 90% of the maximum output that a tech module or implant of the corresponding attribute provides.
Other Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Coelophysis was using its walking animation instead of its running animation in certain stages of its evolution.
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Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Update #2
  • The game's version number remains 444 because the above changes could be implemented through a resource update which does not require a new game version to be built. The update is live now, happy gaming!


Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Update #3
  • There was an error in the original changelog regarding the Yager weapon's base focus stat:
    • Correct (new): Decreased base focus: -3%
    • Incorrect (old): Increased base focus: +3%
  • There was an error in the original changelog regarding the Showstoppers Powershot skill cooldown with power:
    • Correct (new): 17 seconds cooldown
    • Incorrect (old): 15 seconds cooldown
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