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Imbalance of Levels in Position Capture in Dino Storm: Proposed Restrictions for an Equitable Gaming Experience

Storm Master

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Mar 21, 2024
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In the Dino Storm game, there is a major problem related to the gap between players of different levels. Players must reach level 55 on both their dinosaurs and their weapons and accessories to fully participate in the game's activities. However, the process to reach this maximum level is long and requires collecting a large amount of FAME to win the elections and thus rise in rank, which is earned by playing and logging in regularly and/or capturing recovery positions. One of the main activities in the game is capturing salvage stations scattered around the map to collect valuable items that can be sold for FAME. The problem arises when higher level players capture all available locations on the map, leaving lower level players unable to fully enjoy this part of the game. Low-level players are quickly eliminated if they attempt to capture a position due to the overwhelming superiority of higher-level players, creating a frustrating and unbalanced experience for novice players.

Proposed solution:
To address this problem and promote a fairer and more balanced gaming environment, it is proposed to implement a system of separating the map by level zones, as it currently exists. Each area of the map would be designated for players within a specific range of levels, for example:

Green Volcano, a player from 25 to 29 will be able to capture certain recovery posts that are in their level range, and then they can enter a duel state, but with players who are also close to their level but not higher than level 30, Likewise, those who are higher than that level will not be able to capture the lower-ranking POSITIONS nor will they enter into a duel with the lower-ranking player who is capturing the position. The level 30 player will have to capture recovery positions that are in his level range, for example from 30 to 35... and so on.

It is as the recovery stations currently are, but implementing this restriction of the levels to capture them.
thus allowing players of similar levels to interact with each other more equitably. Within each zone, players would only be able to participate in activities such as capturing posts and engaging in duels with other players within the same level range. Additionally, restrictions would be imposed that would prevent higher level players from interfering or disturbing lower level players in these designated areas. This measure would ensure that novice players have the opportunity to explore and participate in activities without the fear of being overpowered by more experienced players. At the same time, higher level players would still have areas where they can challenge other players of their level, promoting a more satisfying and balanced gaming experience for all players.


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May 8, 2022
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In the Dino Storm game, there is a major problem related to the gap between players of different levels. Players must reach level 55 on both their dinosaurs and their weapons and accessories to fully participate in the game's activities. However, the process to reach this maximum level is long and requires collecting a large amount of FAME to win the elections and thus rise in rank, which is earned by playing and logging in regularly and/or capturing recovery positions. One of the main activities in the game is capturing salvage stations scattered around the map to collect valuable items that can be sold for FAME. The problem arises when higher level players capture all available locations on the map, leaving lower level players unable to fully enjoy this part of the game. Low-level players are quickly eliminated if they attempt to capture a position due to the overwhelming superiority of higher-level players, creating a frustrating and unbalanced experience for novice players.

Proposed solution:
To address this problem and promote a fairer and more balanced gaming environment, it is proposed to implement a system of separating the map by level zones, as it currently exists. Each area of the map would be designated for players within a specific range of levels, for example:

Green Volcano, a player from 25 to 29 will be able to capture certain recovery posts that are in their level range, and then they can enter a duel state, but with players who are also close to their level but not higher than level 30, Likewise, those who are higher than that level will not be able to capture the lower-ranking POSITIONS nor will they enter into a duel with the lower-ranking player who is capturing the position. The level 30 player will have to capture recovery positions that are in his level range, for example from 30 to 35... and so on.

It is as the recovery stations currently are, but implementing this restriction of the levels to capture them.
thus allowing players of similar levels to interact with each other more equitably. Within each zone, players would only be able to participate in activities such as capturing posts and engaging in duels with other players within the same level range. Additionally, restrictions would be imposed that would prevent higher level players from interfering or disturbing lower level players in these designated areas. This measure would ensure that novice players have the opportunity to explore and participate in activities without the fear of being overpowered by more experienced players. At the same time, higher level players would still have areas where they can challenge other players of their level, promoting a more satisfying and balanced gaming experience for all players.
the idea overal is good, but it will never work out in live servers, where 90% of the community is already high lvl :p


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May 8, 2022
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I'd rather just change the possibility of attacking max 5 lvls below or above players so like that 55lvl cant attack 20 or 30 lvls BUT for this to come whole gates draining mode would have to be changed since 55 lvl cant attack 20 or 30 lvl so he cant protect it. The solution for that would be - succesfully blocking any attack on buildings from players that are more than 5lvl above the defender. So like that we will get rid of high lvl players bullying lower ones and multi acc problem - since currently when there are wars on the servers people use low lvls multis to drain many camps at the same time.


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May 8, 2022
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oh i wrote a mistake it should be ' buildings from players that are more that 5 lvl BELOW'


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Nov 30, 2021
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No Clan
I'd rather just change the possibility of attacking max 5 lvls below or above players so like that 55lvl cant attack 20 or 30 lvls BUT for this to come whole gates draining mode would have to be changed since 55 lvl cant attack 20 or 30 lvl so he cant protect it. The solution for that would be - succesfully blocking any attack on buildings from players that are more than 5lvl above the defender. So like that we will get rid of high lvl players bullying lower ones and multi acc problem - since currently when there are wars on the servers people use low lvls multis to drain many camps at the same time.
Nah, High level players should be able to kill low level players with a maximum of 3 shots, just like it was in 2013/2014. 🤣🤣


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May 8, 2022
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Nah, High level players should be able to kill low level players with a maximum of 3 shots, just like it was in 2013/2014. 🤣🤣
hell na, bullying low lvls is common for servers with the highest activity, something about it needs to be finally done


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Oct 25, 2018
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_MaD BullS_
En el juego Dino Storm, existe un problema importante relacionado con la brecha entre jugadores de diferentes niveles. Los jugadores deben alcanzar el nivel 55 tanto en sus dinosaurios como en sus armas y accesorios para participar plenamente en las actividades del juego. Sin embargo, el proceso para alcanzar este nivel máximo es largo y requiere recolectar una gran cantidad de FAMA para ganar las elecciones y así subir de rango, la cual se gana jugando e iniciando sesión regularmente y/o capturando posiciones de recuperación. Una de las principales actividades del juego es capturar estaciones de salvamento repartidas por el mapa para recolectar objetos valiosos que pueden venderse por FAMA. El problema surge cuando los jugadores de nivel superior capturan todas las ubicaciones disponibles en el mapa, lo que deja a los jugadores de nivel inferior sin poder disfrutar plenamente de esta parte del juego. Los jugadores de bajo nivel son rápidamente eliminados si intentan capturar una posición debido a la abrumadora superioridad de los jugadores de mayor nivel, lo que crea una experiencia frustrante y desequilibrada para los jugadores novatos.

Solución propuesta:
Para abordar este problema y promover un entorno de juego más justo y equilibrado, se propone implementar un sistema de separación del mapa por zonas de niveles, tal como existe actualmente. Cada área del mapa estaría designada para jugadores dentro de un rango específico de niveles, por ejemplo:

Volcán Verde, un jugador del 25 al 29 podrá capturar ciertos puestos de recuperación que estén en su rango de nivel, y luego podrá entrar en estado de duelo, pero con jugadores que también estén cerca de su nivel pero no superiores al nivel 30, Asimismo, aquellos que sean superiores a ese nivel no podrán capturar los POSICIONES de menor rango ni entrarán en duelo con el jugador de menor rango que esté capturando la posición. El jugador de nivel 30 tendrá que capturar posiciones de recuperación que estén en su rango de nivel, por ejemplo del 30 al 35… y así sucesivamente.

Es como son las estaciones de recuperación actualmente, pero implementando esta restricción de los niveles para capturarlas.
permitiendo así que jugadores de niveles similares interactúen entre sí de manera más equitativa. Dentro de cada zona, los jugadores solo podrán participar en actividades como capturar publicaciones y participar en duelos con otros jugadores dentro del mismo rango de nivel. Además, se impondrían restricciones que evitarían que los jugadores de nivel superior interfieran o molesten a los jugadores de nivel inferior en estas áreas designadas. Esta medida garantizaría que los jugadores novatos tengan la oportunidad de explorar y participar en actividades sin temor a ser dominados por jugadores más experimentados. Al mismo tiempo, los jugadores de niveles superiores seguirán teniendo áreas donde podrán desafiar a otros jugadores de su nivel, promoviendo una experiencia de juego más satisfactoria y equilibrada para todos los jugadores.
[/CITA]eso es una idea totalmente absurda porque no habria ciencia para q suban los jugadores de bajo nivel sino nomas quedar low y ganar sherifft y no estaria bien la ciencia del juego es el esfuerzo,dedicacion y la grandesa ademas los años de esfuerzo q tenemos los high lvl quedaria en el piso si hicieron algo como eso