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Dinoville gates are kinda worthless...


Active member
Mar 20, 2016
Reaction score
Main Char
Two Tired
The clan that "controls" MM is mostly inactive, with only one person usually online during conflict phases. When they’re offline, there’s no one to drain the gates released by Dinoville. dedded.png

My friend and I fight the entire server, and for us, draining Dinoville gates takes too much time and resources. The ally clans still defend those white gates, and the reward is minimal. Why drain a gate with a weak drain rate and low fame reward when you can target a clan with a stronger drain rate that offer a high fame reward? Plus, conflict phases are time-sensitive, so focusing on Dinoville gates would waste the whole phase. We'd have to fight active alliance members for those gates, with no buff and battling 2 vs. 20 takes a lot of time.

Alliance members can't drain those gates either, not just because the "holding" clan would complain if they logged on (which is rare). If an active clan from the alliance took those gates, their overall drain rate on all their gates would increase, leaving their more valuable gates vulnerable to a visit from a certain Spider and Fox :v.

As a result, these gates sit there... white... until a member of the clan that "controls" MM logs on to claim them, since this clan can take them without any resistance and doesn’t need to consider time during the conflict phase as a resource.

This gives the impression that the server is more inactive than it actually is.