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Open PTR Initial Changelog

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Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Open PTR Initial Changelog

Key Changes · Site States and Operation

We are introducing a server-wide schedule that defines when Travel Gates and Claims (summarized as "sites") can and cannot be attacked, when they produce Fame items, and when these items can be taken out by the operating clan.

Dino Storm Endgame 3 Building Timed Phases & Gold Hunt.png
Schematic overview of the new schedule​

A few notable changes that come with the new mechanics:
  • Sites can now only be attacked when they are in their yellow "vulnerable" state, which is predetermined by the server-wide Conflict Phase schedule.
  • It no longer matters who is the first to attack a given site; the clan that drains a site's health the most gets to be the new owner if the attack succeeds.
    • If you fail to drain a site completely before the Conflict Phase ends, you cannot complete the takeover. The site will stay with its owner and is fully healed again.
  • Sites no longer need supplies to run. This also means that sites never go out of operation by themselves.
    • Supply Charges as an item will no longer have a function in the game after the Endgame 3 update goes live. Supply Charges that are still in the possession of players when the update goes live will be converted to something useful (to be announced later).
  • Yield still determines how many fame items a site produces, but it is no longer random: The operating clan can upgrade a site's Yield using Clan Dollars.
    • Yield can only be upgraded once per "protected" phase and site, which means a clan needs to defend a site through several "vulnerable" phases to reach the highest possible Yield. These are the available upgrades:
      1. Basic (25% Yield) · no upgrade needed, produces only very few items
      2. Good (100% Yield)
      3. Very good (200% Yield)
      4. Excellent (400% Yield)
  • Fame items can only be taken from a site when it is in the "protected" or "reclaimed" state. Items are no longer produced one after the other, but all at once, right at the beginning of a Conflict Phase when the site becomes "vulnerable".
    • This means that there will always be items ready to take out when you and your clan succeed in a takeover if the site was held by a clan before!

Site towers displaying old (left) and new (right) states

Site towers displaying old (left) and new (right) states​

New site states
  • Protected (blue) · safe from attacks
  • Vulnerable (yellow) · can be attacked
  • Attacked (red) · currently under attack
  • Reclaimed (green) · similar to protected, is used to signal a successful takeover during a running Conflict Phase

Map icons with old (left) and new (right) colors

Map icons with old (left) and new (right) colors​

New map icon colors

Similar to before, three different colors show who owns a site. But: The colors of the base icons no longer correspond to the site's state -- there is an additional icon overlay for that.

Base icons
  • Light green · site is not held by a clan/owned by dinoville (but still operating)
  • Salmon · site is held by another clan
  • Purple · site is held by own clan

Overlay icons

  • Yellow triangle · site is vulnerable
  • Red cross · site is under attack
  • Green check mark · site was recently (re)claimed

Key Changes · Site Combat

For Attackers
  • Stay within the site's perimeter to deplete its health. Complete the takeover before the "vulnerable" phase is over, or the takeover fails!
  • Once its health is down, the site goes to the clan that drained it the most (regardless from who attacked first).
  • If you attack a site that is not held by a clan, there will be no defenders. But you might battle against other clans that want to take over the site as well.
For Defenders
  • When your site is attacked, keep attackers out of the site's perimeter to keep its health from dropping. Staying within the perimeter yourself repairs site health.
  • The site goes back to the "vulnerable" state after not taking damage for 3 minutes straight.
For Clan Administrators
  • The game now tracks attack / defense / site conflict kill points, all of which are recorded only during site combat.
  • Three new achievement tracks under "Conflict" correspond to the recorded values.
  • The fame balance that had previously been recorded for all clan members is changed to a fame/activity balance.
    • Right Hands and Leaders can now distribute fame items based on activity records.
  • New Clan Dollar donation options have been added to the clan UI.
  • The two main phases "protected" and "vulnerable" and their remaining durations are displayed in both the map window and the minimap in PvP-enabled zones.
  • We removed the site info tasks that were automatically assigned to site suppliers in the past, since site ownership is no longer tied to individual rangers, but to clans.
  • Friendship status will not be taken into account when a conflict phase is active, so it allows to attack friends from another clan.

Other Changes
  • Adjusted the Travel Gate glow to be less dominant to not distract from gameplay.
  • The minimap is no longer semi-transparent to improve readability.
  • Increased stack size for fame items from 25 to 30.

Known Issues/Unfinished Elements
  • The UI for the Travel Gate and Claim windows is far from final in this version! For the public test, we modified the old UI to the point where it was usable.
  • The Long-Life Supplies Power Gel is still in the game in this version, but without any practical use.
  • Item production rates are not final yet and will get adjusted based on the conflict phases per day.
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Splitscreen Studios
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Clarified that sites will only hold items after a successful takeover if they were held by another clan before:
  • This means that there will always be items ready to take out when you and your clan succeed in a takeover if the site was held by a clan before!
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