I should stay offline when I'm tired. That was a terrible suggestion!
They should make player activity public... call it Game Stats (took this idea from another game):
Players active in the last day
Players active in the last hour
Active Characters...
I don't know how this would be calculated in Dino Storm since in the other game an active character is a char who hasn't idled out in five days. I guess if someone sits idle in Dinoville for over 24 hours, they'd be counted as an active character each hour until they're logged out, but who does that? So right now, (in the other game)...
So more than 50% of the active characters are idle, but that is a turn-based game, so you have to wait until you have enough action points to do things.
These stats update every hour, are public, and have been public since 2006... 8 years.
They should also publish
organized Clan stats/rankings. It could be similar to this:
Have a column for active members (played in last five days) and inactive members (haven't played in last five days)... and make an inactive member's name
italic or use strike out ( isn't enabled on this forum) to indicate inactivity.
Inactive clan members would be excluded in clan ratings.