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A good way to attract new players and keep old ones

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New member
Mar 1, 2013
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A few friends of mine saw ya'll on my facebook and asked me about the game. I tried to talk them into playing, but there were a lot of "but it doesn't"s that kind of turned them away. I know you're a fledgling game, but these few little add-ons would really really help improve your game and attract new players and maybe keep a few of the old ones who are kind of sick of the game right now.

PVP flags - The fact that I can click someone and click attack means that they can do it to me too. Allow people to flag themselves for PVP if they want to fight. attacking a flagged person would turn your own flag on to prevent griefing and you could also give a range so that a guy at level cap cant attack some new kid who accidentally flagged himself at level 3.

Teams - I'd like to get a group together and farm, but I cant make a team. So now I have to just hang out with people, but we cant share xp for a kill and may end up accidentally attacking one another. The ability to make a team of 4-6 players would really alleviate this and help me bring my friends up to my level.

Keymapping - I would like the ability to change some of the keys, to different places. I'd like to be able to move certain keys so that when I go to type something to someone but forget to tab out of the window I'm not popping open my inventory and my profile and quitting the game and all that.

Tab targeting - Targeting should be able to be done by button press. Too many people have laptops nowadays and you're killing them with click targeting (and attacking) when all they have is a pain in the butt track pad. It would also cut down on the number of accidental player clicks.

Jumping - I'd get stuck a lot less if I could jump over ankle high obstacles, plus I believe Dinosaurs could jump. Those bigger ones and the 4 leggers, give them a little horse-jumping esque leap.

Sprinting - your maps are big, and that's great, you're going to have a very big world if your game survives its first year. The problem is, even on my celeo it takes forever to walk to an objective even in dinoville.

Move objectives closer to the drop offs or mission givers - I hate having to walk across the entire map just to pick up three objects, then take it back across the map, and the repeat the process four or five times in non group missions.

Bigger Mission Item stacks - I've never actually met a Carnotaurus so I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure they could carry more than three emergency ration packs at a time.

More chat control - Local is fine, but honestly it can be a bit ridiculous from time to time. Local in this game is more of the zone chat in other games. Change that to zone and give us a true local that's only really effective to people in the immediate vicinity. I dont want to hear some guy across the map begging for a clan, that's obnoxious. Also give us a Friend chat channel so that we can talk to our friends without everyone hearing it.

The next couple are a bit more long term as they could require an overhaul of the systems in place. They're things you could shoot for as a goal though in the long run.

More customization options - Anyone who didn't see this coming is brand new to MMOs, I'd like to be able to customize my mount so that its a little bit more distinguishable from other Celeos out there. Maybe give us the option of different claws and teeth, eye colors, heck even gender (your Celeos are currently all male). Maybe certain "costume" pieces that you can only get from certain achievements or killing a certain enemy (or even from an achievement from killing a certain amount of an enemy).

More towns and zones - Dinoville is very rustic, its got an old west, south of the border feel to it that I love, but deserts get bland after a while. How about a snowy mountaintop, or a deep cave, or an ocean side village, maybe even a more metropolitan area like you could see in Dinotopia (Please don't steal from Dinotopia, but you could use them as a reference.)

More varied and random drops - The system you have now works, but that's about it. No matter how I arrange my implants and mods, there's only a finite combination and I will run across people with the same ideas that I have. Maybe take the weapons and instead of having those three be it, make them classes of weapons and have different weapons in each class with a different set. If you're feeling particularly fun and creating, have a few that are premium content like say a "West & Smithson Repeater" or something cool and fun. Armor for the cowboys and girls would be a good addition too, Not like huge suits that look ridiculous but leather armor, gloves, stuff like that.

Skills and Stat points - I have the same stats as everyone else with a Hammer lvl 5, that is boring. That means that if I go into a fight with a guy with the same set up, who ever has better luck or strikes first is going to be the winner. So why not have skill trees, something like Bandit, Hunter, Lawman etc. Stuff that can throw us into a different role like Tank, DPS, Buff/Debuff, Healer. Give us a skill point every level and maybe 2 every 10 levels, just something easy to get the hang of but mastering it will take time and patience. As an added incentive, you could give us 1 free respec at level cap and then make extra respecs premium content.

Quest chains and Story arcs - I'm not saying do away with the repeatables you have now, they're great for the stuff that players need to upgrade their toys and pets. Unique drops from the story arcs are always a plus.

A clan base or "Hideout" - Most of the games I play give you a base that your clan or guild or alliance or whatever can go and hangout and just talk to one another. This game offers a ridiculous amount of opportunity for "Roleplayers" (who are the most likely to buy premium content if it fits with the character they've created). These RPers are the biggest targets for griefers and giving them a place to go and do their thing would make them happy and buff your wallets. Make the hideouts customizable too, yes its a chore, but players will complain about it anyways until you do it, and you can make certain things premium. Players will pool their resources to buy a giant T-Rex statue for instance, even if it doesn't spit fire and roar.

More clan control - What I mean by this is ranks within a clan, make it so only certain ranks can invite players or access the clan bank or whatever. This cuts down on thefts and trolling and makes players have a reason to get on every day and spend time playing, they want those ranks. Also, clan descriptions, I don't speak Spanish, or Italian, and I'd like to find an English speaking clan but short of reading the name in english and taking a stab at it, I have no way of knowing if I'll be able to talk to all of my clan mates. Also, rename Clan to Posse, its much more cowboy.

World Bosses - I see one every time I log in but I have yet to find him and he's just one anyways. Why not have a giant Spinosaurus? A Plesiosaur on the beach? Something fun that could drop a unique piece of afformentioned gear or a new outfit that you can only get there, maybe a title and an achievement too?

Buildings that you can enter - maybe a chance for the cowboy to stretch his legs and get off his dino for a minute. Having a tavern you can enter and interact with other players or a store that you don't have to try and get around 4 carnos and a brachiosaurus to get to would really be nice and cut down on complaints.
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