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Game Update May 1, 2024 (Site Conflict Adjustments Redux)


Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Game Update May 1, 2024

Around 8:30 AM UTC+2, game servers will restart for a game update to be deployed.

We have decided to postpone the introduction of a system for influencing site conflicts depending on the number of sites held by a single clan. We will continue to work on this and keep you updated on our progress. For now, here are all the other optimizations and improvements that we had already prepared.

Site Conflict Adjustments Update Redux

Repair Rate Change
  • After having tested the setting on EU1, we now set the drain/repair ratio to 4:1 on all remaining servers:
    • Drain rate stays at -20.
    • Repair rate is reduced to +5.

Yield Upgrade Improvements

We developed a few new ideas to make Yield Upgrades more rewarding and exciting:
  • The Yield of a site can now be increased after each Conflict Phase, not just once a day. With five Conflict Phases in one day, the highest Yield level can be reached in the same day.
    • The small info panel in site windows showing the number of days held has been adjusted accordingly.
    • The increased number of Yield upgrades also increases the chance for Dinoville to put the site into maintenance.
  • When Dinoville takes over a site, a big reward bonus will be paid to the holding clan:
    • The rewards for the Yield level set at the time of a DV maintenance takeover will be added to the site inventory two times on top. In short: a triple Yield output!

Site Conflict and Usage
  • Vulnerable Travel Gates can now be used by anyone regardless of their PVP state.
  • Recently claimed Travel Gates can only be used by the clan that holds them and by players using PVP protection.
  • The site combat timeout (time of inactivity during an attack before the site switches back to being "vulnerable") was reduced to 6 minutes (previously 10 minutes).
  • The Cheap Travels power gel that reduces the cost for using Travel Gates will now reduce cost by 25% for each of the three gels (75% Dino Dollar savings maxed-out).

Recovery Option Improvements
  • Increased HP gained on instant recovery from 10% to 20% (40% with maxed-out Healthy Recovery power gel).
  • Increased HP gained on Travel Gate recovery from 25% to 35% (70% with maxed-out Healthy Recovery power gel).

Status Effect Changes

We changed the "Invulnerable" status effect again because we believe that its functionality has been partially misunderstood:
  • It is no longer possible to target players that have the Invulnerable status effect. Only after the effect has expired or the player ends it prematurely by performing a combat action that player can be targeted again.
  • To clarify the updated functionality, we are renaming the status effect to "Untouchable".
  • The duration of the status effect has been increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
  • The duration of the "Travel Sick" status effect has been increased as well, now running four times as long as the "Untouchable" effect it was triggered with (previously: two times as long).

Gold Ore Mining Improvements
  • The amount of Fame items that a single Chunk of Gold Ore can contain was doubled. This means that a single mining action is up to twice as worthwhile as before.
    • In return, the chunks' spawn rate was reduced to keep the same possible overall Fame output.
    • Also, the spawn chance for Gold-obsessed bandits was increased to 35%.

Other Changes
  • Removed a small collision hitch in the border of the portal path from Green Volcano to Mokon Woods.
  • Removed a small hill that could get in the way in Claim Aubrey's perimeter (Mokon Woods).
  • Fixed that when aggressive units are spawned through an interaction with a quest item or when mining Chunks of Gold Ore, their "point of interest" is now set to where the interaction took place.
    • Previously, those units would head towards their spawn location when they evaded during combat.
  • When Dinoville is claiming a site for the purpose of maintenance, the shield icon is now shown on the map instead of the check mark icon.
  • The number of held sites is now displayed in site windows next to the info panel that informs about the number of Conflict Phases a given site was held in a row by a clan.
  • Sites without an owner have 50% of the base hp (takeover in 8 min)