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Dinosaur and Weapon Questions


New member
Oct 17, 2020
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Main Char
Alrighty so I am finally getting back into the game after like 4 or 5 years and in doing so have been trying to build a dino that is different from what a lot of people have done. However I'm finding this a big difficult, so my questions are:
How many seconds do the 2 Dino attacks take to cycle?
How many seconds do the 2 Weapon attacks take to cycle?
What is the base damage deal, health, and speed of each dinosaur?
What is the base damage deal and clock of each weapon?
Is there a specific percentage increase that each of the implants and weapons techs give per level when equipped?
If so, what is the percentage increase?
What is the base damage of each dinosaurs and weapons abilities?

Sorry for the excess questions, It's just stuff I've had on my mind and would love and answer if anyone has answers! Whether it's people who've gone through the time and effort to find out or if it's the game devs themselves.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Main Char
Alrighty so I am finally getting back into the game after like 4 or 5 years and in doing so have been trying to build a dino that is different from what a lot of people have done. However I'm finding this a big difficult, so my questions are:
How many seconds do the 2 Dino attacks take to cycle?
How many seconds do the 2 Weapon attacks take to cycle?
What is the base damage deal, health, and speed of each dinosaur?
What is the base damage deal and clock of each weapon?
Is there a specific percentage increase that each of the implants and weapons techs give per level when equipped?
If so, what is the percentage increase?
What is the base damage of each dinosaurs and weapons abilities?

Sorry for the excess questions, It's just stuff I've had on my mind and would love and answer if anyone has answers! Whether it's people who've gone through the time and effort to find out or if it's the game devs themselves.
Devs currently are working on big balancing update so you should ask it again after update. When update gonna be? It's hard to say, now are done only classes for dinos and guns and skills for dinos, currently devs work on gun skills so maybe this week we will get news about it, there will be left attributes to be balanced i think. As i see it this update might be done till christmas.

1 vitality=5 hp
4 strenght=1 dmg
4 dmg in far range=3 dmg
16 dmg in cloe range=3 dmg
55 level armor imps blocks about 25% of dmg, same thing with shield imp and def tech