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New Map & New Content Suggestion Thread

St. Coelo

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Dec 1, 2020
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St. Coelo
Clan Steel Romero Mex
[QUOTE = "snnrk, post: 51348, membro: 25103"]
Não quero defender ninguém aqui, mas uma coisa que você não pode dizer é que o DS é esquecido (em comparação com os outros). De longe, é o seu foco principal, qual foi a última mudança no PG? E as legiões de aço me impressionam por ainda ter servidores ativos. É uma equipe pequena para manter os 3 jogos online, não entendo o seu motivo de indignação porque também estou, também gostaria de mais agilidade e transparência nas atualizações e um contato mais frequente com a comunidade, mas apenas reclamando não ajuda em nada ... Não adianta reclamar aqui enquanto as pessoas estão recarregando ouro 22k todos os dias, ou seja, nada muda enquanto uma boa parte da comunidade não se importar com isso. Basta olhar para o fórum, mais de 8.000 membros e apenas cerca de 20 mostram sua voz com frequência.
Exatamente !!!
Se só nós reclamamos, não terá tanto efeito.
Somos como 1% de todos os jogadores que o DS tem.
Se os 99% não falam, os desenvolvedores vão pensar que é a minoria que anda insatisfeita.


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Jun 29, 2020
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- Cobra -
Asian Fighter
I think that quests all over dino storm should be updated.Quests should give xp,gold and some dino dollars like how it used to be before that after completing a quest the player would get a couple of dino dollars.Quests should give 5 gold each rather then 2 gold coins.
Transporters in transport quests should give additional xp and gold as they can take almost double the time so they should give double the reward
One more suggestion is that the old dino storm quests
When there is a quest that you don't want to do you can abort it and another quest would spawn in but would give less xp then the original one like 10% less xp


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Feb 5, 2021
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BlackOP YR-55
Asian fighters
I really love this map idea and everything about this. I hope this update will be out with the new balancing update as well!


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Feb 12, 2021
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Don Jairo
and if we copy this link about this forum and do bone spam between the 20 of us we paste this link into the balance forum, so I say the others who only enter the balance forum see that there are good ideas, and if we spam all dino storm forums until the forum accounts are bored or prohibited, but in total the ideas are very good


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Jul 5, 2021
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dommy mommy hungry milkies
I love using bandit and alphas to fight in pvp, after all it's the only way for a non-rex user to win in a 1v2 or 1v3 against similar level players. I believe that it is a skill to be able to see a dino and know which if it is an alpha or normal type after all there are clear details like slightly bigger size, longer claws or spikes. People who lack this skill always end up with alpha attacking them in war and then complaining.


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Jul 27, 2022
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- -Silent Killers- -
Nuevo mapa de mazmorras para eventos, DD Farming y nivel 60

  • Se accede a través de Mokon Woods y Maujak Mountains.
  • Mapa un poco más grande en comparación con otros mapas.
  • El mapa de la mazmorra contiene puertas de viaje y sitios de reclamo similares a los mapas comunes.
  • Los eventos aparecerán solos en este mapa. Entonces, los jugadores que intenten actualizar en el lugar de hacer eventos, tendrán un mejor lugar en los mapas comunes.
  • Tiene áreas de nivel 55-56-57-58-59 que generan mobs que dejan elementos de actualización al nivel 60.
  • Tiene áreas de nivel 25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60 que generan misiones y mobs relacionados con eventos, así como bandidos de mazmorras.
Dungeon bandits tiene;
  • 0.2% de probabilidad de dejar caer el Kit de Reparación
  • 1% de probabilidad de soltar el kit de caracteristicas
  • 2% de probabilidad de soltar el kit de tinte
  • 4% de probabilidad de soltar un botín valioso

Además, una vez al día, aparece un jefe y los jugadores que infligen una gran cantidad de daño al jefe serán recompensados con un botín de ropa aleatorio de 3 daños de calidad.
Los contenidos del evento se moverán al mapa de la mazmorra, por lo que los jugadores que se han centrado en la caza no se verán molestos por las turbas de eventos de spam como los bebés coels y los centros o los bandidos transportadores.
El mapa cubre lugares de eventos de nivel 25-60, por lo que el contenido de eventos de nivel inferior a 25 puede eliminarse o permanecer en GF & MW.
Los jugadores no necesitarán actualizar al nivel 65. Este mapa no se copiará como contenido pegado como CV y MM. (Actualizar 5 niveles es mejor que actualizar 10 niveles).

Kits de tintes, kits de reparación, kits de atributos y botines valiosos

  • Los kits de tinte dan la capacidad de cambiar el color de una tela, una piel o una silla triforjables. (Habrá todos los kits de colores principales, como rojo, azul, azul, blanco, negro, rosa, amarillo, etc. (que se pueden fabricar a través de Triforge))
  • Los kits de reparación funcionan de manera similar a los kits de tinte, pero con un propósito diferente. Este kit repara cualquier tela, montura o piel para obtener la bonificación diaria completa de fama.
  • Los kits de atributos cambiarán cualquiera de los atributos de su artículo portátil. (Todos los atributos existentes existirán como un kit de atributos separados).
  • No se requieren botines valiosos para actualizar, pero valen una buena cantidad de DD en el mercado.

Otros cambios
Puertas de viaje El costo de usar las puertas de viaje tiene nuevos valores (más constantes pero aún dinámicos) para los jugadores. (Usar puertas de viaje cuesta el mismo valor para cada campamento. No importa en qué mapa o la distancia de viaje, el costo será constante. Pero el costo cancelará cuando el jugador alcance un nivel más alto. Por ejemplo, el jugador de nivel 10 podrá usar cada puerta de viaje por 200 DD, pero el jugador de nivel 50 podrá usar cada puerta de viaje por 1500 DD).

Sistema de alianzas de clanes Este juego trata sobre política y se basa en las relaciones de clanes, por lo que es realmente necesario añadir "calidad de vida". Por ejemplo, los clanes podrán establecer algunos de los clanes existentes como "aliados" y esto hará que sus miembros no puedan drenar los sitios de los demás. Y los miembros del clan aliado podrían defender los sitios de los demás (pero un 50 % menos efectivos en comparación con los miembros del clan principal)

Modo de guerra de clanes Cuando hay guerras, las turbas en el mapa están causando problemas. Así que "War Mode" es una solución para ello. Cuando los clanes activen esta opción, sus miembros podrían cambiar al modo de guerra, lo que hace que no puedan interactuar con bandidos y dinosaurios. Para evitar que los miembros de bajo nivel usen este modo para visitar las puertas en busca de logros, solo los jugadores de nivel 50 y superiores podrían ingresar al "Modo de guerra".

Niveles de clan y ganancia Unirse a clanes debe tener mejores ganancias, como obtener algunos aumentos porcentuales para algunos atributos de sus miembros. Y un clan de mayor nivel significa aumentos porcentuales más altos.

Ropa ajustada / Gotas de piel La ropa saqueada se repite. (Las caídas de ropa de nivel 25 de los mobs son las mismas que las de nivel 50) Todos esos artículos deben cambiarse por otros.

Hunting Booster Gel Este gel mejoraría la motivación del jugador para la caza. Cuando este gel está activo, la probabilidad de botín del jugador aumenta un 20%. Cuando las 3 ranuras de gel están activas, aparece una tasa de caída aumentada del 60%.

Clan y Player Bio El líder del clan puede poner un clan bio limitado con 120 caracteres. (Reglas del clan o algunas notificaciones a los miembros). Además, los jugadores pueden poner un texto biográfico en sus propios perfiles con una cantidad limitada de caracteres.

Los últimos miembros del clan en línea pueden ver el último tiempo en línea de los demás. Además de jugadores en su propia lista de amigos. Los jugadores pueden desactivar esta opción como deseen.
me encuentro de acuerdo muy de acuerdo con lo del mapa y es una excelente idea sin embargo esto seria para un futuro muy lejano, por lo que propondría que la mazmorra sea como subterránea como una mina de oro más que los detalles del juego que utilizan maquinas para extraer oro; y de casualidad al ser subterránea me daría algo de casualidad añadir un dinosaurio que biológicamente hablando en ciencia fuera mas de estar en estos entornos o que sea un dinosaurio que nuevo que se consiga en esta zona


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Nov 9, 2020
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View attachment 39950View attachment 39949
New Dungeon Map for Events, DD Farming and Level 60

  • Accessed via Mokon Woods and Maujak Mountains.
  • Slightly bigger map compared to other maps.
  • The Dungeon Map contains travel gates and Claim Sites similar to common maps.
  • Events will appear only at this map. So players who are trying to upgrade instead of doing events, will have better spot on common maps.
  • It has level 55-56-57-58-59 areas spawns mobs which drops upgrading items to 60 level.
  • It has level 25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60 areas which spawns event related quests and mobs, as well as dungeon bandits.
Dungeon bandits has;
  • 0.2% chance of dropping Repair Kit
  • 1% chance of dropping Attribute Kit
  • 2% chance of dropping Dye Kit
  • 4% chance of dropping Valuable Loot

Also once everday, a boss spawns and players who deal high amount of damage to boss will be rewarded with a loot of quality random 3 damage clothes.
Event contents will be moved to dungeon map, so players which have focused to hunting will not be bothered by spamming event mobs like baby coels and centros or transporter bandits.
Map is covers 25-60 level event places so below 25 level event content may be removed or stay in GF & MW.
Players won't need to upgrade to 65 level. This map will not be copy pasted content like CV & MM. (Upgrading 5 level is better than upgrading 10 levels.)

Dye Kits, Repair Kits, Attribute Kits & Valuable Loots

  • Dye Kits gives ability to change color of a triforgeable cloth, skin or saddle. (There will be every major color kits such as red, blue, azure, white, black, pink, yellow and so on. (Which are craftable via Triforge))
  • Repair kits works similar to dye kits, but with different purpose. This kits repairs any cloth, saddle or skin to full daily fame bonus.
  • Attribute kits will change any of your wearable item's attribute. (All of the existing attributes will exist as seperate attribute kit.)
  • Valuable Loots are not required for upgrading, but it worth good amount of DD at market.

Other Changes
Travel Gates Using travel gates’ cost has new values (more constant but still dynamic) for players. (Using travel gates costs same value for every camp. It does not matter at which map or the travel distance, cost will be constant. But the cost will increase when the player reaches higher level. For instance; 10 level player will be able to use every travel gate for 200 DD but 50 level player will be able to use every travel gate for 1500 DD.)

Clan Alliance System This game is about politics and based on clan relationships, so it is really needed "quality of life" addition. For example clans will be able to set some of the existing clans as "ally" and it makes their members will not be able to drain each other's sites. And ally clan members should be able to defend each other's sites (But 50% less affective compared to main clan members)

Clan War Mode When there are wars, mobs on map are causing problems. So "War Mode" is a solution for it. When clans set this option active, their members should be able to change into war mode - which makes them not interactable with bandits and dinosaurs. To avoid from low level members use this mode to visit gates for achievements, only level 50 and above players should be able to get into "War Mode".

Clan Levels and Profits Joining clans must have better profits like getting some percentage boosts for some attributes for their members. And higher level clan means higher percentage boosts.

Adjusted Clothes/Skin Drops Looted clothes are repeating themselves. (level 25 clothes drops from mobs are same with level 50 clothes) All those items should be changed with another ones.

Hunting Booster Gel This gel would improve player motivation for hunting. When this gel is active, player's loot drop chance is 20% increased. When all 3 gel slots are active, it comes up with 60% boosted drop rate.

Clan and Player Bio Clan leader can put a clan bio limited with 120 characters. (Clan rules or some notifications to members.) Also players can put a bio text on their own profiles with a limited amount of characters.

Last Online Clan members can see each other's latest online time. As well as players in their own friend list. Players may turn off this option as they wish.
is a good idea but who's going to supply?

- Francesca -

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May 5, 2021
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- Francesca -
- Legends -
È una bella idea considerando lo sforzo che metti nei dettagli, infatti una nuova mappa e un nuovo livello possono adattarsi. visto che ho tutto il profilo a 55, le giornate dentro al gioco sono diventate un po' noiose quindi secondo me serve qualcosa di nuovo.. peccato che la conoscenza debba sempre andare agli sviluppatori che decideranno se mettere o meno questa idea


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Aug 6, 2016
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È una bella idea considerando lo sforzo che metti nei dettagli, infatti una nuova mappa e un nuovo livello possono adattarsi. visto che ho tutto il profilo a 55, le giornate dentro al gioco sono diventate un po' noiose quindi secondo me serve qualcosa di nuovo.. peccato che la conoscenza debba sempre andare agli sviluppatori che decideranno se mettere o meno questa idea
Non credo che integreranno intere cose che ho chiesto sopra. Ma ne aggiungeranno qualcuna, in parte. Ci sono già molte cose che gli sviluppatori hanno aggiunto al gioco e che sono state richieste dalla community. (Incluse alcune delle mie richieste in altri post)

- Francesca -

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May 5, 2021
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- Francesca -
- Legends -
in molti altri commenti ho visto che le persone chiedono anche nuovi dinosauri, ma penso che valga più tempo su cui lavorare che su una mappa o un livello

- Francesca -

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May 5, 2021
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- Francesca -
- Legends -
è comunque un nuovo livello e la mappa mi farebbe tornare a giocare fino a tarda notte come passatempo :ROFLMAO:


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Jul 5, 2021
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dommy mommy hungry milkies
Idea 1
A npc that lets you convert gemstones into upgrade materials of equivalent levels. The exchange rate would be based on the rarity.
1 Gemstone => 1 Common material.
2 Gemstones => 1 Uncommon material.
3 Gemstones => 1 Rare material.

Idea 2
Npcs that gives Dino dollars as his/her main reward. Said Npcs would be present in all 5 PvP maps for a range of lvl just like the Event npcs. The Npc % progress bar is reset at 08:00 server time.

Idea 3
Same idea as above but the reward is gold coin or achievement points. 1 Gold coin per quest and if you reach 100% progress from the npc you get an equivalent completion reward just as other npc in the region. This is to encourage people of higher lvl to not just farm in lower lvl for Gold coin. Getting 100% from the npc should require at least 500 to 600 minutes of play time doing the quest for lvl 55 scaled down as map region changes. I am sure the quest designers would do a better job than me at deciding the play times for 100% of each npc.


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Jul 5, 2021
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dommy mommy hungry milkies
Idea 4
Baby dino that collects drops for you after you defeat a monster. He could have a cute animation showing him carrying the item in his little paw or jaw. Reason to implement this idea is because farming is heavily restricted by time wasted to pick up items. At lvl 55 you can in theory make 210,000 Dino dollars per hour but in practice you only earn 140,000 per hour. This is because 30% of your time is wasted on collecting drops. It takes 0.3 seconds to collect 1 upgrade material. The baby dino's purpose is to collect the monster drop for the player while the player can keep hunting without having to stop.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Idea 4
Baby dino that collects drops for you after you defeat a monster. He could have a cute animation showing him carrying the item in his little paw or jaw. Reason to implement this idea is because farming is heavily restricted by time wasted to pick up items. At lvl 55 you can in theory make 210,000 Dino dollars per hour but in practice you only earn 140,000 per hour. This is because 30% of your time is wasted on collecting drops. It takes 0.3 seconds to collect 1 upgrade material. The baby dino's purpose is to collect the monster drop for the player while the player can keep hunting without having to stop.
What I do is killing mobs until my hp doesn't go down to 25%-33% and only then pick up items. This works if there are no issues about game crashes or internet connection loss, otherwise there is risk of losing those items.


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Aug 6, 2016
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Gamedevs pls im on my knees begging. Please add theese. Instead of a fame rework which still was needed but we need updates with a bigger impact @Highway
i wish one day

- IPNO -

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Nov 16, 2023
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- IPNO -
- Koi Warriors -
View attachment 39950View attachment 39949
New Dungeon Map for Events, DD Farming and Level 60

  • Accessed via Mokon Woods and Maujak Mountains.
  • Slightly bigger map compared to other maps.
  • The Dungeon Map contains travel gates and Claim Sites similar to common maps.
  • Events will appear only at this map. So players who are trying to upgrade instead of doing events, will have better spot on common maps.
  • It has level 55-56-57-58-59 areas spawns mobs which drops upgrading items to 60 level.
  • It has level 25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60 areas which spawns event related quests and mobs, as well as dungeon bandits.
Dungeon bandits has;
  • 0.2% chance of dropping Repair Kit
  • 1% chance of dropping Attribute Kit
  • 2% chance of dropping Dye Kit
  • 4% chance of dropping Valuable Loot

Also once everday, a boss spawns and players who deal high amount of damage to boss will be rewarded with a loot of quality random 3 damage clothes.
Event contents will be moved to dungeon map, so players which have focused to hunting will not be bothered by spamming event mobs like baby coels and centros or transporter bandits.
Map is covers 25-60 level event places so below 25 level event content may be removed or stay in GF & MW.
Players won't need to upgrade to 65 level. This map will not be copy pasted content like CV & MM. (Upgrading 5 level is better than upgrading 10 levels.)

Dye Kits, Repair Kits, Attribute Kits & Valuable Loots

  • Dye Kits gives ability to change color of a triforgeable cloth, skin or saddle. (There will be every major color kits such as red, blue, azure, white, black, pink, yellow and so on. (Which are craftable via Triforge))
  • Repair kits works similar to dye kits, but with different purpose. This kits repairs any cloth, saddle or skin to full daily fame bonus.
  • Attribute kits will change any of your wearable item's attribute. (All of the existing attributes will exist as seperate attribute kit.)
  • Valuable Loots are not required for upgrading, but it worth good amount of DD at market.

Other Changes
Travel Gates Using travel gates’ cost has new values (more constant but still dynamic) for players. (Using travel gates costs same value for every camp. It does not matter at which map or the travel distance, cost will be constant. But the cost will increase when the player reaches higher level. For instance; 10 level player will be able to use every travel gate for 200 DD but 50 level player will be able to use every travel gate for 1500 DD.)

Clan Alliance System This game is about politics and based on clan relationships, so it is really needed "quality of life" addition. For example clans will be able to set some of the existing clans as "ally" and it makes their members will not be able to drain each other's sites. And ally clan members should be able to defend each other's sites (But 50% less affective compared to main clan members)

Clan War Mode When there are wars, mobs on map are causing problems. So "War Mode" is a solution for it. When clans set this option active, their members should be able to change into war mode - which makes them not interactable with bandits and dinosaurs. To avoid from low level members use this mode to visit gates for achievements, only level 50 and above players should be able to get into "War Mode".

Clan Levels and Profits Joining clans must have better profits like getting some percentage boosts for some attributes for their members. And higher level clan means higher percentage boosts.

Adjusted Clothes/Skin Drops Looted clothes are repeating themselves. (level 25 clothes drops from mobs are same with level 50 clothes) All those items should be changed with another ones.

Hunting Booster Gel This gel would improve player motivation for hunting. When this gel is active, player's loot drop chance is 20% increased. When all 3 gel slots are active, it comes up with 60% boosted drop rate.

Clan and Player Bio Clan leader can put a clan bio limited with 120 characters. (Clan rules or some notifications to members.) Also players can put a bio text on their own profiles with a limited amount of characters.

Last Online Clan members can see each other's latest online time. As well as players in their own friend list. Players may turn off this option as they wish.
Good work dude, u give details what i think are important one. Congrats!!

- undefined44 -

-|-O R O C H I 4 4-|-
Feb 6, 2021
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-|-O R O C H I 4 4-|-
North Spectrum
@orrire please convey all the excelent ideas on this thread to the dev team, this would high key make Dino Storm a top tier MMO RPG along with one of the most innovative.